Public Outreach meetings
This week SRPC led public outreach meetings in Milton and Farmington to discuss the reuse of five (5) underutilized municipal facilities. In Milton, nearly two dozen residents and public officials attended the meeting; on Thursday, the project team led a similar discussion in Farmington. Both meetings generated lively discussion about current issues with the facilities, local needs, and what or who could potentially occupy the facilities in the future. The final report will identify necessary renovations and provide high-level cost estimates, the towns can then apply for construction grants.
In Milton, the town discussed potential affordable housing for seniors at the site of the old town hall. Regarding the Town Beach, they discussed how to increase the usable space, considered the suggestion of a concession stand, and improved circulation/parking near the boat launch.
In Farmington, we discussed the wait-listed after-school program and managing an increase in the available spots (think parking and circulation for parent pick-up). For the Municipal Offices Building, we discussed improved access at the Clerk’s window and increased resident privacy when meeting with planning and development staff or social services staff. For both towns, the project team will return in 2025 to present findings and recommendations for consideration and feedback.”