Fall CORE starts August 8

Don't let the word 'fall' throw you off - our teen & parent class starts August 8!

Get your affairs in order for fall semester CORE: We'll teach fishing, archery, survival skills and trap shooting. We guarantee it's time well spent with your teenager.

August 8: required orientation

Weeks of August 12 - October 28: classes offered Tues, Weds, & Thurs evenings and Tuesday am.

November 5: Our end-of-season celebration, Game Feast

If your family loved CORE, we'd love if you'd recommend this class to another family who might enjoy the experience. Thank you!

🎣 Register Here 🎯

3D Archery Tournament- August 10

Colorado Youth Outdoors 3rd annual Archery shoot is Saturday, August 10.

Whether you're dusting off the equipment for hunting season or this is your first time shooting a bow - this event is for you!

Open, bowhunter, & traditional divisions will shoot our 30-target family-friendly course around the CYO campus.

Folks new to archery can borrow a bow, get instruction, and shoot our half-mile archery range.

CYO campus

8-9am - registration and warm up

9am - - shotgun start

12:30 - lunch (provided)/raffles/awards

Please note our new pricing structure: $50/family: includes one adult & unlimited children.

$25/each additional adult.

🏹 Sign up here

Intermediate CORE this summer

For our CORE grads -- take a deeper dive into your favorite activity from CORE this summer! Still a few spots left in:

Intermediate Shotgun - July

Our shotgun class culminates in an upland bird hunt with a CYO guide. $300/pair

Intermediate Archery - August

Our archery class earns you a free ticket to CYO's 3D Archery competition on August 10. $200/pair

Details about Intermediate programming

Good News from CYO

Gosh, this summer is busy!

Here's CYO's June: Four weeks of summer camp in the books (that's 240 10-14 year olds who spent a week on campus). You'd think field trips taper off when school is out, but CYO managed to host 17 in June. Six volunteer work groups dedicated time to projects around campus -- one group stayed four days! We taught a summer session of CORE and a session of Intermediate CORE.

Last weekend, we hosted our first ever fishing derby. Thank you to the 200 folks who attended, hope you had as much fun as we did!

If you're reading this Friday morning, we are hand-planting 12,000 pumpkin seeds RIGHT NOW with dreams of pumpkin-picking fun come October. Let's all cross our fingers!

Got weekend plans? Holes & Hops - our party-with-some-cornhole fundraiser - is tomorrow. Sign up! We'd love to see you there.

⬆️ How CYO staff look 😁

😴 How CYO staff feel ⬇️

Sleeping on the archery range
Donate Now

CYO exists to build relationships.

We build relationships by having fun together outside.

Our classes cost double what we charge, and 25% of our participants come through full scholarship.

We only run thanks to community support. If you believe in what we do, please consider a financial donation. Thank you!

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