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- The OSFA website now offers a signup for MGH faculty who are open to new projects. The link asks for your name, most recent MGH role/title, personal email address, and a brief description of your interests for future engagement. Signup is of course at the discretion of the faculty member and completely voluntary. Signing up serves to indicate your interest in being contacted about relevant opportunities.
- What might opportunities for engagement look like? The honest answer is that time will tell…but we are aware of examples such as creating a task force of experienced clinicians to make recommendations for improving healthcare, advice on grantsmanship to researchers, and clinical trials in need of trained clinicians to perform trial ratings. We are hopeful the existence of a list of interested senior faculty will help generate new ideas.
- OSFA will provide information on signees only to current/former HMS faculty with legitimate academic projects and will otherwise keep the list confidential: no sharing with outside parties, commercial interests, etc.
Please consider whether you might want to make your availability for engagement known and share this opportunity with your senior colleagues. As always, we're grateful for your ideas for how to be most useful to our faculty.
With best wishes,