December 2022
The Monthly Newsletter of
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Malvern, Pennsylvania
Our Vision:
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.
Our Mission:
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.
Christianity is a “bodily” religion. The Bible begins with the creation of bodies of all sorts. The story continues through the interplay of bodies - matriarchs & patriarchs, kings and priests, prophets and villains. The season of Advent anticipates a body, looking to see God’s promises made manifest. Christmas celebrates a body - God with us - while Epiphany explains what that body means for us. Long-held Christian belief, expressed in the Creeds, looks to the "resurrection of the body and life everlasting".
For the last two and a half years, we’ve been especially aware of our bodies in other ways. The pandemic highlighted our frailty, made us acutely aware of other, unseen “bodies” (viruses) that share this Earth with us, and kept us from entering bodily space with people we love and care for, and the communities we worship and pray with. Through these many months, we’ve learned to engage our bodies in new ways. We’ve turned to virtual connections when physical connections weren’t possible or advisable, and we’ve built new bodily habits to replace the ones we lost or put on hold.
Despite the pandemic, however, nothing has changed about Christianity. Ours is still an “embodied” religion. The story of our faith is still a story about a God who came down among us and shared our physical space, and about a people called to bear witness to that story by worshiping, studying, praying, and serving together. The first commitment of the newly baptized, arising from the Creed, is a commitment to embodied community: “Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers?” Our answer: “I will with God’s help.”
Maybe, then, we can use these seasons, Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany - the incarnational seasons - to consider how we embody our faith. Do we put our bodies to the practice of prayer and study? Do we “break bread” with others in worship at the Holy Eucharist? Do we make our bodies part of the community of faith? Do we train our bodies to serve and care for others?
In our contemplations this Advent, let’s remember that when God came to us - for us - God came with a body; the body of Jesus of Nazareth. In that body, and through that body, God both enjoyed and savored what life he had, and offered it up in the service of all.
See you at Sunday Eucharist.
Fr. Kevin+
Important Upcoming Dates
(scroll down for details)
- December 3 - Cookie Walk Fundraiser & St. Clares Flower Sale Pick-up
- December 6 - Brown Bag Lunch: Chester County Hospital on Mental Health
- December 9 - Festive Christmas Party
- December 12 - Blood Drive
- December 13 - Vestry Meeting
- December 21 - Christmas Lunch Fellowship
- December 23 - Office Closed
- December 24 - Holy Eucharist at 5 and 10 pm
- December 25 - Holy Eucharist at 10 am
- December 26 - Office Closed
- December 28 - Circle of Friends
Advent, Christmas, and New Year’s Services
Holy Eucharist will be held each Sunday in Advent at 8am and 10am, and on Wednesdays following Lectionary Bible Study.
The Feast of the Nativity (Christmas) will be celebrated with Holy Eucharist on Saturday, December 24, at 5pm and 10pm, and Sunday, December 25 at 10am only.
The first Sunday after Christmas Day, January 1, the Feast of the Holy Name, will be celebrated with Holy Eucharist, Lessons and Carols, at 10am only.
Our two-service schedule of 8am and 10am returns on Sunday, January 8.
For the calendar of events, please click the link below to the website.
Bruce and I just wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for all of you who came and worked so diligently and cheerfully on the church grounds and gardens Sunday, November 6. We were amazed at how much was accomplished and how smoothly things went, despite the threat of rain. THANK YOU ALL!
A special thank you to our younger parishioners, who participated graciously as well.
When we were worried about the chance of rain earlier in the morning, we were much encouraged by Mareile’s text ...“ As the Germans say, “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes”.
With much gratitude, Laura and Bruce
The total number of pounds for the Harvest Home Food Drive was 774 pounds.
The West Chester Food Cupboard was thrilled with the donations to include the underwear packages. Some of those went right out the door to the Food Pantry at Cheyney University. There were two women from the university and they had 40 students on campus for this week with no place to go. The people from the Food Cupboard were really working with them to give them what they needed and wanted.
Thank you to all who contributed on November 20 for our Harvest Home Sunday! Your generosity is always appreciated!
Dear Friends
The High School Youth Group has put together an Advent project that we hope you will participate in.
As you know we have an on-going collection for Thistle Hills House. The following are donations needed now. Please look over this list and see if you can support this cause with a donation or two. Anything you give will be greatly appreciated.
Sanitizing Wipes
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Krud Kutter - glass and surface cleaner
Carpet Cleaner (spot cleaning)
Conditioner for hair
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Shower Gel
Thank you very much! High School Youth Group
We have a second pickle ball court thanks to Mark Richardson!
Adult Christian Discipleship
Lectionary Bible Study
10 am Wednesdays: This weekly study group meets both in-person and on Zoom to discuss the readings for the upcoming Sunday. Those who attend in-person gather after for a brief service of Holy Eucharist. A weekly email link is sent out for those who desire to attend virtually. Everyone is invited to attend. This group is a great way to get to know other people in the parish.
Coming Soon! The Book of Revelation
Sundays from 9 to 9:30am, beginning January 8. From January to May, join Fr. Kevin for background and interpretation of the last book in the Bible. A source of confusion for some, misuse and abuse by others, the Revelation to St. John is instead the most logical conclusion to the canon of Scripture, with a beautiful, hopeful, but challenging message for followers of Jesus Christ living in difficult times. Revelation is also an excellent book for learning and honing Bible reading and study skills useful to any Disciple.
Brown Bag Lunch Ministry
Volunteer English Program
Summary of 11/1/22 BBL
Our second BBL session was held on a beautiful Autumn Day with 22 participants in attendance. Terri Potrako (VEP Executive Director) and Donna Dello Buono (VEP’s Senior Program Coordinator and Program Outreach Coordinator for the VEP Without Walls Program in Phoenixville) gave an informative presentation about the organization, its mission, and the services they provide. Both Terri and Donna thanked St. Francis Church for, not only their partnership and financial support over the years, but also for individual congregants who volunteer their time as tutors. Below are key highlights from their presentation:
- VEP connects volunteer tutors with adult English language learners to provide 1:1 tutoring and cultural enrichment that empowers immigrants/refugees to be successful
- Volunteers power our work – we couldn’t do it without them
- Our approach is student goal-centered and relevant to students’ lives
- We help those who do not speak English as their first language to understand the world around them and to be understood by others
- Volunteer tutors are not required to have teaching experience or speak a 2nd language
Please add to your calendars and join us on Tuesday, December 6 for a presentation on “Mental Health” presented by Tracy Behringer, Chester County Hospital. According to a recent CNN poll, 90% of US adults say mental health is a crisis in the United States. We look forward to seeing you for this important topic.
Please note: The Committee is looking for speakers for 2023 so if you have an educational topic, a favorite hobby, or a vacation trip, etc., you would like to share, please contact Shirley Warren, Meridith Ridington or Esther Underhill.
Thanks again to our BBL volunteers. We appreciate all you do!
Diocese Combating Gun Violence
The Fall 2022 issue of Caminos: Our Roads Together is available in the narthex. In an article on Combating Gun Violence one section titled "Do Something" is especially informative. We tend to think of this as a Philadelphia problem, but it is our problem too. The Diocese of Pennsylvania has taken this very seriously.
One emphasis is on "recognizing the role of mental health." They encourage Mental Health First Aid and will offer programs for ministry leaders throughout the area. The program for our Brown Bag Lunch on December 6 is about mental health. The Diocese of Pennsylvania is attacking the issue of gun violence in many ways. One emphasis is on "recognizing the role of mental health." They encourage Mental Health First Aid and plan to offer programs for ministry leaders. Programs for youth have already begun. Although the emphasis may not be the same it could help each of us to better understand some of the problems involved.
Another suggestion is to donate blood. "Gunshot victims require an average of 10 times more blood than other trauma patients." A recent issue of The Philadelphia Inquirer (11/25/22) gave front-page emphasis to an article about the use of tourniquets to stop blood flow after an injury, as well as illustrated directions on how to make one. Some victims of gun violence don’t make it to the emergency room because of the rapid loss of blood. A recent Diocesan publication states that for those who make it to the hospital, “gunshot victims require an average of 10 times more blood than other trauma patients.” The Red Cross Blood Bank will be at St. Francis on December 12. Please be a donor if you can. While this may not directly help a victim of gun violence, it will help with the shortage of blood during the current crisis. If you can’t make it to this event, check to see if there is another nearby that fits your schedule.
Festive Christmas Gathering
You are invited to a Festive Christmas Party on December 9 from 6 to 9 PM. Please dress in your finest and come for an evening of celebration during this holiday season! Food and beverages will be provided by the fellowship committee.
There’s a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Please sign up and indicate how many will attend.
We hope everyone will join us for this final fellowship event of the year!
December 21st - Christmas Lunch Fellowship
St. Francis will host a Christmas Fellowship on Wednesday, December 21, from 12pm to 2pm, in the Parish Hall.
A light lunch and desert will be served and Old-Fashioned Christmas Carols will be sung! (There may even be a few door prizes!)
Volunteers are needed to transport members who don't drive to and from the event. A sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.
Bring a friend and celebrate the season!
Book Group
There will be no Book Discussion in December
The Radium Girls, by Kate Moore
For fans of Hidden Figures, comes the incredible true story of the women heroes who were exposed to radium in factories across the U.S. in the early 20th century, and their brave and groundbreaking battle to strengthen workers' rights, even as the fatal poison claimed their own lives.
St. Clares Wreath & Poinsettia Sale
St. Clares Wreath & Poinsettia Sale!
Your purchase will be available for pickup on December 3 from 9 – 10:30 am in the Parish Hall.
All the proceeds from the fundraiser go to parish needs or community outreach projects.
December 3: Cookie Walk
Calling all bakers! St. Francis' annual Cookie Walk will be held Saturday, December 3 alongside the St. Clare's wreath and poinsettia sale. You can help in two ways: We need
1.) As many people as possible to bake cookies of all kinds.
Please bring to St. Francis BEFORE December 3.
2.) Help putting out signs. This is one of our best fundraisers of the year, and draws many people to St. Francis.
All proceeds will be donated to the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County. There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
Contact: Michelle Samet.
Blood Drive, December 12 - Mark Your Calendar!
Register for the Blood Drive at St. Francis on December 12! St. Francis will host our next blood drive with the American Red Cross on Monday, December 12 from 2-7 pm.
Please consider donating blood to help patients in need in our community. If you are healthy and eligible, roll up your sleeve, book your appointment
at (search St. Francis Malvern) and become a part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross!
Questions, contact Sue Lenkaitis.
Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends is a pastoral care ministry of note writing (birthday, get well, thank you, encouragement, etc.)
The Circle of Friends will meet in person, in the library, on Wednesday, December 28 at 5:30 pm. If you are unable to join us in person but would still like to participate, please contact Sue Lenkaitis. Packets can be prepared for pickup or delivery as needed.
Additionally, if you know someone who would benefit from a note of encouragement, well wishes or any other message from our ministry, please contact Sue and we will add them to our list. We want to ensure we're reaching those who need it most.
January 6: Open House at the Dellarias
The Dellarias will be hosting a come-and-go event at their home on Friday, Jan. 6, the Feast of the Epiphany. Watch for more information coming soon!
Sight & Sound: Moses
Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster offers theatrical productions of biblical stories that are stunning in scope.
Fr. Kevin is gauging interest on taking a church group this spring. No date has been chosen, but tickets run from $74 to $89 for adults, and $39 for children 3 – 12.
If you might be interested in going, please put your name on the “Interested” sheet in the Narthex. If there is enough interest, you will be contacted soon.
March 15-28, 2023 - Holy Land Pilgrimage
Led by the Rt. Rev. Daniel Gutiérrez this pilgrimage through the Holy Land will encounter the Gospel in stone and flesh, visiting the sights that mark the story of our faith and the people who keep that faith alive in the Holy Land today, with special emphasis on the people and institutions of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, with whom we have a covenant relationship. You will come home changed, restored, and renewed in your faith.
You are invited to consider whether God is calling you on this journey. The pilgrimage is $3,700 plus airfare, insurance, and incidentals. Registration is now open, and our 35 slots are filling up.
Annual Meeting and Nominees for Office
The Annual Parish Meeting of St. Francis will be held on Sunday, January 29, following morning worship.
Here is the slate of nominees for Vestry. Suzanne Steinberg and Sherri Lewis will serve another term on Vestry.
Susan Nangle is a “cradle Episcopalian” raised in St. Andrews church in Madison CT where she grew up. She attended Brown University in Providence RI and left New England for the Philadelphia area after college. She worked in interior design and sales before she had a family. Her favorite job was teaching Art which she retired from 5 years ago.
Before joining St. Francis in the Fields in 1993, she attended The Church of the Holy Trinity in Philadelphia. At Saint Francis Susan has taught middle school, assisted in confirmation class, served on stewardship committee, helped lead youth group and started the annual mission trips. Susan also served on the capital campaign committee.
Most importantly, Susan served on the search committee that called Father Kevin to St. Francis.
Hello there. My official name is Katherine Schilling. I have been a member of St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church for approximately seven years. Previously my husband Charlie and I, having been born on Long Island, NY, spent our lives as trusty Long Island Catholics. A change came about me long before Charlie but we were so happy to have found a home for us both at St. Francis.
My career was as an elementary and high school teacher. I was able to initiate various learning programs for the children, and was ultimately president of our Teachers’ Union for seven years.
Charlie passed away in 2021 after a long and valiant struggle with Parkinson’s disease. Although he was unable to participate in “extra-curricular” activities, I have been grateful to be part of the St. Francis choir, Wednesday Bible study, volunteering at Church Farm School, baking for Cookie Walk day, starting and finishing the Enneagram Study, and participating a bit with our refugee efforts.
My hope is to continue to be of service to our community in any way possible.
Altar Flowers
Did you know that you can dedicate the Sunday Altar Flowers in honor of a friend or family member, in remembrance of a loved one, or for some other special recognition?
Altar Flower dedications are just $50.00, and helps provide a fresh arrangement each week.
Baptism is the rite of the Church initiating a new member into the Body of Christ. As declared in the Baptismal Covenant, Baptism comes with expectations and responsibilities for the Baptized, their sponsors (i.e., parents & Godparents), and the Congregation as a whole.
Additionally, according to The Book of Common Prayer (pg. 312), there are four Sundays on the liturgical calendar (the “Church Year”) when Baptisms are most appropriate: The Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (1st Sunday after the Epiphany), the Great Vigil of Easter, Pentecost, and All Saint’s Day (or the Sunday after). A fifth option includes any service of Holy Eucharist over which the Bishop presides.
Beginning this liturgical year, St. Francis will follow this schedule for Baptisms (to include Easter Sunday). Baptisms should be scheduled with the Rector a minimum of six weeks in advance, and time should be set aside by the candidate and/or their sponsors for education on the meaning of Baptism. Scheduled dates for Baptisms at St. Francis in 2023 are April 9 (Easter Sunday), May 28 (Pentecost), and November 5 (All Saints’ Sunday).
Please contact Fr. Kevin for more information.
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road
Malvern, PA 19355
The Very Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector
The Rev. Diane E. Faison, Deacon & Parish Administrator
Mr. Joe Perry, Music Director
Want to know more about us?
St. Francis-in-the-Fields is an active parish, even during COVID-19. For more information about our worship, outreach, and other ministries, visit our parish website, Our monthly parish newsletter, Fieldnotes, may be found by clicking HERE. Stay current on events by following our parish on Facebook.
Our Global Communion
St. Francis-in-the-Fields | 610-647-0130 | 689 Sugartown Road, Malvern, PA 19355