Christ has no body now on earth but yours; yours are the only hands with which he can do his work …
St. Teresa of Avila
A frequent topic for consideration at all levels of life in our church is what does the post-pandemic church look like? We talk about it in our parishes, we talk about it at the diocesan level, and it’s certainly grappled with at the highest levels of The Episcopal Church. Regardless, though, of all these conversations, one fact stands out distinctly: there is much work to be done. The need for mission, for ministry … for the radical work of Jesus in our time and in our places. There are many arenas in which to do this work. Today, I commend to you the work of our diocesan institutions.
One of the great strengths of The Episcopal Church is its tradition of governance shared between the clergy and the laity. Decisions that affect the parish, the diocese, and indeed the whole Episcopal Church – and therefore the world beyond – are made by the church in council: the parish Annual Meeting, the annual Diocesan Convention and the triennial General Convention. While sometimes a messy process, to meet in council allows many voices to be heard and decisions to be made in a more transparent manner than in some more hierarchical institutions. For many individuals, both clergy and lay, prayerful speaking and listening allows the voice of the Holy Spirit to be more clearly discerned.
What this system of governance requires, however, is a steady flow of well-capacitated lay people who are willing to be involved. At the most basic level, this starts with the parish Annual Meeting. It’s a good time to celebrate your parish’s ministry, and to be a part of conversations pertaining to the shape of the Church as we emerge from a time of pandemic. An important element to Annual Meetings is elections. Most are familiar with the elections to Vestry, and parishes are deeply reliant on the time, willingness and wisdom of those who choose to make themselves available for this service.
But don’t overlook the other elections that take place at Annual Meeting: including those of Convention Delegates. These individuals, elected from each parish and mission, attend Diocesan Convention, which takes place each year in late fall. Like other councils of the Church, our annual Convention brings together the clergy and laity of the Diocese to do important work: to discuss and consider resolutions pertaining to our mission and ministry, to approve the annual budget, to elect members of Diocesan Council, Standing Committee and our deputation to General Convention, as well as other bodies, and to enjoy time, worship and fellowship with others from across Western Massachusetts. After two years of mostly virtual Conventions, 2022 delegates were happy to be able to meet in person at UMASS/Amherst in November, and in a follow-up survey, enthusiastically commended the experience to others (and enjoyed the kazoos!).
As part of the preparation for Convention each year, a Nominating Committee is charged with putting together a slate for the positions to be presented for election. These include new members of the Standing Committee and the Diocesan Council, which are part of the leadership structure of the Diocese. Both have roles and membership defined by Diocesan Constitution and Canons. Additionally, the Convention elects the Cathedral Chapter (like a vestry), the Disciplinary Board, and members of the Provincial Synod, which brings together representatives from the seven dioceses of New England. And, every three years, Convention elects the deputies who represent our Diocese at General Convention, the governing body of The Episcopal Church. Again, all of these bodies are comprised of clergy and lay people.
For the Nominating Committee, finding clergy for the slate is not quite as challenging as finding lay people. There is a finite number of clergy in the Diocese, and they’re perhaps more widely known to many. Additionally, clergy as a group tend to be more familiar with the varying bodies of Church governance, and somewhat more likely to self-nominate.
Filling the slots on the slate for lay people is a bit trickier. Until lay people first become active at the Diocesan level, they are less known to the Nominating Committee, and to those making recommendations to the Nominating Committee. They may be less familiar with the workings of the Diocese and therefore less likely to stand for election at the diocesan level than they might be at the parish level. They might be concerned that their lack of familiarity with the committee they’re asked to join might be a hindrance (it’s not), or that the time commitment would be considerable (it’s not). As a result, strong lay candidates who would bring tremendous gifts to our Diocese may not “bubble up” to be nominated.
The answer to addressing this lies with you. Have you been active on your vestry, and ready to think about other ways to share your gifts? Are you a lay person who’s already served as a convention delegate or been active at the diocesan level? Perhaps you might think about other roles in which to serve. Or, share your experience with others and encourage them to run. Are you a priest or deacon in a parish? Encourage the Convention delegates in your parish to share their experiences from November’s gathering. Take a look around at your parishioners, and encourage engagement at the diocesan level. Share this edition of 21st Century Congregations. In Fall 2023, watch for an informational meeting about the nominating process and open positions.
For those who might wish to have a better look at the diocesan positions that are elected each year, the
Nominating Booklet from this past year offers outlines of each.
There are many ways to share your gifts. Being a part of the work of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts, sharing Jesus’ work of radical love from Williamstown to Southbridge, is as important as any.