Mobilizing family farmers, fishers, and ranchers for fair prices, vibrant communities, and healthy foods free of corporate domination.

January Newsletter

News From the Field

NFFC Members Fly to Capitol Hill

With the next Farm Bill on the horizon, this is a crucial time to make an impact and champion policies that support family farmers! On February 6th and 7th, nearly 40 representatives and farmers from NFFC member organizations will head to Washington, DC, to share their on-the-ground perspectives and policy priorities with more than 30 Congressional offices.

Together, we'll drum up legislative support for the Farmland for Farmers Act and the Fair Credit for Farmers Act. We'll also continue advocating a common-sense, fair federal dairy policy (our Milk from Family Dairies Act), restoring and expanding Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling, and supporting local food markets by protecting on-farm slaughter.

We're looking forward to our time in DC, and will share more updates in February!

(Photo from NFFC's 2023 Fly-In)

Thank you for your generosity!

As we look forward to the year ahead, we'd like to send a huge shout out to the six members of the Ozer and Battey families who pooled their resources to make a generous matching challenge gift in support of NFFC at the end of 2023 in honor of our dearly departed Director, Kathy Ozer.

And thank you to those of you who rose to the challenge! Your donations not only helped us match the family’s generosity but will also support the critical work of the National Family Farm Coalition in the year ahead!

Fnally, if you'd like an overview of our collective work in 2023, click here to read our special-edition December newsletter online!

La Via Campesina's 8th International Conference

La Via Campesina (LVC), the world's largest international peasant movement, hosted its 8th International Conference from December 1st to 8th, 2023, in Colombia. NFFC staff and members attended the conference alongside 180+ rural farmer and worker organizations globally.

The conference re-affirmed and invigorated shared commitment to advancing food sovereignty, climate justice, agroecology, women's and diversity rights, social peace, and a food system rooted in peasant agriculture. LVC members were also able to prioritize strategic goals, guiding actions over the next four years. Visit LVC's website for conference materials and outcomes, and stay tuned for an NFFC reflection on the event!

(Photo by La Via Campesina)

US Food Sovereignty Prize Ceremony Now Online!

The 2023 Food Sovereignty Prize Award Ceremony is now available on Youtube! Watch the ceremony recording and celebrate the accomplishments of and hear inspiring stories from the 2023 Prize awardees, Black Dirt Farm Collective (Maryland, USA) and Mouvement Paysan Papaye (Haiti)!

Awarded annually by the US Food Sovereignty Alliance, the Food Sovereignty Prize champions solutions coming from those most impacted by the injustices of the global food system. The Prize is now in it's 15th year - click here to learn more and to see all past awardees!

News From Our Members

US FTC & DOJ Must Investigate Koch Industries Purchase of Iowa Fertilizer Plant

NFFC and many of our members (including Iowa CCI, Family Farm Defenders, Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, Missouri Rural Crisis Center, and Dakota Rural Action) are demanding an investigation into the pending purchase of OCI Global's Iowa Fertilizer Company by Koch Industries. This $3.6 billion deal, if allowed to move forward, will further concentrate an already squeezed industry where just four firms control 75% of all US nitrogen fertilizer sales.

Photo by Erin Jordan/The Gazette.

"Farmers Need Better Policy, Not To Export More"

Anthony Pahnke, VP of Family Farm Defenders, writes that ever-increasing dairy exports fueled by a "big get or get out" mantra won't lift dairy farmers out of crisis. A better solution? Federal dairy policy that stabilizes prices and balances supply with demand - like NFFC's Milk from Family Dairies Act!

National Family Farm Coalition
110 Maryland Ave NE #307
Washington, DC 20002
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