A reminder that the Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center and Scout Shop will remain closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday until Monday, November 28th at 9:00am. | |
Holiday Silent Auction is LIVE | |
Heart of Virginia Council is hosting an online Holiday Silent Auction that will run from Black Friday through December 16th. This auction is FULL of vintage Scout memorabilia, collectibles, and holiday items that all make the perfect holiday gifts! All revenue will go toward funding the Heart of Virginia Council, and your donation is tax-deductible.
[Make A Bid!]
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November 29th is Giving Tuesday | |
We're working to make a profound impact on the values and character of future leaders here in Central Virginia, and we need your continued support to maintain a strong Scouting program. Donate rank handbooks, uniform shirts, Pinewood Derby car kits, t-shirts, fishing and cooking experiences, camp scholarships, tents and platforms, and much more this Giving Tuesday - November 29th!
[Giving Tuesday]
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Each year, all Scouting units must update their member roster and pay fees for the coming calendar year. This process is called Unit Renewal, or Recharter. This year, Unit Renewal is open October 15th through December 17th. Visit our 2023 Unit Renewal page using the link below to access instructions, training, a user guide, timeline, test sandbox environment, and the live Internet Rechartering console.
[2023 Unit Renewal]
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Citizenship in Society
Merit Badge Counselors
The new Citizenship in Society Merit Badge became required for all Scouts as of July 1, 2022, so counselors are needed ASAP! Since this badge is to be taught in small groups to Scouts within their own troop, the Heart of Virginia Council needs every Troop to select at least one person who will help guide Scouts on their journey of self-discovery.
[Get More Information]
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Shooting Sports Supervisor Training at TBS |
Shooting sports is one of the most popular activities at the camps, and proper supervision is a must to continue holding activities on the ranges. To open a range on the Saunders we must have two 21-year-old supervisors, a Range Safety Officer, and an instructor for the firearm in use.
[Get More Information]
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What's New at the Scout Shop | |
The Scout Shop Holiday Celebration Sale Spectacular is in full swing! Visit us for great deals on different items now through December 17th. November 28th through December 2nd, enjoy 15% off t-shirts (excluding the Lion Uniform). December 5th through 10th, get 15% off ALL camping gear. December 12th - 17th, take 20% off class B hats and pick a rubber ducky to receive an additional 10% to 20% off your purchase (excluding uniform items and awards).
[Visit the HOVC Scout Shop]
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The Heart of Virginia Council Scout Shop, located in the Leadership Center at 8090 Villa Park Drive, is offering a Patch Sewing Service to save you some time and frustration (especially if you don’t own a sewing machine and the thought of hand stitching or using Badge Magic on those patches makes you shudder).
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Cub Chat Live Fridays at 3pm | |
Cub Scout Unit leaders, volunteers, and parents... have you checked out Cub Chat Live? Each Friday at 3pm, a team of National leaders with Scouting Magazine gets together to host a Facebook live event where they discuss topics that are meant to help you succeed. Today, they're discussing FUN Pack and Large Events!
[Tune In and View the Archives]
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Scout Life Magazine Toy Giveaway | |
Have you read your November 2022 issue of Scout Life magazine? To help you get started on your holiday shopping, flip to page 16 for the annual Scout Life guide for some of the hottest toys and games of the year. Want to win some of the great stuff they review? Pick the prize you hope to win and submit your contact information once a day until November 30th! Many will enter, only 22 will win.
[Enter the Giveaway]
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Auggie's Eagle Project at Woodland Cemetery | |
Augustus "Auggie" Bryan with Troop 1829 is working on a large Eagle Project on December 10th, and he needs a lot of help! Woodland Cemetery, located in Richmond, is a historically African American cemetery that opened in 1916. It is the final resting place of Arthur Ashe, Leslie Garland Bolling, Zenobia Gilpin, John Jasper, and Charles Thaddeus Russel, and it is in extreme disrepair. Auggie needs help creating a dedicated Veterans Memorial, paving a new memorial fountain, and rebuilding and beautifying over 400 feet of existing walkways.
[Sign Up to Help Auggie]
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Cardinal and Capitol District Webelos to Scout Transition Fair | |
Finding the right Troop can seem a bit overwhelming. We hope to make that decision a little easier by bringing Capitol and Cardinal District Troops to you all in one place. Come visit some of the great Boy and Girl Troops in the Capitol and Cardinal Districts at the Webelos to Scouts Transition Fair on December 14th @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm at the Deep Run Park Recreation Center.
[Register to Attend]
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Your journey to a Philmont trek in 2024 has begun! The registration portal will open at 9 a.m. MDT on Saturday, Oct. 1st and close on Thursday, Dec. 1st. All units who enter their information during this time will be entered into a lottery drawing to determine availability for their preferred dates. A wilderness and learning adventure that will last your lifetime is just around the corner.
[Enter the Lottery]
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Silver Beaver Nominations Due 11/30 | |
Do you know a Scouter who needs to be nominated? The Heart of Virginia Council’s highest volunteer recognition, the Silver Beaver Award, will be awarded to highly deserving Scouters who have made a huge impact in the lives of youth through their hard work, self-sacrifice, and years of dedicated service.
[Download the Nomination Form]
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NESA Scholarship Application Window Opens 12/1 |
Set a reminder! The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) scholarship application window opens on December 1st. Last year, more than $536,000 was awarded to NESA members. Whether you plan to attend a 4-year university or trade school, Be Prepared to apply.
[Learn More]
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OA Distinguished Service Award Nominations Due 1/31/23 |
OA Distinguished Service Award (DSA) and Red Arrow Award nominations are due January 31, 2022. The DSA honors those who render service to the Order beyond the lodge level, and the Red Arrow recognizes individuals who are not members of the OA but who provide outstanding service to the order.
[Learn More]
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Duty to God Nominations Due 2/28/23 | |
BSA's National Duty to God Award nominations are now open for the 2023 awards. Do you know a person that has gone above and beyond in their Duty to God and their impact has reached a national level beyond their service to their local area? If you do, then please take the time to nominate them. The nomination form is due by February 28th, 2023.
[Make a Nomination]
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2022 Eagle Commencement
Save the Date
The 2022 Eagle Commencement is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 19th, 2023. Join us at Randolph-Macon's Blackwell Auditorium from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. We're welcoming Life Scouts to join our Honor Guard, and invite attendees to register for an hour-long tour of the campus beginning at 1:30pm.
[Learn More]
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Join the Adventure! (Camping and Outdoors) | |
Leave No Trace Principles |
While you're enjoying the outdoors, it's important to remember that others are interested in doing the same! It's up to us to represent Scouting to the best of our abilities by showing consideration for others at all times. Respect and protect the quality of their experience, be courteous, avoid loud voices and noises, and follow the rules of your camp hosts!
[See All 7 Principles of LNT]
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Winter Camp Merit Badge Offerings are Confirmed! |
The forecast says... opportunities are piling high out there, and 2023 Winter Camp is going to be cooler than ever! A finalized list of merit badge offerings is officially available on the T. Brady Saunders website under the "Documents & Forms" tab. Official merit badge registration will begin on Monday, November 28th.
[Get the List!]
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Merit Badge Counselors Needed for Winter Camp | |
We are currently looking for merit badge instructors for Winter Camp 2023. Many leaders serve as merit badge instructors for the camp. We especially need volunteers to teach merit badge classes for the Sunday and Monday sessions and Eagle Required merit badges, especially Environmental Science, Sustainability, Personal Fitness and Personal Management. Volunteers help to make this event a success.
[More Info & Registration]
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2023 Back-At-Camp Council Camporee |
It's time to get back to what we all love to do - Scouting with lots of friends! This will be a fun and memorable weekend for all Scouts and a time to catch up with old friends. Think of this as a Council-sized National or World Scout Jamboree! Save the date: April 21st - 23rd, 2023 at the Goochland Reservation! Registration is expected to open on December 1st.
[Bookmark the Registration Site]
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2023 Klondike Derby
Registration is Open
The 2023 Klondike Derby at T. Brady Saunders is open for registrations! Join in on the race, test your Scout skills, discover gold, and go on a brand-new adventure at Cub Adventure Camp the weekend of March 3rd - 5th, 2023. The theme and activities will be announced by event host, Troop 555.
[Don't Miss This Golden Opportunity]
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Weekend Experiences at Cub Adventure Camp | |
Our Weekend Experience at Cub Adventure Camp is a program designed for you, by you, and to meet the needs of your Pack. Come out for the morning, come out for the afternoon, or come out for both. Pick your program for your pack. A three-hour block in the morning on Saturday. A three-hour block in the afternoon on Saturday. Participate in one activity or two. Come out just for the day, or make a weekend camping adventure out of your Experience.
[Learn More]
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Weekend Experiences at T. Brady Saunders | |
Our Weekend Experience at T. Brady Saunders opens parts of camp for weekend use! Weekend primitive camping opportunities are available at S. Douglas Fleet from August through May, based on availability. We offer Troops the opportunity to customize a program specifically tailored for their Scouts. Come out for nature, fishing, shooting, STEM, and more. We even have canoes available for rent!
[Learn More]
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Philmont Scout Ranch: The Ultimate in Scouting Adventures |
Philmont Scout Ranch is a national high adventure base, owned and operated by the Boy Scouts of America. The Heart of Virginia Council Contingent is sending three 12-day trek crews to Philmont Scout Ranch in 2023. Sign up now to reserve your spot!
[Learn More and Register]
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Summer Camp 2023
Hold-A-Spot Is Open!
The 2023 TBS Summer Camp Hold-A-Spot form allows for you to make a housing preference from the camp facilities listed below. Note that housing is not guaranteed and will not be final until arrival at camp. The Hold-A-Spot Fee is $350 (due at registration) and is non-refundable.
[Hold Our Spot!]
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Jamboree is more than a destination. It's the adventure of a lifetime, and there is simply nothing else like it on the planet. Open to Scouts BSA, Venturing, Explorer, and Sea Scouts who are 12 years of age and older. We've launched a National Jamboree page on the Heart of Virginia Council website to keep you up-to-date on #NatJamboree23 details!
[HOVC 2023 Jamboree Page]
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Advancement, Training and Life Skill Opportunities | |
December District Roundtables |
December Roundtables offer leaders hands-on experience and provide a form for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters. Capitol & Cardinal Scouters, please see the link below for an important flyer regarding your December Roundtable meeting.
[Get Roundtable Dates]
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Trainer's EDGE - January 28th, 2023 | |
The Trainer's EDGE helps develop the skills of leaders and trainers. It focuses on improving the participant’s leadership, communication and training skills. The Trainer’s Edge is the required train-the-trainer course for Wood Badge, Commissioners’ College, NYLT staff and all other BSA training courses. The Course is highly beneficial for all leaders and trainers. Take advantage of this great opportunity to impact the quality of the programs our youth receive through and creating well-trained leaders!
[Register Now!]
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2023 Commissioner College - Save the Date |
Commissioners, Save the Date for the next College of Commissioner Science, scheduled for February 4th, 2023, at the Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center! We would love for you to encourage your units to send a Scouter to help build foundation of future Commissioners. Registration will go live in December!
[Download the Flyer (PDF)]
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Full-Time District Executive |
Heart of Virginia Council is seeking qualified applicants for a full-time District Executive position. A full description of the opportunity, including job requirements and desired skills, along with compensation details and application instructions, can be found using the link below.
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Part-Time ScoutReach Program Aid |
ScoutReach Program Aids help deliver a quality Scouting program for underserved youth in our community. They also assist with leading volunteers to help grow the program and instill Scouting values in the lives of youth. Full details, including application instructions, can be found using the link below.
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Recognition, Memorials and Honors | |
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]
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Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]
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2023 Eagle Challenge
Brick Program
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A great way to honor your Eagle Scout is to sponsor a personally engraved Eagle Brick. The cost is $200 per brick which includes engraving of up to eighteen characters per line (letters, space and punctuation) with a maximum of two lines. To be included in the 2023 Eagle Brick Unveiling Ceremony, brick orders must be received by July 7th, 2023.
[Learn More]
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Like being in-the-know? Our Facebook page is regularly updated with news and information we feel is most helpful to our Scouting community. Swing by and give us a like and a follow, and don't forget to share the posts that are most meaningful or helpful to you.
[Visit fb.com/ScoutingVA]
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The HOVC Communications team continues to work hard to provide existing, new, and potential Scouts with the best possible experience! That includes access to great, accurate information… and we think YOU are an important source! We would love to hear from you about your positive experiences with HOVC.
[Leave a Review]
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Friday 5 and Courier Newsletters |
Get the top news stories of the week and month by subscribing to our Friday 5 and Courier newsletters. We'll keep you updated on the news you need every Friday at noon. Subscribe and view the archives by visiting the link below.
[Friday 5 and Courier]
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Scouting with Heart Newsletter | |
Submit your stories, subscribe, and view the archives for Scouting with Heart, a mid-week Heart of Virginia publication that focuses on the faces of local Scouting. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating our youth and volunteers by learning more about their service to our community and accomplishments in our program.
[Scouting with Heart]
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Check out your district for upcoming events and important news! | | | | | |