Monthly E-News


• Annual Meeting

• Memorial Booklet

• Youth Championship

• Adult/Youth Tournament

• Facebook Spotlight

• District Pepsi and Spring Handicap Singles

• Ohio Association Leaders’ Club

• Queen’s Tournament

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Ohio State USBC will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at the Embassy Suites in Dublin, Ohio. Delegate credential forms have been mailed to every local association and deadline for returning those credential forms is March 19, 2024. The schedule of events for 2024 has changed with the Related Clubs holding their annual meetings on Friday the 17th and the Delegate Welcome Party moved to Saturday morning at 10:00 am, giving the delegates the option of doing everything in one day. The Related Clubs will host a luncheon this year in place of the usual breakfast and the annual meeting will begin at 2:00 pm. Saturday evening will be the Ohio Bowling Hall of Fame Gala. The networking available during this weekend is absolutely worth the time and effort it takes to attend the entire event.

Each year a Memorial Booklet is prepared listing those bowling family members who have been lost to us in the past year. Memorial forms were mailed to all local associations, and we know how important it is to have your lost members recognized in this manner. Deadline for returning those forms is April 15, 2024.

Entries will soon be available for the Ohio State USBC Youth Championships Tournament, which will be held April 13 and 14 and April 20 and 21, 2024 at Park Centre Lanes in North Canton, Ohio. Squad times on both weekends will be 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. The 2024 Youth Championships will be dedicated to our recently lost Ohio State USBC Board Member, Ron Heppner of the Cleveland Ohio USBC. Competition will be held in varying average categories in the four different events: Team, Doubles, Singles and All Events. This is a handicap event and the entry fee will be $30.00 per event with an additional actual category available for $5.00 per event. On-line registration will be available and deadline for entries is April 2, 2024, with walk-in entries available for $35.00 per event.

Right in line with the Scholarships for our youth, we are also proud to recognize the dedicated and enthusiastic leaders who have spent countless hours with our youth members in weekly leagues as well as traveling with them to other competitions. The Ohio State USBC wants to recognize these outstanding volunteers at our annual meeting. The first such award is the Daniel L. Martin Coach of the Year for one who has given time and shared expertise to help those interested in the sport of bowling to develop their talent and realize their full potential.  Who will join last years’ winner, Michael Phillips of Mentor, Ohio? Will it be someone from your association? Our other award is Youth Volunteer of the Year for one who contributes to Ohio State USBC Youth and who demonstrates Teamwork, Leadership, Creativity, Innovation, Commitment and Dependability. Who will be joining a last years’ winner, Bill Henson, Central Ohio? Will it be someone from your association?  Both of these awards will be presented at the Related Clubs Award Luncheon on May 18th. Deadline for submitting either or both forms is March 15, 2024.

The second Adult/Youth Tournament, sponsored by the Bowling Centers Association of Ohio and the Ohio State USBC, is scheduled to be held in early fall of 2024. The committee is seeking bids to host the event which was highly praised by the 2023 participants. Last years’ event saw 45 entries in the Adult/Youth Division and 39 entries in the Adult/Teen Division. Scholarship dollars of $2,560.00 were deposited into the youth participants SMART accounts. Does your local association have Adult/Youth Leagues? Does your local association hold an Adult/Youth Tournament? Would your association or your center consider holding a qualifier with entry into the state event as part of the prize? Please consider sending your local champions to compete in the 2024 Ohio State Adult/Youth Tournament.

Our newest initiative is to shine the spotlight on YOU, our local associations, who are doing such outstanding jobs of promoting the sport we all love and your fund-raising efforts for your chosen charities. We will be featuring a weekly Facebook post, highlighting your success stories and how you accomplished your goals. If your association has had success, please visit our website, and complete the JotForm telling us what you did, how you did it, and the outstanding outcome of your efforts. Sharing ideas will help us all as we continue to Promote Buckeye Bowling. BOWL OHIO!

On-line entry for the District Pepsi and Spring Handicap Singles Tournaments are open and entries are coming in. Any certified youth bowler bowling in a USBC certified youth league may enter either or both tournaments simply by going to our website, clicking on the youth button, finding your bowling center and following the instructions. Deadline for entering either or both tournaments is February 14th. Keep in mind that half of the field will earn the opportunity to advance to compete in the Ohio State USBC State Pepsi or Ohio State USBC Spring Handicap Singles Tournaments in Columbus in May 2024. EXCTING NEWS!! – The 2024 State Pepsi Tournament will again be offering a Junior Gold Qualifier in conjunction with the State Pepsi Tournament.

The Ohio Association Leaders’ Club is seeking candidates to fill the offices of Vice President and Director #2. If you are a member of your local board and a member of the Ohio Associatoin Leaders’ Club, they want to hear from you. Candidate forms are available on the Ohio State USBC website under the Ohio Association Leaders Club Logo and can be returned to Kathy Wingerter, Nominating Chairperson, no later than April 1, 2024. Elections will take place at their annual meeting on Friday, May 17th at 8:00 PM at the Embassy Suites in Dublin. Should you care to volunteer instead of seeking office, President Linda LeMay is searching for help on several key committees.

The 39th Ohio State USBC Queen’s Tournament, featuring 67 of Ohio’s Premier female bowlers saw the usual exciting and challenging competitive efforts to claim the coveted tiara and title of 2024 Ohio State USBC Queen. After the first 4 game qualifying round, the field was cut in half for a second 4 game qualifier. The top 16 bowlers returned on Sunday for 2 game double elimination match play. Competition continued until the field was narrowed down to 5 players. Melissa Voytko moved through the Sunday match play undefeated to be seated in first position, second position was Sierra Kamemoto, third position Angel West, fourth Jen Higgins and fifth Shannon Stanforth. Higgins moved forward by defeating Stanforth, West, and Kanemoto to face Voytko in the final match with Melissa Voytko surviving undefeated as the 2024 Ohio State USBC Queen’s Champion and taking home the coveted tiara. BRAVO to all the Outstanding competitors for the lessons in perseverance and camaraderie! Well played ladies!

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