November 17, 2022

St. Markers Sign National Letters of Intent

Last Thursday, November 10, three St. Mark's VI Formers signed National Letters of Intent recognizing their commitment to play collegiate athletics. Kaitlyn Breslin '23 committed to the University of Connecticut to play softball; Jimmy Lyver '23 committed to Holy Cross to play ice hockey; and Brayden Michaelson '23 committed to St. Anselm College to play baseball.

Read the news story.

View more photos of the NLI Ceremony on SmugMug.

Read on to learn what is happening Inside the Pride.

Above: (L-R) Mr. Warren '74, Brayden Michaelson '23, Jimmy Lyver '23, Kaitlyn Breslin '23, Ms. Ames. Photo by: Luke Chiasson '15.

This Week

Register for Winter SM Saturdays by Tomorrow, November 18

Registration for the winter trimester of SM Saturdays is happening this week. Students should register for their top five choices before the end of the day on Friday, November 18. You can view the Winter Trimester Course Catalog here.

Please reach out to Ms. Nicks ( or Ms. Bates ( if you have any questions. As a reminder, the winter trimester of St. Mark's Saturday will begin on January 7, 2023. Classes will meet five times throughout the trimester: January 7, January 14, January 28, February 11, and February 25.


Packing for the BIG MOVE to Patterson-Sculley House

Please find this week's November 14-19 packing/departure/moving schedule attached! This is relevant to ALL students, not just those who are moving into Patterson-Sculley House. This is a live document that is being updated throughout the week.


  • Student boxes must be color-coded and labeled. Packed bags (duffel, not garbage), closed containers, suitcases, standing lamps, and refrigerators that are properly labeled will make the move. 
  • Questions can be directed to Maggie Caron and David Vachris.

Final Fall SM Saturdays Classes Meet November 19

The final SM Saturdays classes for the fall season will meet this Saturday, November 19. A reminder that students may leave as early as noon on Saturday and must depart by 5:00 p.m. Please refer to this helpful November Break Departure and Return Information form.

Grades and Comments Available Monday, November 21

As previously shared, summative grades and comments for each class will be available on Monday, November 21. In order to view grades and comments, families should have registered in the new portal.

For tech questions, please email; for questions about your student's grades and comments, please reach out to your student's advisor first.

Please Get Your Flu Vaccine

Reminder to parents: if your student has not already received a flu shot this academic year, please do so over the upcoming holiday break to help protect them from seasonal flu. The easiest way to get a flu shot appointment, other than through your PCP, is through the chain pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens, or Target.

After Thanksgiving Break

Lessons and Carols, December 6 and December 8

Please join the St. Mark's School Choir and Orchestra for a Service of Nine Lessons and Carols for Christmas! This year, St. Mark's School's beloved Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas will take place on two nights: December 6 and December 8. Students and families will attend one of the two services, and more information on which service your student is scheduled to attend will be provided after Thanksgiving Break. 

Photo Retake Day, December 8

If at first you don't succeed, try again! Photo retakes for the yearbook will be offered in the Lions' Den from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on December 8.

College Counseling

Reminder: Practice ACT Exam for IV Form Students, December 10

The Department of College Counseling will be offering a practice ACT exam on the morning of December 10. We expect all IV Form students to take advantage of this practice testing opportunity. Students received a Google Form to sign up for the exam. This letter from Eric Monheim, which was sent to IV Form parents, contains more information. Please reach out to testing coordinator Joelle Gilmore ( with any questions.

Community and Equity

Weekly Reflection

Greetings from the Community and Equity Affairs Office

Here is this week's promptAmerican poet, writer, commentator, activist, and educator Nikki Giovanni states, “Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.”

With that line in mind, consider the following: What mistakes have you made lately and how did you respond to them? If you did not respond in the best way, in what ways would you change your response? 


Community Life and Student Engagement

Talk to Your Student About Wellness

While you are with your student over the break, here are a few important wellness topics to discuss:

  • Nutrition. Our winter athletics schedule dictates that students have evening practices at varied times. Although all students have access to a full dinner provided in the dining hall regardless of practice time, we encourage students to think ahead about their needs. Instead of ordering food (which is often not very healthy), we encourage our students to prepare at lunchtime by making an extra sandwich or taking fruit and granola bars to have later in the evening.
  • Warm clothing. We sometimes take for granted that most of our School is covered and that many students live in the Main Building; however, appropriate clothing for the winter weather is important. 
  • Hygiene. As cold and flu season approaches, washing hands and keeping clean rooms can reduce the spread of germs and help reduce the stress that can set in when the days become colder and darker.
  • Behavior. The winter season can feel long and difficult. This reality means that students may be tempted to relieve stress and unplug through behavior that is not acceptable in our community. While your student is home for the vacation, we encourage you to talk with them about their personal plan for goal setting and making it through the winter season. Having clear goals and identifying possible challenges helps students use helpful resources instead of engaging in harmful behavior.

As always, the Dean of Student Engagement Office, the Wellness Department, Counseling and Health Services, and advisors are here to support your student. Reach out should you have any concerns or needs.

Reminder: Thanksgiving Break Departure and Return

We hope you are all looking forward to Thanksgiving Break. Please remember that students are free to leave School after SM Saturdays classes on November 19; they may leave as early as noon and must depart by 5:00 p.m. Questions? Please refer to this helpful November Break Departure and Return Information form. Also, keep in mind that St. Mark's does not excuse any early departures or late returns around our major school vacations (Thanksgiving, Winter, or Spring Break). 

Reminder: Thanksgiving Break Transportation

St. Mark’s students traveling on busses arranged by the School should have registered directly with Jeanmarie Morey ( Your seat is reserved as long as you received confirmation. Safe travels!


St. Mark's Theater Department Proudly Presents Men on Boats

As advertised in last week's newsletter, the Theater Department is staging Men on Boats, a play by Jacklyn Backhaus, this week in the Black Box Theater. There are two more performances, tonight and tomorrow, at 7:00 p.m. Read this news story about the play. View photos from the play by Adam Richins.


Please Register for the New York City Regional Reception

Gather with St. Mark’s alumni and parents, and connect with Head of School John C. Warren ’74 at the Harold Pratt House in New York on Tuesday, December 6. Register here.

The Exam Bake is Coming!  

Our Annual Exam Bake is on Tuesday, December 13, at 4:00 p.m. in the Hinkle Room. Parent volunteers are encouraged to help bake, decorate, or volunteer for the event. A link to sign-up will be shared in the December 1 Inside the Pride.


Thank you for participating in the Parent Phonathon

Thank you to the St Mark’s parent community for the amazing generosity shown during this week’s phonathon, and also to our parent volunteer callers who contacted over 100 families in just two hours. If our volunteers were not able to reach you this week, you can still participate by making a gift now. Special thanks go to Mike Pellini P’20, ’23, parent annual fund chair, and to Elana Whelan P’25, ’26 for leading this effort.

Around the Quad

For St. Mark's Swag, shop the SALE at the Online School Store

The online St. Mark's School store is currently having a 20-percent-off sale on hoodies for the month of November. Shop the sale here.

Cyber Monday Sale on School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger

School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger will be offering their best sale ever on Cyber Monday, November 28: 25-percent-off your order. It will be a one-day only sale, exclusive to those on their email list. Click here to join the School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger email list. Signing up ensures you will receive their exclusive promotion code on Cyber Monday delivered directly to your inbox. Make sure you add this address to your email address book to prevent spam/junk mail issues.

For More on What's Happening Inside the Pride

Check out photos from campus on our School's SmugMug page.

View the latest news stories on our website.

Elana Whelan P’25, ’26 and Mike Pellini P’20, ’23, parent annual fund chair, at the phonathon.

Photo by Stacie Allen.

Calendar Highlights:

Nov. 17 Fall Play

Nov. 18 Fall Play

Nov. 19 Thanksgiving Break Begins at noon

Nov. 28 Boarders Return to Campus

Nov. 29 Classes Resume

Dec. 1 Gray Colloquium

Dec. 2 Holiday Songfest and Tree Lighting

Dec. 3 Wellness Day; SATs; Community Weekend

Dec. 6 Lessons and Carols

Dec. 8 Lessons and Carols

Dec. 10 No SMS; Practice ACTs

Dec. 12 Assessment Week Begins

Dec. 13 Exam Bake

Dec. 16 Winter Break Begins

Jan. 3 Boarders Return to Campus

Jan. 4 Classes Resume

Click to View the Online School Calendar 
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