Volume 6, Issue 12 (December 20, 2024) | |
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I hope this newsletter finds you enjoying time with friends and family during the holiday season. December's newsletter includes recent legislative updates, news from my office, district happenings, and resources available at the state level.
We prioritize our constituent outreach and support in my office. In January, I will host four in-person office hours with me or a member of my staff. If you cannot attend scheduled office hours, you are welcome to contact my staff to schedule a meeting. Please see below for our office’s updated contact information.
State Representative Joan Meschino
State House, Room 162, 24 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02133
Updated phone number: 617-722-2092
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season with loved ones!
Very truly yours,
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Rep. Meschino Celebrates Wins in the 193rd Legislative Session | |
As I reflect on the 193rd legislative session, I am proud of the accomplishments my office has achieved for the 3rd Plymouth District. We passed home rule petitions for each town in my district: Cohasset, Hingham, and Hull. Several of my bills were passed or adopted by the Healey administration, including: H.3774, An Act creating a climate bank in Massachusetts; H.1354, An Act to create and implement a Massachusetts flexible supportive housing subsidy pool program; and H.669, An Act supporting parents running for public office.
Several of my bills also received favorable reports this session, including: H.4631, An Act to modernize funding for community media programming; H.861, An Act relative to maintaining adequate water supplies through effective drought management; H.705, An Act relative to youth voter engagement; H.2892, An Act relative to condominiums; and H.1922, An Act relative to non-fault unemployment insurance overpayments. I am excited to refile many of these bills in the 194th Legislative Session.
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Governor Healey Honors Gold Star Families | |
The annual Gold Star Families Tree Dedication, which honors those service members who made the ultimate sacrifice and the family members who carry on their legacy, took place in early December. The tree, located in Memorial Hall in the State House for the month of December, includes wallet-sized photos placed by Families of the Fallen. Thank you Military Friends for the work you do to remember those who are no longer with us and support and uplift those who are. | |
Presentation of the colors at the Gold Star Families Tree event | |
Representatives Welcome Ambassador Byrne Nason to State House | This month, I was part of a team of legislators who met with Geraldine Byrne Nason, Irish Ambassador to the United States, at the State House. Ambassador Byrne Nason has been a remarkable representative of Ireland, fostering strong ties between our nations and communities. Her visit presented a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue about Irish-American relations, economic connections, and cultural exchange. I look forward to continuing this great partnership. | |
Rep. Meschino with Ambassador Byrne Nason and state officials | |
Outgoing Representatives Deliver Farewell Addresses | At the end of each legislative session, Representatives who will not be returning the following session are given the opportunity to address the House of Representatives a final time. Representatives delivered their speeches on Monday, December 16th and spoke about their favorite memories, remembered their legislative accomplishments, and reflected on their time in the House. This year, we also said goodbye to House Clerk Steven James, who is retiring after 60 years of service in the House of Representatives. I want to wish all the exiting Representatives and Clerk James all the best in their next steps. | |
Rep. Meschino with House Clerk Steven James | |
Cohasset and Hingham Receive Recycling Grants | |
Cohasset and Hingham won $9,000 and $11,000 respectively from the Sustainable Materials Recovery Program through the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. The grants support local recycling, composting, reuse, source reduction, program development, and enforcement activities that increase diversion and reduce disposal. | |
Hull Public Schools Wins Creative Projects for Schools Grant | |
Hull Public Schools received $5,000 through the Massachusetts Cultural Council's Creative Projects for Schools grant program. The grant will go toward school-based projects that fosters creative learning experiences for K-12 students operated by or in partnership with Lillian M. Jacobs School. | |
MBTA Announces Holiday Ferry Schedule | |
There will be several changes in the ferry schedule due to the December holidays. Visit the MBTA website for more information.
- Christmas Eve: Regular weekday service, with a few changes. There will be extra departures from Rowe's Wharf at 12:20 PM and 2:30 PM and from Hingham at 1:15 PM & 3:15 PM. The 7:30 PM & 8:30 PM trips from Rowe's Wharf and the 6:40 PM & 7:40 PM trips from Hingham will not be operating.
- Christmas Day: No service
- New Year’s Eve: Regular weekday service
- New Year’s Day: No service
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Harbor Media's Julie Thompson Interviews Rep. Meschino | |
In late November, I sat down with Julie Thompson on Harbor Media’s new show, “You The People,” for a quarterly update. We discussed recent and upcoming district events and my legislative accomplishments from this year. We also discussed updates on legislation and policy around ferries, veteran mental health awareness, and funding for community media centers. You can view the full segment on Harbor Media’s website or on Harbor Media's hyperlocal television channels, Comcast HD 1072, and Verizon 2131. | |
Rep. Meschino with Harbor Media's Julie Thompson | |
Rep. Meschino Gives End of Year Review on WATD 95.9 FM | |
This month, I spoke with Christine James on WATD 95.9 FM and went over my legislative year in review. You can listen on WATD's website. | |
Rep. Meschino at the WATD studio | |
Rep. Meschino Speaks at UMass Lowell COP29 Panel | |
On December 2nd, I participated in a panel alongside the UMass Lowell COP29 Student Delegation. The event, aimed at connecting global and local climate initiatives, took place on the UMass Lowell campus and was moderated by Professor Juliette Rooney-Varga. I was impressed by the thoughtfulness and insights from the student delegation. Thank you for having me for this important conversation.
As I said in the panel: “Fundamentally, you need to remember three big ideas when talking about climate change. First, climate change impacts each one of us. It is imperative to remember the human toll of climate change, whether that be sea level rise, increasingly frequent and intense weather events, or impacts on human health. Second, the solution is economic. We should be looking to policies that are both environmentally and fiscally sound to address climate change. And third, Massachusetts's targets are meant to be ambitious; while it won’t be easy, if we can achieve the goals set out in the 2050 Roadmap, our state will be healthier, safer, and stronger.”
You can read more about my visit to UMass Lowell here.
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Rep. Meschino with the UMass Lowell COP29 Student Delegation | |
Rep. Meschino Announces Office Hours for January
Constituent services are our top priority. We continue to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, a staff member will be present in the State House. On Mondays, I host in-person office hours in the district with me or a member of my staff.
If you would like to reserve a time slot for virtual office hours or outside of the times listed, please call the office at our new phone number 617-722-2092 or email my Legislative Aides, Jane and Harrison.
- Monday, January 6, 10:00am - 11:00am, Linden Ponds, for Linden Ponds residents
- Monday, January 13, 9:00 am - 10:30 am, Willcutt Commons, 91 Sohier Street, Cohasset
- Monday, January 27, 10:00am - 11:00am, Hull Council on Aging, 197A Samoset Avenue, Hull
- Monday, January 27, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Hingham Public Library, 66 Leavitt Street, Hingham
To learn more about our constituent services, please visit our website.
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General Resources
COVID-19 Vaccines
- Schedule a COVID-19 Vaccination appointment using the Vaccine Finder
- COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Line (Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-6:00 PM; Saturday-Sunday, 9 AM-2 PM) is available by calling 2-1-1 and following the prompts for assistance / translation services.
Homebound Vaccination Program information
- COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard
MyVaxRecords.Mass.Gov allows residents to access their COVID-19 digital vaccine card and vaccination history
COVID-19 Tests, Cases & Treatment
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