MARCH 2024

LIGHT A CANDLE today to pray for Our Lady's intercession

Journey of the Heart: Almsgiving

The call to charity is a fundamental theme of our Catholic upbringing. During Lent, we are asked to intensify our commitment to almsgiving so that we can more closely emulate Jesus and reciprocate His love for us.

In this episode of Lent 2024: Journey of the Heart, we are joined by Sr. Bella Davila, DC, of Face to Face in Philadelphia's Germanton section; Aderinsola, a student at Mount Saint Joseph Academy in Flourtown, Pa.; and Vicente, a parishioner of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Charlotte, N.C., reflecting on how almsgiving manifests the Lord's love in ourselves and those around us.


Join Us for These Special Lenten Events


Each Wednesday (through March 27), Fr. John Kettelberger, CM, leads Soup & Bread Reflections, a thoughtful conversation over a light meal about the upcoming Sunday's Gospel reading.

On Fridays (through March 22), we pray Mary's Way of the Cross, a traditional version of the Stations recounting the Blessed Mother's witness of Our Lord's passion and death.

On Tuesday, March 19, we will celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph during 12:05 p.m. Mass. Visit for more details about all our Lenten Events.

Holy Week and Easter

at the Basilica Shrine

We invite all the faithful to make the Basilica Shrine a destination for their Easter observances. Our Easter Sunday Mass will begin at 9 a.m. (ET).

Leading up to Easter, our usual schedule will be paused on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.


Celebrate St. Patrick With Faith-Inspired Gifts

Looking for a St. Patrick’s Day gift that reflects the true meaning of the holiday?

Visit our online Gift Shop to browse our collection of St. Patrick-themed devotional items including those that have been touched to a stone from the original gable wall at the Knock Apparition Chapel in County Mayo.

Order today to ensure prompt shipment ahead of St. Patrick's Day.

Give Hope to Your Loved Ones This Easter

Do you know someone who is hurting this blessed season?

Do you know someone who is sick, or feels alone, and who needs to experience a rebirth of hope amid life’s trials?

If you do, share their name with us so that we may place their name(s) at the foot of Mary’s Altar in the Basilica Shrine, and have our Miraculous Medal Family pray for them from Easter Sunday through to Pentecost.


Plan a Group Visit with Our Beyond Sunday® Team

Planning a visit to the Basilica Shrine with your school or faith-based group? Our Beyond Sunday® team will work with you to craft a customized pilgrimage or retreat that fulfills your organizational mission while delivering a transformational Marian-focused experience for your students or members.

Contact Lynda D'Angelo to learn more about our Sacramental retreats, Catholic educator retreats, and many other in-person and virtual programs.


Immerse Yourself in Song at Saturday Vigil Mass

Sacred music is an essential component of the Eucharistic celebration at the Basilica Shrine. Attend our Vigil Mass each Saturday at 4 p.m. (ET) as we immerse ourselves in song and the splendor of Our Lady. Confessions are offered at 3:30 p.m.

“It is hard to find words to convey the joy of the soul’s loving encounter with God, yet fine music is able to express something of the mystery of his love for us and ours for him.” -- Pope Benedict XVI

Watch the Perpetual Novena Live Every Monday

The Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is a timeless devotion to Our Blessed Mother instituted at the Basilica Shrine on Dec. 8, 1930.

Wherever you are in the world, we invite you to join us online each Monday at 12:05 p.m. (Eastern US) to pray for Our Lady's intercession and thank her for blessings received while experiencing the beauty and tranquility of her Shrine and reflecting on the Gospel with the Vincentians of the Eastern Province, USA.

Video replays are available on demand via