As you read this newsletter, I will likely be somewhere on the New Jersey Turnpike, traveling to see family in the Washington, DC, area. We have had a meaningful Lenten season, and I imagine leaving on vacation with satisfaction and gratitude. Our newsletter header picture, with blossoms pushing through the melting snow, is an apt metaphor for our situation. Even as we work with challenges, I sense a rebirth in our ministry and mission.
Signs of hope during this season include:
- People made it through the ice and power outages to have a meaningful Palm Sunday service. The choir and bell choir all made it; our kids came to Sunday School, and Brooke Irwin came through roadblocks to deliver coffee hour.
- I loved working with our Wednesday Prayer of Examen Group as we deepened our prayer practice and shared our faith.
- Our Befrienders group continues to offer listening and care, and we have had two training sessions this year, active listening and non-judgmental listening.
- We have hosted three memorial services this year that have helped our community bear grief and search for meaning.
- We raised over $1000 for One Great Hour of Sharing.
- Our choir and bell programs continue to grow in numbers and quality.
- We have fixed damage to our steeple and eliminated flying squirrels from the attic! Plans are moving forward to examine outdoor lighting, our gravel parking lot, and improve handicap access.
- The Community Lunch team is “rebranding” our meals with fresh ideas for next year.
- Every committee is making positive progress in their area of service. I am grateful to work with a great team of staff and committee leaders. Together, we seek to blossom, pushing through the ice and snow in the hope of sunshine and faith.
Pastor Todd
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Guest Minister the Rev. Sandy Daly on April 7 | |
April 7 | Second Sunday of Easter
"He is Among Us"
Luke 24:13-35
Guest Minister the Rev. Sandy Daly
Roger and Sandy Daly retired to the shore of the Sheepscot River in Edgecomb in 2020, just when Covid hit. Both are UCC pastors, having served various congregations throughout New England as interim ministers. During the decade before retiring, they operated a retreat house at their farm in the southwest corner of NH, Hallelujah Farm. Their 4 children and 7 grandchildren live all over the country. Building a house, gardening, discovering Maine, and keeping up with their golden doodle puppy, Pepper keeps them very busy. They are delighted to be a part of this church family.
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Windham Chamber Singers
The Windham Chamber Singers will be performing a free concert open to the public on Saturday, April 6 at 7:00 PM in the church Sanctuary.
"The choir gained international attention in 1996 by winning the Prize of Vienna at the 25th International Youth and Music Festival in Vienna, Austria. Since then, they have captured the hearts of audiences everywhere. Their accomplishments have been recognized on the NBC Nightly News and National Public Radio. The Chamber Singers have appeared on CBS This Morning, the Today Show, and in their own prime-time holiday special broadcast on WGME TV. The choir has performed at major venues, including Carnegie Hall, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Notre Dame Basilica (Montreal), and the White House. The Chamber Singers have appeared in concert with artists including John Rutter, Josh Groban, Kenny Rogers, Andy Williams, The Celtic Tenors, Dougie MacLean, and Sean Slaughter and Master Stroke Queen Tribute. Their American Family Holiday concerts have become a holiday tradition in the Lakes Region and have featured renowned guests such as Jodi Benson, Noel Paul Stookey (Peter, Paul, and Mary), Sutton Foster, Norm Lewis, Lindsay Mendez, and Mandy Gonzalez. They have made 4 guest appearances at the Magic of Christmas concerts with the Portland Symphony Orchestra.
The choir has released 5 CDs on the Pine Point label and has appeared on numerous other recordings, either as background singers or as contributors on compilation recordings. In June 2018, they celebrated the 30th anniversary of the choir with a 2-day reunion that welcomed back hundreds of alumni. The anniversary was recognized with the commission of a new piece, “Find Where the Beauty Is,” by award-winning composer Jim Papoulis.
Each year, the choir tours the Northeast, presenting assemblies and workshops at area schools in addition to public concerts. This past April, they spent 5 days performing throughout New England. In December, they appeared as special guests of Friends of the Kotzschmar and Portland Municipal Organist James Kennerly at Merrill Auditorium."
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Wednesday Book Group Resumes April 17 at 4:00 PM In Person and on Zoom
How can you still be a Christian?
This question is the most common question Diana Butler Bass is asked today. It is a question that many believers ponder as they wrestle with disappointment and disillusionment in their church and its leadership. But while many Christians have left their churches, they cannot leave their faith behind.
In Freeing Jesus, Bass challenges the idea that Jesus can only be understood in static, one-dimensional ways and asks us to consider instead a life where Jesus grows with us and helps us through life’s challenges in several capacities: as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and Presence.
Freeing Jesus is an invitation to leave the religious wars behind and rediscover Jesus in all his many manifestations, to experience Jesus beyond the narrow confines we have built around him. It renews our hope in faith and worship when we need it most.
Amazon Description
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How Does Music Help You Cope?
The church will be hosting an art-making workshop for FREE and open to the public on Tuesday, April 30, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. No art-making experience is required. Click HERE to register for the workshop.
How does music help you cope with life's challenges?
This is the question we explore through art in a casual and accepting environment where no previous art-making experience is required.
Completed art may be included in a summer "How Music Helps" exhibition and concert series.
How Music Helps is a project of Lincoln County Recovery Community Center and Studio B. These workshops are presented In partnership with our site hosts, and sponsored by Merrymeeting Adult Education.
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A Note about Choir Robes
To robe or not to robe? Who would think there could be so many ideas in answer to such a simple question?
A month ago, the Board of Deacons and the Music Committee decided to seek input from the vocal and bell choirs in order to bring clarity to the issue. Pastor Todd expressed no preference one way or the other. In order to come to a consensus on when (or whether) robes should be worn, a time was arranged for discussion by all interested choir members, Genie O’Connell and Jamie Knobloch.
These are some of their observations:
- Robes give a professional appearance, which can be desirable or not. Most (not everyone) find some uniformity in attire desirable. Robes are the easiest way to achieve that.
- Robes separate choir from congregation, which is contrary to the theology of some people.
- Robes show that the choir is a team in which all members are equal, and all have something to contribute.
- Robes give an air of formality, which appeals to some and which is off-putting to others. What message does a robed choir send to the wider community? We don’t know.
- Robes remove the quandary of what to wear.
- When the sanctuary is warm, the choir loft is warmer. The synthetic material of the robes makes them hot to wear.
- Robes are too long for some people, making them a tripping hazard when going up and down stairs. The sleeves can catch on things, knocking music off the bell tables or getting in the way of choir members who serve communion. The stoles on the robes don’t stay in place.
Taking all this into consideration, it was agreed that the choirs will wear robes during Advent through Christmas Eve, Lent through Easter, and on Pentecost. There may be other special occasions, as well, such as Rally Sunday.
The robes we have will be slightly altered: Sleeves tucked up with a buttoned strap, some hems shortened, and Velcro added to keep stoles in place. Several people volunteered to help make these alterations.
In spite of a variety of strong opinions, every choir member at the meeting affirmed they could live with these decisions. Respect for each other makes for the best music, which is what we all desire!
Ginger Rickeman
Music Committee Chair
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News from the Deacons
Highlights from our March meeting:
- Final planning for the Lenten Season;
- The potential for a Pastoral Intern in the fall of 2024;
- Agreement for the Fellowship Hall to be used for a workshop on April 30 by Peter Bruun on how music and art help individuals cope with difficult situations;
- How to enhance the present Prayer Chain process by recognizing the challenges and opportunities to be considered;
- Sharing information on the recent Music Committee meeting;
- Education on the church’s alarm system;
- Pastor Todd is on vacation from April 1-10.
We encourage anyone to sign up for the invocation/scripture reading on Sundays, flowers for Sunday service, and hosting coffee time.
We welcome your comments and thoughts – please reach out to any of the Deacons.
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Save the Date!
31st Annual Habitat
Spring Walk to Build
Sunday, May 5, 1:00 PM
Join us for the 31st Spring Walk to Build in Bath. The Spring Walk to Build is our largest annual fundraiser and supports our mission to build, repair, and modify homes. Your fundraising efforts help your neighbors stay where they want to be, right at home.
Registration begins next week!
For more information:
207-504-9334 or
AP Exams
The church will be hosting Boothbay Region High School students again this year while they take their Advanced Placement Exams in May. While they are testing, it is important the building is quiet. Stay tuned for a schedule of what rooms will be used in the May newsletter.
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Sunday School News
During the month of April we will be welcoming spring into our Sunday School classroom!
Come join us for some uplifting bible stories and fun spring themed crafts.
We will also be practicing for Children's Sunday which will be May 19 during the worship service.
April 21 - Family Sunday
April 28 - start Mother's Day craft
If you have any questions please contact the church.
Happy Spring!
Ms. Magen
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Prayer Chain Update
Each Sunday worship service includes a time for Joys and Concerns. People often share concerns about family, friends, or current events. Todd leads us as we pray for healing, well-being, faith, courage, or whatever is needed. It is important to respect people's confidentiality and not broadcast their names and problems without their permission. Remember, our live stream takes these concerns far beyond our church building.
These prayer concerns do not end on Sunday morning. We have a small but dedicated group of people who continue to pray during the week for people who need help. Our Prayer Chain volunteers hold people in light and healing love throughout the week. This is done individually from home at the individual’s convenience. We welcome more members to join this important prayer ministry. If you would like to participate, please let Heather or Barbara Fritz know.
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Year End Statements
Year end statements were emailed to everyone February 2, 2024. If you have not received your statement, please check your SPAM folders.
If you have any questions, please call or email the church.
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Church Life & Education
Please call or email the church for ZOOM links.
Adult Education
8:15 AM Sunday
Bible Study
NOON on Mondays
Book & Meditation
6:30 AM Tuesdays
Wednesday Book Group: Resumes April 17
4:00 PM Wednesdays
Men's Breakfast
8:00 AM
First Thursday of the Month
Mama D's
Spouse Support Group
2:00 PM Wednesdays
Bells Rehearsal
2:00 PM Thursdays
Choir Rehearsal
4:30 PM Thursdays
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