Department of Applied Environmental Science
Department Highlights | December 9, 2022 | Issue 9
Message from the Department Chair
Dear AES Students,

We have reached the final stretch of the Fall semester!
Please join us for the AES Capstone Festival next Friday, Dec 16 from 9 am-Noon in Library 1188 (and Zoom). The Capstone Festival is a time to celebrate our students and learn about their culminating projects. Capstones are an important feature of our curriculum where all students engage in a project-based learning experience with community partners and organizations.  The Fall22 Capstone Festival features students from ENSTU 471, ENSTU 497, ENVS 402, ENVS 410, ENVS 436, ENVS 446, ENVS 497, ENVS 660, and BIO 448. I hope to see you there. Congratulations and best wishes to our Fall 2022 graduates in ENSTU, ESTP, and ENSCI!

Dr. Susan Alexander
Professor and Chair, Department of Applied Environmental Science
Department Updates
AES Fall 2022 Capstone Festival
Join us in celebrating the hard work of AES Capstone students!

The Department of Applied Environmental Science Fall 2022 Capstone Festival will be taking place on Friday, December 16, 2022 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (PST) in Tanimura & Antle Family Memorial Library, Room 1188 and over Zoom (for virtual attendees).

The following majors will be presenting during this session:
  • Environmental Science, Technology, & Policy (ESTP)
  • Environmental Studies (ENSTU)
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