City of Dover News

A Free Electronic Newsletter

39th Edition 6/28/2024

City Budget Approved

City Council voted Monday night (June 24th) to approve the

FY 25 Budget.

To the Dover Community

Message from The Honorable David L. Anderson Council President/Vice Mayor 4th District Councilman

Inflation has taken a serious toll on everyone and almost everything. Your city is no exception.

We are dedicated to keeping our charges in line, but we can no longer absorb the continuous increases in everything from diesel fuel to bullets. We have very modest increases that roughly track Inflation. We respect the struggles of our citizens and want to minimize our impact on those struggles. 

The two new fees are because of enormous costs imposed upon us. The EMS has increased 4 fold. It serves the entire fire district so we added the $1.50 residential fee to the electric bill because it's the fairest and least costly per household method to pay for this critical service. The stormwater management fee is due to a 4.5 million dollar mandate to obtain needed permits. The quarterly fee is designed to be the lowest possible impact on residents and small businesses. 

We apologize for the new fee, but the mandate came with no money to fund it. We hope it results in a cleaner environment for us and our children. 

Yours in Service, David Anderson

After many cut backs and tightening the belt we still have had to increase some fees, fines and a small property tax increase. Unlike some of our neighbors who are seeing their taxes doubled, we are implementing a 2 cent tax increase. (2 cents on every $100).

For a better understanding of the tax increase and to see the other fees please CLICK HERE. Changes in Fees. (The link will open a pdf for easier viewing)

A Stormwater Utility (pdf link) has been created that will address increasing the National Pollutant Discharge and Eliminations System (NPDES) compliance costs imposed by the federal and state government.

This will be based on total impervious surface area all on parcels regardless of use. This information is gathered from the State of Delaware. Residential calculations are then further correlated to zoning. The Stormwater Charge is a monthly charge that is based on Stormwater Utility Rates and will be billed quarterly. The first bill will be issued on October 1st. One ERU represents 1,700 ft2 of impervious surface. One ERU equals the base rate of $6.00.

Sanitation Enterprise Fund. (pdf link)

It is a type of governmental accounting to account for activities that provide goods or services to the public for a fee that is meant to make the entity self-sustaining. The intent is for the expenses of providing the service to the general public on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user charges. In doing so, this would lesson the burden on the General Fund.

 What are the Sanitation Fund Rates based on?

Charges were modeled on a 5-year Projection to make sure revenues are adequate to pay for costs associated with the services provided. The goal of the Sanitation Enterprise Fund is to have long term financial stability for all the refuse removal provided by the City of Dover.

 What is the Sanitation Fund Charge? Where will I see it?

The charge will remain on the utility bill as a monthly fee like in the past. The difference is now that the fee goes to the Sanitation Enterprise Fund instead of the General Fund. The fee will be $33, which was augmented to cover the 5-year projection for a self-sustaining fund. The change in monthly fee will begin on July 1st, 2024.

 Basic Life Support Ambulance Fund BLS Fee

 To cover increasing costs we are implementing a monthly service fee on your utility bill. This was laced on the utility bill in order to spread the costs equitably throughout the service area. (The service area extends outside of the City of Dover limits, it includes all of Dover Fire District) so everyone is impacted by this cost. Our costs went from $100,000 a year and suddenly jumped to over $1.4 million. After a a bid process we reduced it to $600,000. A fee will be charged of $1.50 a month per residential utility bill and $6.50 a month per commercial utility bill.


Property Tax Increase

a 2 cent (on $100 of assessed value) property tax was approved in the new budget.

Ex: Assessed value of your home 150,000 150,000/100 = 1500 x .02 = $30/annual increase which breaks down to $30/12 = $2.50 a month increase.

Click below to read a memo from our City Manager, David Hugg III.

A memo from the City Manager

Parks and Rec - Items you don't want to miss!

To register for any of the activities held by Parks and Rec be sure to start by creating your unique log in by visiting the link below.

Rec Dept Log In


Thursday evenings on The Green

Performing Arts Series - Concerts on The Green

Grab your blanket or chair and come join us! Next one is REPTILE WORLD - a favorite for kids of all ages, and back to musical performance on the 18th!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Williams Park



Trash and Recycling pick up changed

City offices and facilities will be closed

(including the Library and Pitts Center) on July 4th and 5th in observance of the 4th of July holiday.

There will be no trash or curbside recycling collection by the City of Dover on Thursday July 4th & Friday July 5, 2024.

Trash and recycling collection that would normally be made on Thursday & Friday, will be on Monday, July 8, 2024 along with Monday's collection.

Please have containers set out on Monday by 7:00 a.m.

Trash and recycling collection not completed on Monday will continue until completed. Please leave containers out for collection.

Questions? Call Public Works at 736-7025.

Have a safe and happy Independence Day!

Come Celebrate Independence Day!

Come celebrate Independence Day with us!

A family, fun filled day with a parade and ending in fireworks.

For the full schedule of events, please click below.

CLICK HERE for schedule of events

The City of Dover is actively looking to fill multiple positions. Do you have experience as a Building inspector? We are seeking a Chief Building Inspector to fill the role! Also you a Planner? We have a Planner II position available as well as the Planning, Inspections and Community Development Director position!

Maybe your thing is working outside as an Arborist?

Or an experienced Motor Equipment Operator?

We have several job openings!

Please click here to see what is available.


to find a position that interests you to become part of the

City of Dover Team!

Survey Closes June 30th

Click on the link below to complete it today!

The City of Dover Department of Water and Wastewater requests your help to document the material of your WATER service line.

If you are a City of Dover WATER customer, please complete the survey by June 30th. The survey can be completed at the following link WATER SERVICE LINE SURVEY LINK

Dover Public Library

Looking for fun things to do?

Finding an event to attend at the Library is easier than ever! Each event is color-coded depending on the primary audience. Scroll through our Events page on Facebook and keep an eye out for the color that best matches what you are looking for! All Library programs are free to attend, but some may require pre-registration. Dover Library on Facebook

or click here to go directly to the event page.

Mayor and Dover City Council

To view the profiles (which includes their contact information) of the Mayor and City Council please click HERE.

Are you maybe unsure about who your representatives are for your district?

Click HERE to download the map of the district

City Hall

15 Loockerman Plaza

Dover, DE 19901

