Trinity Episcopal Church

139 Ocean Ave.

Cranston, RI 02905

(401) 941-4324

Visit Our Web Site

Located in Historic Pawtuxet Village of Cranston, Rhode Island

Pray for Peace Daily,

Together We Are Trinity

No Sunday School this week

Contact info for the Reverend Susan Wrathall

You may email Mother Susan at For pastoral emergencies, the contact number is 401-384-0455. To make an appointment, you may either email or call the parish office at 401-941-4324.

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Weekly Events


8:00am and 10:00am

10:00am Live and online

Facebook livestream

Child Care provided for the 10am Service

Sunday School 9:45am in the Education Room

Choir Rehearsal between services and at 11:30am

Coffee Hour following the 8am and10am service in the Bay Room.

Living Stones 3rd Sunday of the month at 9:05 in the Education room. Vance Morgan will send the topic.


Monday Christian Meditation in the church at 6:00pm

Contact Bill Baddeley (

Monday AA Meeting, parish hall, 7:00 pm

Tuesday Morning Men's

Group 9am

Tuesday Knitting Group 10:00am-12:00pm

Pathways to Healing 1st Sat of month @ 10am


A Special Time at Trinity:

Mr. Carl reads The Easter Cave to the class.

Let's Hop to it and tell you about Palm Sunday for the Church School Children.

The day began in the Church...the Children gathered, with the congregation, for Mother Susan's beginning of the Palm Sunday Service and after the Palms had been blessed, they Paraded up the aisle towards the altar. The Children then Paraded right out of the Main Church into the Education room.

While the children reviewed the Easter story - all the Bad and the Good- -the magic of the Easter Bunny was happening in the hallway and three rooms in the annex. The hiding of 200 eggs (filled with chocolate) was taking place and I guarantee you that Bunny Ears were in place while this was happening, so, ,the delivery was an official visit!

Before the fun of the Egg Hunt - the children were given hand held mirrors that had little notes, on the top and bottom of the mirror, that said - "See the BEST in YOU! and "What Would JESUS Do?" They were encouraged to look in the mirrors everyday. It reminds them that they are looking at one of God's Greatest Creations, to be good people, and that they may talk to God ANYTIME!

By then, it was time for the HUNT and the Children were READY!..They all had decorated bags with assigned numbers to gather the Eggs,.. and you could feel the excitement as the children from the Nursery and Church School gathered together. They needed to find 10 smaller eggs with their number on it and one LARGE EGG! There were also unmarked eggs throughout that they could collect. . Favorite Moments - the children helping each other out and the SMILES when they were allowed to open one egg once they had collected all of their eggs.

It was a Joyous Time during this Season of LENT. 

The Children know it is okay to give some time to the Easter Bunny BUT that this is truly the Time of JESUS! 

Have a Wonderful Easter, and remember to wake up everyday with "Good Morning, GOD!" and "Thank You, GOD!" 

All the BEST,

Mr. Carl and the Whole Church School Team


Parish meeting with Canon Dena Sunday, April 28

Lemongrass Buffet fundraiser Sunday, May 5

Spring clean-up day Saturday, May 11

Last Sunday's Sermon

By Mother Susan

One of my favorite books for this time of the church year is The Last Week by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, which looks at the events of Jesus’ final week in Jerusalem.

Click to continue reading

Pray for peace

Those whom we are remembering in prayer:

Betty, Gail P., Jeanne, Dick, Richard R., Richard C., Paul, Mary, Becca, Cindy, Daniel, Billy, Bruce, Eric, Gabi, Corey, Henry, Sandy, Manny, Tim, Barbara, Peg.

Grocery Cards Available Every Sunday

Adult Formation

 Short Stories by Jesus

Thursdays, April 11 & 18, May 2 & 9

8:30 – 10 am

Using material from Amy-Jill Levine 

No book to buy!

“Parables are more than just moral statements: they are designed to challenge, to entertain, and to encourage our imaginations.” Amy Jill Levine

Together we will read The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son; The Good Samaritan; The Mustard Seed; The Laborers in the Vineyard

Social Outreach


We distributed $1,000 in food cards this week to the following organizations:

Oakland Beach Elementary

Wyman Elementary

Norwood Elementary

Edgewood Highlands Elementary

Rhodes Elementary

House of Hope

Thank you all for your tremendous generosity!! And thank you to Rob, Nancy D., Nancy P., Barbara and Cindy for being our school liaisons.

Sue Hinckley, Social Outreach Committee Chair

Sunday ⬅️Bulletin link Service at 10am is live streamed on the Trinity Church facebook page: @trinitypawtuxet