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Friday Newsletter

January 6, 2023

This Sunday

Bulletin available here.

Single Service: Communion

10 AM

Extended nursery care available.

No Sunday School.

Bon Voyage Party for Jean Severson

11 AM

Come help celebrate Jean with a Tex-Mex Bar, cake and fun. Cards and gifts welcome!

Youth Groups resume!


  • Come help UN-decorate the halls on Saturday, 1/7, at 10 am. Many hands needed!

  • Women's Night Out is Monday, January 9, at 6 pm at Gilgamesh Brew Pub (2065 Madrona Ave SE). Please RSVP to Sue Ray at 503-319-0511 or

  • If you still have a Christmas tree on your hands, you just have time to recycle with the Scouts:

  • Rides to Church: if you would like a ride or are able to provide transportation on Sunday morning, please contact Bobbie Clyde, 503-364-1301 or A neighbor or a fellow care group member would appreciate your help! 

  • Listening Sessions for feedback on the new single service begin after the service on January 15. Drop by the table during coffee hour to share your thoughts. A helpful prompt--"What was meaningful in today's service?" Cards for written feedback will also be available.

  • Men's Night Out: January 17, 6 pm at the Ram.

  • Register today for Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit 2023: February 5, 1:30-5:30

Join other people of faith in your region who care about the environment and climate

justice for this hybrid event: “Care for Our Common Home: Building Neighborhoods for

Climate Resilience.” Several members of Westminster are helping prepare for the local

portion of this event; if you would like to help, contact Deanie Anderson.


Appreciation to Martha and her son, Joel, for generously providing a beautiful Happy New Year cake for the January 1st coffee hour. The remaining cake was shared with Union Gospel Mission.

Salem For Refugees signs a lease for Winola House! It will serve as short-term housing for families just arriving in Salem. SFR will begin moving in on January 16, and they expect a family there before the end of the month! Watch for cultural information from the SFR team about how we may best welcome the family to their new life.

A huge thank you to Ted, Lynnea, and the whole team under Lynnea's and Ted's leadership who pulled together and worked hard to make the home habitable and able to bless those in extreme need!


  • 2023 Offering Envelopes are available in the church narthex for pick-up on Sundays or during church office hours.

  • Outreach Committee Update: Our mission is to connect and encourage members and friends to be actively involved sharing the love of God in our church and community. We have been tasked with the job of updating the narthex area of our church. Our first walk-throughs were held on 12/7 and 1/4. We look forward to the opportunity to enhance the bulletin boards, messaging center, and other wall spaces to make the space warmer for members, friends and visitors. Stay tuned for exciting updates! While updates are being made, please contact Katie Nelson (503-580-5631) or any member of the committee if you want to add to, move, or change any existing furniture or wall space within the narthex.

-The Outreach Committee: Katie Nelson, chair; Pam Garland, LeAnn Goodenberger,

Marjorie Mattson, and Linda Miller

  • The church's alarm system was recently upgraded. The code to the key box outside remains the same, but without the new alarm code, you could trip the alarm and not be able to disarm. Please contact a member of staff or session if you need access to the building.

Pray for

  • Keith Chrisman and family at the passing of Elizabeth last week.
  • Bev Silveira and family at the passing of Ben yesterday.


Christmas is over but you can give gifts from the Presbyterian Giving Catalog all year long--for any occasion. Perfect for the person who has it all or for those who have resolved to downsize this year! Simply visit the website here:

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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