Homeowners Win Right to Plant Flowers
... and get a state law passed in the process!
That sounds like a headline from The Onion, doesn't it? Why would anyone have to fight for their right to plant a garden? And why is the ability to plant flowers even news at all, let alone a global story that has touched the hearts of millions? But for my sister and her husband, Janet and Jeff Crouch, this is no satire. They endured years of bullying by their homeowners association before finally saving their wildlife oasis from being mowed down. They also inspired a Maryland law that requires HOAs to allow ecological gardens.
And in case you missed it, Mike Nowak interviewed my sister and me on his show soon after the Maryland legislature voted almost unanimously to pass the low-impact landscaping law in the spring of 2021. Our conversation remains one of my favorite interviews. Watch it in "The Mike Nowak Show with Peggy Malecki archives.
"Your presentation was phenomenal. Honestly, it was probably one of the best I’ve ever been to and I’ve been to kabillions of them."
Joy VanderLek, Cheshire Pollinator Pathway, Connecticut
February 11, Keynote: “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Prince William Native Plant Symposium, Manassas, Virginia
Resolve to Leave the Leaves All Year Long
If you left the leaves in your garden this fall, you're in for a treat this winter—and so are the birds, squirrels and other animals who will entertain you for hours as they kick, flick, and dig in the organic matter in search of insects and seeds. The need for this precious natural ground layer doesn't end in spring, though. As I explained in a recent post, "Fallen Leaves Are Everything," fallen leaves provide foundational year-round habitat in ways that often surprise us, so it's important to give them a respected place in your garden, letting them lie undisturbed throughout the seasons.
If you're new to the concept, here's a great way to start: Focus on the areas around your trees to create "Soft Landings" for butterflies and moths, many of whom spend much of their lives among the fallen leaves. You can learn more about the Soft Landings campaign, started by pollinator advocates Heather Holm and Leslie Pilgrim, in my recent All Animals magazine piece, "Grounded and Surrounded."
And while we're on the subject of life in the decay, be sure to check out my ode to dead wood, "The Stump Tour," to learn more about the importance of tree snags, stumps, fallen logs and branches for wildlife. Find tips for incorporating these critical habitat elements into your garden in "Wild by Design."
Give Wildlife a Chance: Leash Your Dog
Many people see dogs' antagonism toward wildlife as natural canine behavior and therefore intractable. But being a friend to animals means considering not only the needs of cherished pets and songbirds, but also those of animals who have little to no perceived value or legal protection. In many states, groundhogs can be killed all year, as can coyotes and other animals viewed as “pests,” with no limits on the numbers. Open seasons on raccoons, skunks and opossums often last for many months. Add other forms of human destruction—pesticides, habitat removal—and it’s a wonder these animals have anywhere left to go where they are not under constant stress. The least we can do is avoid unleashing our dogs on them, too. Read more in my latest column in All Animals magazine, "It's Their World, Too: Curbing Your Dog's Instinct to Hunt and Harass Wild Animals."
Great Winter Reads for All Ages
It might be too cold to plant in many areas, but it's never too cold to read about plants! Check out the reviews I recently wrote for these books—a perfect pairing that will help you make native plant gardening a family affair.
Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design by Benjamin Vogt: Many gardening books attempt to take the mystery out of growing plants, providing cookie-cutter recommendations that are ultimately unattainable and unsustainable. Prairie Up does the opposite, celebrating the mysteries and unpredictability of ecological gardens while providing heaps of down-to-earth advice for nurturing these ever-evolving landscapes. Readers following Benjamin Vogt’s tips won’t have to choose between beautiful design and rich habitat. Covering everything from preparing seed mixes to avoiding weed citations, Vogt shows that we can have both. Underlying his generously shared insider knowledge and practical experience is a central message that I wish every gardener could hear: be patient and take your cues from nature, our greatest teacher. If only I had read this book when I first started gardening, I could have saved myself years of trouble!
The Garden Next Door by Collin Pine; illustrated by Tiffany Everett: Thousands of pages have been devoted to the urgency of the rewilding movement, but The Garden Next Door captures its essence in a single uplifting tale: Animals need a lot more plants, and specifically native plants, to survive and thrive in our increasingly crowded world. Just as the butterflies, hummingbirds, and dragonflies lead the children toward the neighbor’s hidden wildlife garden, the children lead the way for their parents, persuading them to trade lawn for life-sustaining habitat. Through colorful, captivating illustrations, we even learn about the fascinating community of insects, birds, and flowers living right outside our doors. I wish all families would read this gentle call to action, take it to heart, and do their part to share their land with their own wild neighbors. Learn more at Riverhorse Books.
Plants are the solution to everything. That’s the driving concept behind the Humane Gardener website, book, presentations, and probably any conversation you’ll ever have with me (you’ve been warned!). Whether you’re trying to resolve conflicts with wildlife or immersed in efforts to save local fauna, you’ll be more successful if you let plants lead the way. You can find inspiration and practical advice for getting started on my social media channels below and on my website, HumaneGardener.com.
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Photos of Janet Crouch, tree frog, silver maple, and poodle by Nancy Lawson/HumaneGardener.com