MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024

Two-week project outlook

Monday, July 1 through Wednesday, July 3

  • Water main installation on Fifth Street (Fourth to Grove), and Grove Street (Fourth to Lincoln).
  • Parking restrictions: No parking on Fifth Street from Fourth to Grove. No parking on Grove Street from Fourth to Lincoln.

Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5

  • No work.

Monday, July 8 through Friday, July 12

  • Drainage installation on Fifth Street, including work in the Chestnut Street intersection.
  • Parking restrictions: No parking on Fifth Street from Chestnut to Grove.
  • Traffic restrictions: The work on Chestnut Street will require either a detour or a single lane of alternating traffic. More information will included in the next update.

Please note, the above schedule is subject to change due to weather and other conditions.

Unitil installing gas main on Grove Street

Unitil contractors are installing a new gas main on Grove Street between Fifth and Sixth streets, with work estimated to continue through Friday, July 12. The contractors will have flaggers to help manage traffic. The work is separate from the city's reconstruction project.

Please return 'Permission to Enter' forms

The city still needs Permission to Enter forms from a few property owners. Permission to Enter temporarily allows the contractor to be on private property to perform project work, such as constructing sidewalks.

Please return the forms to the City of Dover as soon as possible. Questions? Contact Assistant City Engineer Jillian Semprini at or 603-516-6450.

More information

Find more information about the project at the dedicated project webpage or call Community Services at 603-516-6450.

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