June 2024
It's Summertime!
June means school is out, summer time starts, and we’re having our first presentation at our new event center at 11055 NORTH IH35. Check it out below for details. Helping to educate has always been one of our top community participation goals and I’m excited to announce an educational partnership with the wonderful folks at Natural Grocers. Once a month we will be hosting their Nutritional Health Coach, Yolanda Calle, MAcCHM, BA, RM in our new event center who will be tackling health, wellness and environmental impact topics. Watch for dates, times and topic selections each month in our monthly newsletter and in flyers at all Natural Grocers local stores. We will be reciprocating the educational process by presenting various topics monthly at their local stores.

This month we acknowledge dads on Father’s Day, June 16th and partying on June 19th in celebration of Juneteenth. The official start of summer will be on June 20th with the return of the Summer Solstice. I have to mention that June 30th is National Meteor Watching Day, despite this June being one of three months this year that has no meteor activity expected.

The full moon this month is called the Strawberry Moon and will rise to its fullest on June 21 just after the Summer Solstice. Because of this timing, sometimes you’ll hear this moon referred to as the Solstice Full moon. If you can wait until about an hour after midnight and look real low on the horizon you can catch the moon rising at the lowest it will be for another 18 years.

Some highlights in this newsletter include:
  • Julie’s astrological update for June suggesting you assume nothing this month, dig deep
  • Check out our first event at 11055 NORTH IH35 and learn about your pets' secret thoughts
  • Take note of all our upcoming events and Readers in our Community Event Center at 4103 N IH 35
  • Learn about Malawi Agate available in the Rock Depot
  • Read about fossilized Sand Dollars and how they represent peace and good will

Things are progressing nicely with our relocation plans but, running true to all remodel plans, delays continue to impede our goal of being moved in by August. If you get a chance to take a second, please put some positive energy on us achieving our goal to have the best grand opening party ever in late Summer/early Autumn. Speaking about positive energy, we are blessed to be able to offer you the opportunity to experience and learn about the life changing energy work of Michal Mael. This healing magnate can transform your life into one of immense proportions. The teachings Michal offers are presented for a selected few and are considered priceless. If you are looking for life changing direction, check out her seminars with us this month on June 15.
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.
Karen and the Staff
We're Moving to 11055 N IH35 Frontage Rd!
Nature's Treasures is a beloved longtime Austin business putting the weird in "Keep Austin Weird." With more than 14,000 square feet of space along I-35 near Airport Boulevard, it's one of the largest crystal shops in the country.

"Us being deemed [a] culturally significant space in Austin, we're getting a little bit of additional funding in terms of settling into the new space," Kallstrom said.
In the Community
AGMS First Saturday Meet-up
June 1st 

AGMS Club House Parking lot at 6719 Burnet Lane, Austin, TX, 78757 where Nature's Treasures will be selling products and networking with AGMS club members and community outreach.

Family friendly and free to attend.
Healing Arts Festival and Market
Sunday, June 2 • 11a-6p

FREE Admission

Hilton Garden Inn
8101 Pat Booker Rd, Live Oak, TX 78233
Featuring the best in artisan made products and natural healing practitioners! Intuitive Counsel, Aura Photography, Energy Work, Artisan made handcrafted Jewelry and organic products.
Wimberley Metaphysical and Holistic Fair
by Heaven-Pathways-Earth
June 1st - 2nd
11am - 5pm

Wimberley Community Center
14068 RR-12, Wimberley, TX, 78676

NT will have a booth set up there selling our products while also helping to promote relations with other practitioners and members of the holistic and spiritual communities.

Free to attend and available for all age groups.
In The Community Events Center
Wisdom for the Ages
Join three of our most revered (dare we say crones?) With tons of experience for you to get your burning questions answered. Elaine Ireland, Deborah Dahmen and Linda Snow.

FREE Admission
June 29, 11a-5:30p
Did you miss Wizards and Maidens?
On May 25, we hosted an event for all Wizards and Maidens. We had vendors, practitioners, performers and even a costume contest! There is Elizabeth Jackson accepting her award as our youngest maiden.

If you'd like to see more events like this one, please e-mail and give us your thoughts and ideas!
Join Us at our New Event Center!
11055 N IH35, Austin, Texas 78753
The Empaths Journey
with Sheela Goodrich
This workshop was designed especially for empaths to unbind karmic patterns, release limiting beliefs and awaken authentic emotional intelligence. Empath protection: Group Healing session, Guided Meditation and interactive Techniques for recalling our power, staying protected in our openness and connecting with the body-mind. Embodied emotion: a somatic movement experiential and creative expression.

Holding new space for happiness: finding the gifts of awakening after a dark night of the soul. Regardless of where you are in your empaths journey, this will be a meaningful and beautiful experience of self exploration and shared insights! Questions? contact Sheela directly at 512-577-4055 Pre-register HERE

Stern Hatcher
Pet Psychic

Available for Private Readings

June 16 • 12-5p
11055 N Interstate 35 • 78753
Upcoming Events
Dolores Cannon's Meet Your Spirit Guides & Angels Past Life Regression Event by Lori Lines
Embark on a transformative journey with Lori Lines, a seasoned specialist with over 35 years of diverse experience in Human Resource Management, Intuitive counseling, Feng Shui, Reiki Mastery, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). Lori's path, woven through psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals, hi-tech consulting firms, and extensive studies of human behavior, has uniquely equipped her to guide individuals toward self-discovery, healing, and spiritual awakening.

13th October | 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Fee: $45

Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event. 

Check our calendar for availability.
To schedule events, e-mail
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Click HERE to adjust your subscriptions so you get all of our updates!
The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!

Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
The Twelve Foundation Stones
of the Heavenly City: Emerald
by: Adrienne Goff

The power of crystals and gemstones has been seeping into many facets of our lives. Social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, are awash with videos about gemstone jewelry, crystal healing, crystal grids, crystal skulls, crystal infused skincare—you name it. The crystal craze has extended into the category of home décor and was named a 2024 interior design trend. It makes sense that people want to bring calming, harmonizing elements from nature into their living spaces during these uncertain times.
Some are taking it a step further, placing crystals into the foundation of their new homes for a permanent infusion of high crystal vibes into their residence. Perhaps you have seen the TikTok videos of amethyst and selenite being placed into the wet concrete foundation on a new build site. You can find videos and articles suggesting specific crystals to place in your home’s foundation for purposes such as protection, abundance, love, and positive energy.

A Partnership Between Nature’s Treasures and Natural Grocers
The next few months we'll be discussing a relevant and often misunderstood or underestimated theme in all
its manifestations: Prevention, exterior and interior. Taking into account our many "environments" (living spaces) and the many metabolic pathways of consumable substances, we’re bringing in the trusted, expertise and educational support of Natural Grocers' own Nutritional Health Coach - Yolanda Calle, MAcCHM, BA, RM to simplify, tackle, and demystify some seemingly overwhelming topics.

Facts are powerful and these next few months you'll be
armed with many useful and applicable facts to attain a total reset, re-alignment, re-calibration and restoration of your radiant self and environments.
June: Surviving the annual Pollen-pocalypse naturally. If you have pollen allergies, spring and summer can be miserable times. You can suffer with itchy eyes, a runny nose, congestion, sinus problems and sneezing—or you can numb your brain and reflexes with over-the-counter or prescription drugs. Maybe it’s time to consider the alternatives. Learn how making some minor modifications to your eating habits and taking certain supplements can do wonders to ease allergy symptoms.
Monthly Astrological Guidance by Julie Reeves

This month, we are still in a period of gentler transformation and growth for all zodiac signs (very thankful). The Sun is now in Gemini from May 20th to June 20th, triggering all sorts of communication with all sorts of people (some of which you probably don’t enjoy). As we navigate Gemini Season, looking at situations from all sides rather than merely assuming is crucial. Being curious and open-minded is vital in mastering this season. Embracing diversity (Hello, Pride Month!) and holding space and understanding for others by communication is the goal of Gemini.

Featured Fossil: Sand Dollar
Featured Agate: Malawi Agates
The Malawi agates that we sell in the Rock Depot at Natures Treasures are from a specific region in Malawi called Ngabu, Chikwawa.

These agates are apparently from a newer dig from a location that had been mined before. Like many agates they are from a fairly volatile region that caused fracturing on many of the nodules in an area that is mostly basalt lava flows. Malawi agate work equally well for face polishes and for making cabochons because of the colors and banding patterns, and hardness being around 7.

Typical colors when cut open are dark red almost maroon, bright red, yellow, tans and lavender. Come check it out in the Rock Depot!
Meet Our Team
Cheryl Rae

Celebrating 10 years with us, Cheryl joined Natures Treasures in 2014 to work on our new website and our advertising in and around the Austin area. She also also creates the monthly newsletters and store flyers and the smaller shopper take-away flyers/reminders. Cheryl will speak at the upcoming Tarot and Oracle Expo about all the considerations you will make in creating your own oracle deck on June 23 at noon.
June Practitioners
Anne Berlin - 2nd
Denise Nitti - Intuitive Reiki - 13th
Deborah Dahmen - Energy healer - 29th
Laura Tree - 5th, 19th
Mia Michel - 4th, 18th
Saul Ravencraft - 12th
Ricardo Gonzales - 20th
Tore Sol - 26th
Tara Ventura - Psychic Medium - 7th, 21st
Kramer Wetzel - Astrology - 11th, 25th
JaMecha Dodd - 10th, 17th
Elaine Ireland - 29th
Francine Caruso - 30th
Linda Snow - 29th
Yuci Edwards - Spiritual Guide - 6th, 24th
Julie Reeves - 16th
Sheela Goodrich - 9th (workshop at new location), 27th
Merlyn, Metaphysical Jeweler - 8th, 22nd
Sheryl Martin - 14th
Stern Hatcher - 2nd, 23rd, 30th (new location)
Special guests:
Velvet Buddha Aura Photos
- 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29
Michal & Co. - 15th and 16th
Tarot & Oracle Expo - 22nd, 23rd
Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news!
Our Featured Practitioner
Stern Hatcher
Pet Reader/Psychic- Paws and Claws Readings
I'm an animal lover and pet owner/rescuer who is comfortable communicating with all sorts of pets including cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, birds, snakes, and lizards. Back in 1999, I found my birth family and a part of myself I didn't understand. After years of study, practice, growth, and learning... I can communicate with your pets! Some pets seek understanding, some wish to be heard, and some have experienced a difficult past and need help overcoming fear. Some may have medical issues and may be near their transition. I listen, see the images they send, feel their emotions, and translate their needs or desires. I do this for the greater good and hope to help and heal. 🙏
Phone: 737-230-8686
Our Featured Artists
Soul Painting by Andrea
Andrea is an intuitive artist, she started developing her skills at a young age. 
Andrea was born of Asian descent in Peru, and later moved to Paraguay with her family where she spent her transformative years. Later she moved to Texas where she has now been residing for twenty years. Andrea draws her artistic inspiration from her roots, her unique perspective and experiences. Andrea's goal is to create art that can transport you to a meditative and calm state.

My name is Lindsay of Velvet Buddha Arts and I am a dream painter based in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas. My art is all about capturing the whimsical and magical nature of our dreams and translating them onto glass, canvas, wood and metal. Through my use of vibrant colors and psychedelic patterns, I create other worldly landscapes that invite viewers to lose themselves in a dream-like state. Each piece is a reflection of my own personal experiences and imagination, and I hope to inspire others to embrace the strange and wonderful world of their dreams. So come, let's journey through the mysterious and surreal with my dream paintings.
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
Nature's Treasures wants to know...
When is the last time you visited either of our locations?
Choose from these options...
I was just in this week!
I've been to the new 11055 location in the past month.
I've only been to the current 4103 location in the past month.
I have been to the current 4103 store this year, but not the 11055 location.
It's been a while, but I plan to visit both locations soon!
Featured Products
In-Store Features
At the Counter!
Alexandrite Jewelry
NEW! In the Showroom!
LOTUSWEI Aura Mists and oils
In the Depot!
Rough Magnetite Crystals
Online Store Features
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Check out with Shop Pay for carbon-neutral deliveries

Restoring the Casamance Mangroves
We're working with WeForest to plant 4.6M mangrove trees in Senegal, Africa. Choose Shop Pay and together we will:
*Rebuild habitat for endangered species and wildlife
*Grow fish populations and support sustainable harvesting
*Capture the CO₂ produced by our Shop Pay deliveries
Our Affiliates
Karen in Amethyst
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015 

Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p

Visit for Holiday Hours 
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