You are invited to worship with us!
The Great Church Chill Out
June 16, 2024
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Worship in person and on Facebook Live at 11:00am on Sunday!
This week our Handbell Choir will be playing and we will continue our worship series studying the psalms: The Great Church Chill Out.
Summer Sunday School starts at 10:00am.
Childcare is provided for Worship and Sunday School.
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The Great Church Chill Out—Using passages from the Psalms we will spend the month of June remembering we were not created to be anxious creatures, but to rejoice, revel and rest in God’s good creation! This June we will give ourselves a much needed summer rest as we settle in, laugh out loud, shed expectations, take a break, and celebrate through the psalms! Join in on the Great Church Chill Out this summer! | |
Upcoming Ministry Opportunities | |
The Worship Task Force of Thriving Congregations at FPC would like to hear from YOU! Please share with us your thoughts on Worship at FPC. How do you experience the Holy Spirit in Worship? Click below to fill out the worship survey online! A paper version will be available in the worship guide this Sunday. Thank you for your thoughtful feedback. | |
Sing in the Summer!
Summer is a good time to try something new!
During the month of June, the choir will be rehearsing only on Sunday mornings in the Choir Room at 10:20am and ALL are welcome to join us! You don’t have to be an experienced singer, the songs that we will be going through will be simple songs, many of which you may already know.
July will be a month of special music and small ensembles. If you would be interested in singing a solo or singing in a small ensemble (duet, trio, quartet, etc.) please let me know during month of June. If you play an instrument and would like to contribute to July’s worship services, I would love to hear from you as well!
In August, we will start back with our regular music rehearsals on Wednesday evenings as we prepare for our fall and Christmas preparations. Rehearsal times will be as usual with the Children’s Choir meeting from 5-5:30, Handbells from 6-7:00, and Chancel Choir 7-8:00.
Hope to see you!
Mark Fiddie
Director of Music and Arts
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Youth Summer Book Club
Youth are invited to join us as we read Wonder by R.J. Palacio on Wednesdays this Summer!
The first meeting will be in the Youth Room on June 5th after VBS, but the rest will be on Zoom, Wednesdays at 6:00pm. Discussion will be led by our seminary intern Jiyeong!
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The next Men's Prayer Breakfast will be at Town House Café on Saturday, June 22nd at 8:00am | |
Smyrna Camp Meeting will be June 21-27 at 2920 Hwy 212 SW, Conyers, GA 30094. Services will be held daily at 7:30pm. The morning service on Sunday is at 10:30am, and morning services Monday-Thursday are at 11:00am.
Neeley Rentz Lane has been invited to deliver the evening sermon on Tuesday, June 25 at 7:30pm.
Salem Campground Meeting will be July 12-19 at 3940 Salem Rd, Covington, GA 30016. Services will be held daily at 11:00am and 7:30pm.
Our very own Alice Walker and her sister Becky Ramsey will be playing dual pianos for each morning and evening service.
On Monday, July 15th at the 11:00am service Rev. Neeley Rentz Lane will offer the Prayers and Singing Ambassadors will be singing in worship.
FPC Chancel Choir will sing at Salem Camp Meeting on Thursday July 18th, for the 7:30pm service with the First United Methodist Church Choir.
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Our Worship team is creating NEW Advent Paraments for our worship space! We want you to be a part of the creation!
We invite you to bring in a piece of fabric - purples and rust browns - to add to our organ banner and pulpit banner. You may bring in a small piece of fabric from a favorite old shirt, a blanket, or a piece that represents your family. We only need shades of purple or brown. We ask that your fabric piece is no larger than hand length. Please bring your pieces to Neeley by July 30. Questions contact Pat Harper, Beverly Kratz, or Debi Selin!
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Become a Singing Ambassador!
About one/half of this multi-denominational choir are members of First Presbyterian Church Covington.
The choir meets regularly to practice on Thursdays at 2:00 PM, currently at Covington First Presbyterian Church.
Non-auditioned membership is open to anyone over fifty, and regular programs are presented at churches, assisted living centers and community organizations. Monthly socials are held throughout the year.
To join the choir, please contact Co-Directors Alice Walker (770) 787-6915 or Becky Ramsey, (770) 786-4916. New members are welcome!
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General Ministry Information | |
May Finance Report:
May was a good month! However, we are now into the summer slump. We all want and need time away from our regular routine, however, we do want to remind you that even though it is summer the church still has “bills to pay.” It would be very helpful if you would keep making your donations, both pledged and non-pledge during your time away from church services.
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Space Update:
Great news! We are updating our building with a new sprinkler system and installing a new fire system. Please be aware of work areas throughout the church building. We will be sure to communicate all space changes if needed. Questions: contact Catherine or Neeley
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Our finance team has finalized our 2024 Operating Budget but it’s not too late to make your commitment by offering your Time, Talent, and Treasures! Submit your Pledge Card today to be included in our 2024 Operating Budget! | |
People to Think About this Week | |
Our Mission Extravaganza is going great! We helped GUMC with their summer free student lunch program on Tuesday, and yesterday we helped Hands On Atlanta with their Grady Fresh Food Cart! Today we are serving at Hope Women's Community Kitchen with Atlanta Mission! What a joy to serve! | |
DAY 1 with Grace United Methodist Church | |
DAY 2 with Hands On Atlanta | |
Please keep the following people and their families in your prayers this week:
Most recent prayer requests
Requests will be moved to “ongoing” after three weeks unless the office is notified
- Wesley Berg, friend of Tom Crews - pancreatic cancer
- Donald Vining, brother of Danny Vining - knee replacement surgery & recovery
Ongoing prayer requests
Requests will be removed from “ongoing” after six weeks unless the office is notified.
- Bernice Bailey
- Bob Darby, friend of Jeff MacKenzie - leg ambutated, kidney problems
- Charlie Kennon, brother of Larry Kennon
- Vonzella Lee, friend of Barbara Martin
- Karen Lein Kaasa, sister-in-law of Julie MacKenzie - home health care
- Grant Moss & Chris Mattice, family of Louly Fowler Hay - cancer & care
- Donald Vining, brother of Danny Vining - vision loss
- Martha Young, grandmother of Cotton Young - cancer
- Armondo Castro, friend of Mark Fogarty
- Nancy, friend of Mark & Jennifer Fogarty - stage IV pancreatic cancer
- Congratulations to Chris & Barbara Martin on the birth of their granddaughter, Madeline Louise Pope, on May 28th!
- Congratulations to Carol McGiboney on the birth of her great-grandson, Neil Connor Pharris, on May 26th!
Military Service
- Koen Ardis - Navy
- Billy Scarborough - Marines
- Clint Williams - Army
- Daryl Williams - Army
Independent and Assisted Living
- Penny Blakeney - Prema at Ashton Hills
- Homer Borders - Presbyterian Village
- Jean Elder - Florida with her daughter
- Dot Fincher - Madison, GA
- Louly Hay - Presbyterian Village Athens
- Jon Paschal - Annandale Village, Suwanee
- Louise White - Merryvale
Prayer requests and updates may be given to either of our pastors, put in the offering plate, or emailed to
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