Friday Newsletter

December 13, 2024

This Sunday--3rd Sunday of Advent

10 am: Worship Service & Sunday School

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

12:30 pm: Youth Collective Christmas Party

From the Pastor's Desk

Angels…continued! We have more angels this week in worship.

1) There is another chance to add your own angel rendering to the sanctuary angel display that is shaping up quite nicely with an assortment of these winged messengers. 

2) And don’t forget about the angel wings in Boulder Hall! We are collecting pictures of members and friends standing in front of the wings, inspired by the Global Angel Wings Project. Send your picture to or text to Vik @ (503) 580-3288 before Monday, Dec 23 @ 12pm. They will be part of an angel slide show in the 5pm & 8pm Christmas Eve services.

3) Finally, are there actual angels in the sanctuary? Come check out a mysterious picture during worship this week and decide for yourself.


Blessed Advent,

Pastor Kelly

Coming Up

December 16, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive

December 17, 6 pm: Men's Night Out

December 22 @ 10 am: Christmas Cantata

December 24 @ 5 pm: Christmas Eve Children & Family Service

December 24 @ 8 pm: Christmas Eve Service

December 25-January 3: Church Office Closed/Staff Out

January 4 @ 3 pm: Doug White's Memorial Service

January 12 @ 11:30 am: Budget Info Discussion

February 2 & 9 @ 11:30 am: New Member Class

For the full church calendar see here. To change or add something to the calendar, please email or call the church office (, 503-364-3327).


Men's Night Out is Tuesday, December 17, at 6 pm at Thompson's. RSVP to John Dalen (

The Next Gen Committee is working on putting together a Sunday School Info and Child Protection Renewal Training for all our volunteers for children and youth in January. This will be a training to refresh everyone on the rules of child protection, how to use and access the Sunday School curriculum, and best practices for flow of the Sunday School time. Please complete this survey form to help us pick dates for this training as soon as possible!

Stephen Ministry Training

SM presents classes to expose you to Stephen Ministry training. Come to one or as many as you are interested in. Classes will be held in Eastminster Room on Mondays from 9:30 am to noon beginning January 13. A list of classes is on the bulletin board in Boulder Hall.

Training materials are available for check out in the library beginning January 2. You will have a better understanding of the material if you read what's available before class.

Please let us know what classes you would like to take by a week before the class is scheduled. There is a simple sign up form to fill out. Please place it in the box provided. Look for these by the bulletin board in Boulder Hall. You may also contact Pamela Schmidling (503-930-4616) or Wendy Crane (503-581-4285).


2025 giving envelopes are available on the table outside the office for those who ordered them during the pledge campaign. If anyone else would like giving envelopes, please contact Terri Crall (


This season we collect the Christmas Joy Offering, which provides assistance to current and retired church workers and their families in their time of need, and develops our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The gifts are split 50/50--50% goes to the current and retired church workers, and 50% goes to the students. To donate, send a designated check to the church or use one of the special offering envelopes near the box in the sanctuary. You can also simply click here and choose Christmas Joy fund to donate online. 

It's the THIRD SUNDAY and it's TOP SUNDAY! Don't forget to bring your non-perishable contributions for Table of Plenty. We will be taking these contributions early Tuesday morning, December 17, so if your forget on Sunday to bring your items, you can still make a quick stop on Monday (building hours 9am-2pm)! Great way to wish those in need a Happy Holiday season.

Great opportunity - holiday giving extension! Did you miss selecting a tag off the Caring Tree in the narthex? Donation extended till Monday December 16. The Caring Tree Project, a cherished tradition at Oregon State Hospital, helps make the Holiday Season special for OSH patients. Patient tags, each carrying a heartfelt wish, adorn our Caring Tree in Westminster's narthex. These tags represent safe gifts requested by patients. With your help we can complete those requests to brighten their lives. Look for the Caring/Giving Tree in our Narthex, and grab a tag!

The Presbyterian Giving Catalog celebrates its 10th Anniversary with the 2024-2025 issue. No wrapping is needed for the 40+ gifts available through the catalog, not to mention no waste! Generous gifts to the Presbyterian Giving Catalog are signs of our gratitude: feeding the hungry, comforting the brokenhearted and sharing our faith with young and old. The catalog includes gifts that represent causes close to anyone's heart, such as hygiene kits, cookstoves, teacher training, and beekeeping supplies. 

Join and help save lives at a community blood drive in Salem, Oregon — Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. That’s why Westminster Presbyterian Church in Salem is on a mission to help save lives by hosting a blood drive on December 16 from 1:00pm to 6:00pm. To make an appointment or to learn more, download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Completion of a RapidPass® online health history questionnaire found at is encouraged to help speed up the donation process. All the best to you this joyous and giving holiday season. Bill Nelson: (503) 576-1278 and the rest of the Blood Drive team at Westminster!


For family and friends of Helen Schafer, who passed away last week.

For LeAnn Goodenberger, who has surgery scheduled for Tuesday.

In the Community

First UCC in Salem is looking for a Music Director. Contact our church office for a copy of the job description.

We're invited...

A Winter Solstice Worship Service


The contemplative worship service will observe the theme of darkness at Winter Solstice and prophetic proclamation of the birth of light from Advent. 

Darkness can be a safe place of retreat, like when bears hibernate in winter or Darkness can also be catastrophic, like when there is natural disaster or terrorism and war. 

How does Christ give us courage to continue? If you are experiencing disquiet, depleted energy, and fears for the future, join with others on Saturday evening Dec. 21st for this special Zoom gathering. We are not alone. 


Webinar Date: Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024 

Time: 7:30 pm EST (6:30 CST, 5:30 MST, 4:30 PST)

Presenter: The Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen

Register here

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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