The BCMA always enjoys hosting programs with special guests. In April, we are excited to welcome a host of artists, scholars, and performers. Celebrated artists LJ Roberts (April 17) and Rubie Rumié (April 30) visit this month, as well as noted scholars Sarah Cantor (April 11) and Andrea Achi (April 29). In addition, please join us on April 19, when Bowdoin band Night Hawk and dancers Dylan Richmond '24 and Juliana Vandermark '24 perform in the BCMA’s Rotunda. To learn more about current exhibitions, Anne Goodyear will provide a tour of Jim Dine: Last Year’s Forgotten Harvest on April 2, and Jim Higginbotham will discuss Etruscan Gifts: Artifacts from Early Italy at Bowdoin on April 18. And, finally, to all poets and poetry enthusiasts, please join us on April 25 for a poetry party at the BCMA. As always, these programs are free and open to all.

We look forward to seeing you at the Museum!


Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank H. Goodyear


Bowdoin College Museum of Art



"The Book of Two Hemispheres:" Uncle Tom's Cabin in the United States and Europe

This exhibition explores the international circulation of imagery that propelled the widespread, if controversial, fame of Uncle Tom’s Cabin and its author Harriet Beecher Stowe.



Currents: Art Since 1875

The exhibition tells new stories, asks provocative questions, and challenges assumptions about the human experience through works of twentieth and twenty-first century art.



The Collectors' Collaborative Winter Event

The group offers Bowdoin graduates pathways to stay connected with one another, the Museum, and the visual arts.



Academic Highlights during the 2024 Spring Semester

Selected uses of the collection in Bowdoin's academic program are discussed.


Object of the Month

Read about Sine IV, Melbourne, Australia, 2020, from the series Somnyama Ngonyama (Hail the Dark Lioness), by Zanele Muholi.



April 2, 2024

Gallery Talk: "Jim Dine: Last Year's Forgotten Harvest"

12:00 noon | BCMA


April 11, 2024

"Cultivating the Connoisseur: James Bowdoin III as Collector and the History of Drawings at Bowdoin College"

4:30 p.m | BCMA


April 13, 2024

Family Saturday at the Museum of Art

10:00-12:00 noon | BCMA


April 17, 2024

Artist's Talk with LJ Roberts

7:30 p.m. | Kresge Auditorium, VAC

April 18, 2024

Gallery Talk: "Etruscan Gifts: Artifacts from Early Italy at Bowdoin"

12:00 noon | BCMA


April 19, 2024

"Edward Hopper Recomposed"

3:00 p.m and 7:00 p.m. | BCMA

more more

April 25, 2024

Poetry Reading at the Museum

4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.| BCMA


Museum Hours

Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 pm | Thursday: 10:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. | Sunday: 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. | Closed on Mondays and national holidays. 

The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is open to the public free of charge. The Museum is wheelchair accessible through the Pavilion entrance.

Bowdoin College Museum of Art | 9400 College Station | Brunswick, ME 04011 | 207.725.3275 

Banner image: Spring Forest, (detail), gouache and watercolor by Harriette Bowdoin, American, 1880-1947. Gift of Frank Michael Gren P'13. 2020.43-b.

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