Dear Residents –
I am happy to be back after a much-needed vacation, rested and ready to get back to work. I want to thank my staff, Allison Kardon and Carmel Reilly, for taking on the introduction writing duties in my absence. Bravo, ladies - you did a great job!
In looking at my calendar, it is clear I returned just in time to attend many great events. This weekend alone there is the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Open House and the Nyack Chief's Inspection Parade 2022 on Saturday, and Nyack's Famous Street Fair on Sunday.
And next weekend there will be more, including the 15th Annual Pearl River Day festival. It is being sponsored by the Pearl River Chamber of Commerce and, in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Pearl River, there will be fireworks at dusk this year. And, another fan favorite, next Saturday will be the Semi-Annual Paper Shredding and Non-Perishable Collection Event at Town Hall from 8:00 am to 11:30 am.
Be sure to check my newsletter weekly for upcoming events and activities going on in and around Orangetown. And if you are aware of an event, please be sure to share it with my office at
On a different note, many residents have been questioning what was happening at the shopping center on Middletown Road where a portion of the building had been destroyed by a fire in November 2021. Last week, the Town received an application to re-build and, per the drawings, Dollar General and Dunkin' Donuts will be returning, but the gun store will not. I know that a certain member of the Kenny family will be very happy that “Dunkin” will be back!