Our staff and self advocates have had a busy summer already, and it's just getting started! In June, our Metro Regional group participated in an outing to Beaver Brook Step (pictured above). We also attended the Western Region Self Advocates Conference in Springfield and saw many familiar faces at the Partners for Youth with Disabilities (PYD) Youth Leadership Forum! This month, Mayor of Boston Michelle Wu will host the city's annual ADA Day on July 17th. We hope to see you there!
July is Disability Pride Month, and we are celebrating all month long, in our regional and statewide meetings! This is a great time to reflect on the question, "what does disability pride mean to me"? Check out Kamisha's Corner for her answer.
Please note the schedule change for the Supported Decision Making (SDM) Task force meetings. For the next two months, SDM will meet over ZOOM on the last Friday of each month from 4:30 - 6:00PM. We will update any future changes!
We will continue to share updates to our Statewide Drop-Ins, Rainbow Groups, and Regional Self-advocacy meetings. You can always find your meeting information on the MASS Events Calendar.