CPUC Priority Areas Map is Available
for the Federal Funding Account
Important News! The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) published the Priority Areas Public Map, an important step in the Federal Funding Account grant process. The Priority Areas Public Map shows the location of and data about potential last mile broadband infrastructure grant projects. This interactive map and related resources can be found on the Federal Funding Priority Areas webpage. We will provide additional information on applying for last mile grants later this spring.

Public comments can be made directly to the map by clicking on an area, then clicking on the "Add Comment" button, and filling out and submitting the feedback form.

Background. The CPUC created the “priority areas” shown on the public map to ensure the equitable distribution of last mile investments funded by the Last Mile Federal Funding Account. This $2 billion grant program for last mile broadband infrastructure projects was created by the CPUC with funding from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, in accordance with Senate Bill 156.

Entities interested in applying can reference Decision 22-04-055 and Appendix A, which sets the Federal Funding Account rules and guidelines. The priority areas were designed to support sustainable business models for grant applicants. Applicants can add or subtract from the areas in their applications.

Resources. The map makes it possible to (1) identify your priority areas, (2) download useful data to begin your evaluation, and (3) facilitate the development of Federal Funding Account grant proposals. There are a number of resources to help you use the Priority Areas Public Map on our web page including a Fact Sheet, FAQs, Map User Guide and Video. The priority areas are a subset of all the unserved areas in California.

Reach Out. Please visit our webpages to learn more and reach out with any questions to

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