Comprehensive Training for Effective Ministry

Greetings Ministry Partners,

Gilbert and Lea Montes planted a church in Carmen, Bohol during the pandemic and they just celebrated their first church anniversary in October. The first picture above shows Gilbert baptizing seven believers two months ago. The second picture shows the unfinished church building which they are using for their worship services and discipleship training. Like many other new church plants in the Philippines, the people are content to meet in shelters that are just enough to keep them out of the sun and rain until they can save enough money to add the walls, ceiling, and perhaps a concrete floor. Please pray that these believers will continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We held the second Teachers’ Conference this year on November 12th with about 63 participants. During the conference, Dr. David Nelson taught the seminar called Resolving Conflict in a Godly Way. It was very well received and some of the participants said that they will teach this seminar in their churches.

In the afternoon, Pastor Steve Guianan gave an excellent orientation on the process of being an auxiliary chaplain in the Philippines. More than 20 people were present at the orientation. He explained that being a member of a Chaplaincy Organization would give the pastors credibility, training and structure. This membership may help but does not guarantee gaining access into government offices because that would depend on the goodwill of the government officials involved.

We appreciate your prayers and support.

Henry Ventura
CCI Philippines National Director
Click here to help support Henry


“My takeaway for today's seminar is that: Our tongue can cause conflicts in different forms of relationships. Our tongues must speak those that are godly things rather than gossip. We also need the tongue of a spiritual leader, to guide us in resolving conflict. It helps us see the brighter side of the situation. It is also with the use of our tongue that we talk to God in prayer, talk with the attacker in a calm manner and meet in between so we resolve conflicts.”

Resolving Conflict in a Godly Way attendee

Prayer Requests & Praises

     Please pray for wisdom as we plan the activities that we need to focus on next year.

     Please pray that the Lord would provide the resources necessary for our operations in the coming year.

     Please pray that the Lord will call more Coordinators who will help us expand the ministry in the Philippines.

    I appointed Pastor Eleizer Dominto (in red shirt) as a new Area Coordinator for Bukidnon. He is currently teaching four classes in the province. Pastor Val Abellanosa (in green shirt) will train him as a Coordinator. Please pray for financial support for Pastor Dominto.

    We praise God for the eight students who finished their training in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija. They are all active in the ministry and one of them planted two churches. They are planning to attend a Teacher Training Workshop in January in order to prepare to teach the next batch of church leaders in the City. We gave them some theological books that were donated by friends in the USA.

     We held an Ordination ceremony in Iligan City for pastors who graduated from CCI, four in 2006 and two in 2008. Praise God for their example of discipleship and church planting. All of them have planted churches and three of them are CCI teachers.

Help Support Philippines New Coordinators and Ministry Needs in the Philippines 

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