PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE IN YOUR LOCAL ELECTIONS. Most town elections are being held on Tuesday, March 12. And most town meetings will be on March 13. Remember, your voice is important during this time of right-wing drama.

PLEASE NOTE: We will be voting on the Plymouth Area Democrats Executive Committee members during the business meeting.


The simplified pot luck breakdown worked well last month, so let's continue with it. If you want a beverage, please bring your own. We will, however, continue to make a pot of coffee and supply cream. If you don't have time to make a dish, consider bringing a pizza. Thank you.

A-L  Side Dish, salad, or dessert 

M–Z  Entrée

The pot luck starts at 5:30pm. If you need childcare in order to attend, please let us know. We will arrange to have a sitter at the Senior Center during the meeting. 

Let's support Senate District 2 Candidate CARLOS CARDONA

Carlos Cardona was impressive at our January meeting, where he announced his intent to run for NH Senate. He has a proven track record of political mobilization and community organizing, and aims to leverage his experience to foster bipartisan cooperation and effective governance.

Cardona’s platform focuses on key issues such as improving public education, addressing the opioid crisis, advocating for environmental sustainability, and supporting economic policies that benefit working families.

As a new candidate, Cardona will need to raise a considerable amount to run against right-wing Sen. Lang. Let's help him!

GET TO KNOW THE GRAFTON COUNTY DEMOCRATS: The Grafton County Democrats publish a regular newsletter on legislative issues impacting our area. Sign up for their most recent newsletterYou can also follow GCD on Facebook.


We love recurring donations. . . DONATE TODAY to Plymouth Area Democrats' Act Blue account. Or send a check to the post office address below. We will need to rent an office next year, and with rents going ever higher, it will be an extensive expense. In addition, we will be helping each of our candidates with campaign expenses. Thank you for your generosity.

Plymouth Area Democrats

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