November 2022



DECEMBER 26 – 27 

Doyon Foundation Office Closed

In observance of Christmas


Doyon Foundation Office Closed

In observance of New Year



Helena Jacobs

In this Storyteller profile, our scholarship program manager, Jenna Sommer, speaks with Doyon Foundation alumna and former board member, Helena Jacobs. Helena, originally from Ruby, now lives in Anchorage with her husband and children. Helena double majored in anthropology and Spanish, and also received her Master’s in Public Policy. She is now a co-founder of the Alaska Native Birthworkers Community. Watch, read or listen to Helena’s interview: 


Sunny Guerin

We are so proud of our alumni, the amazing places they have gone on to, the achievements they are making, and the positive differences they are having in their communities. Each month, we feature an update on one of our alumni. This month, we are pleased to highlight Sunny Guerin, community relations director for the Anchorage Police Department, a Doyon Languages Online student, and an active foster parent! Meet Sunny:


Roselie Carroll

Roselie Carroll of Circle, Alaska received her certificate in tribal governance from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in spring 2022. “I would like to thank the donors for helping me further my education. It’s very much appreciated by me and my family,” Roselie said. “I’m grateful for all the support and help Doyon Foundation provided.”

Watch next month’s e-newsletter for another student thank you or send your thank you note to 



Susan Paskvan

In this Storyteller language profile, we have the honor to speak with Denaakk’e language advocate, teacher and learner, Susan Paskvan. Susan worked with the Yukon-Koyukuk School District for 19 years, retiring earlier this year as the Native language coordinator. Susan was previously a member of the Doyon Foundation staff and was also integral to the development of Doyon Languages Online. Watch or listen to Susan’s interview: 


Our November 2022 Native Word of the Month features a video clip from our Storyteller language profile on Denaakk’e teacher and learner, Susan Paskvan.

Dot’aanh? = What is he/she/it doing?

“It’s a good word to know for language learners because you can ask ‘what is the man doing’ or ‘what is the dog doing’?” Susan shared. “It’s a pretty powerful word.” 

Watch the video:

DLO in the Classroom Opportunities 

Doyon Foundation is pleased to announce several opportunities to be involved in our new DLO in the Classroom project. These paid, contract positions include the novice teacher cohort, Native language speakers, language training consultant, and project evaluator. Interested individuals should respond by Friday, December 30. Learn more and apply: 

Welcoming Our DLO in the Classroom Project Manager

Help us give a warm welcome to Petey Roach, our DLO in the Classroom project manager! “I greatly admire Doyon Foundation's dedication to their region by connecting children with their ancestral languages,” she said. “I look forward to working closely with students and teachers who are invested in these languages and building a project that will have a lasting effect on the community.” Meet Petey:

Language Revitalization Program Admin Assistant Joins Our Team

We're pleased to share that Alea Keandralyn has joined the Doyon Foundation team as our new language revitalization program administrative assistant. "I look forward to working for Doyon Foundation and building a strong relationship in the revitalization of the Alaska Tribes for my daughters' Iñupiaq heritage," Alea said.


Finals Week Fill-Up Fundraiser

Finals week is such a crazy time for students and eating right can be hard to do. Help us provide energy (and encouragement!) to our students at UAF and UAA during finals week! Your donation to our Facebook fundraiser will help us purchase a variety of healthy snacks, which we will deliver to Rural Student Services at UAF and Native Student Services at UAA. Thank you for helping us support our students! Make a donation:

615 Bidwill Ave., Suite 101· Fairbanks, AK 99701

907.459.2048 · 1.888.478.4755 ·

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