February 2024 Chapter Newsletter

2024 Tee Party - March 30th @ 10 AM!

Our 2024 Tee Party will be held at Carolina Lakes Golf Course. We will be having our ticketed prize raffle, two 50/50 boards, league sign-ups, a delicious spread for lunch and much more! Some prizes we will have up for raffle are an odyssey mallet putter, a pair of FootJoy golf shoes, foursomes at our local courses, lessons with amazing LPGA and PGA accredited instructors, and of course our signature baskets!

We will also have a handful of tee times reserved for those who are interested in continuing socializing on the course after our program. Tee times begin at 12 with greens fees paid at the course.

We hope you can all join us in our kick off to the season. Registration links to be emailed separately!

Birdies and Eagles - OH MY!

Congratulations to member Sandy Britt for a Birdie on #7 and an EAGLE on #9 at Charles T. Sifford! Way to go!

Tracy Spencer and Marcie Gilreath both had chip in birdies in a round at the newly renovated Birkdale! Great job ladies!

Speaking of Birdies...

We want to celebrate all of the excellent rounds our members play! Starting in March we will be launching a Birdie Tree. What is a Birdie Tree, you ask? It will be a monthly update of all birdies you make during Chapter sponsored events throughout the season! I will begin posting the leaderboard of most birdies each month starting in March. This birdie tree will correspond with a link on our website for you to report your birdies! I'll be sharing more about this at our Tee Party in March!

Hook It Indoor Simulator League

We're almost half way through our indoor simulator league at Hook It Golf in Huntersville. This past week we played at a venue in Germany which hosts LPGA European Tour events! New member, Rebecca Moore setting up for an approach shot and LaWanda Bailey celebrating a hole-out. The league has "played" at Kiawah, St. Andrews, and have upcoming rounds at Casa De Campo, Spanish Bay and local gem Quail Hollow! Anyone still interested in playing one week, reach out to Vanessa as we have one rotating spot open for any drop-ins! Cost is only $30 which includes one non-alcoholic beverage and snack along with your two hours of golf on the Trackman simulator. Be sure to follow us on Instagram for more photos and videos of the league from week to week!

New Members

Mary Perkins-England

Jenifer Mauney

Rebecca Moore

Jacqueline Solmos

Elizabeth Powell

Vicki Dallis

Denisa Leach

Have you paid your GHIN renewal fees?

Do you have a GHIN Number?

GHIN is the Golf Handicap Information Network which is a service recognized throughout the industry to provide a standardized service to calculate a handicap. The GHIN app is also a nice place to keep your scores each round!

Did you know that we partner with Carolina Golf Association to provide GHIN memberships? All GHIN Accounts expired 12/31/2023. Renew today for the 2024 season!

Please contact Sue Frederick for more information to renew or register and Judy Hillhouse or Nancy Ballard for any questions regarding GHIN.

Seeking Volunteers

As you know, we couldn't do it without the wonderful individuals who've donated their time and talents to the Chapter throughout the years to help put on such amazing events and offerings. Your Board is seeking any level of volunteers throughout the season. Whether you have a single day or even a couple hours or would like to help with something throughout the season, we would be grateful for any help we can get! The Board has many opportunities coming up where we will be in need of assistance. Reach out today to be a part of the action! Shoot an email to with your interest level for helping (whether for an event or something specific you'd like to be involved with).

LPGA Amateurs Scramble Open Registration Opens Feb 8

Phase 1 registration for the 2024 LPGA Amateurs Scramble Open will open on Thursday, Feb 8 at 1:00pm EST and closes on Monday, Feb 12 at 11:59pm EST. This popular event will be held on May 17-18 at Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg, VA. Click here for more event details.

Reminder: all 2023 memberships expired on 12/31/23 and members have until 3/31/24 to renew at the regular rate before being charged the rejoin rate. Those who haven't renewed their membership are considered no longer current. Members must be current in their dues to register and participate in Association-wide and Chapter events, and to receive complimentary access to LPGA Tour Events.

LPGA Amateurs Member ID

The process to obtain a digital Membership ID has changed and we are using the Virtual Community instead of ID123. Members can use a digital version or a printed copy of their LPGA Amateurs Member ID and instructions can be found at this link. Please note - if you choose to use the Digital Version, you do not have to take a screenshot as you can just login to the Virtual Community on your mobile device and go to your profile to present your Member ID. To learn how to create a website shortcut on your mobile device for the Virtual Community that looks and works like an app, click here.

Please note that a 2024 LPGA Amateurs Member ID or the printed ID card will be needed to access some member benefits, including entry to LPGA Tour events in 2024. Information regarding the process to access each of the 2024 LPGA Tour events is available here.

Lets Get Social!

Check out our new Charlotte LPGA Amateur Chapter Instagram. We want to show you off! Tag us in photos from your recent round and we'll give you a share. Be sure to hit follow as we'll be sharing information and photos from events and photos submitted by our membership throughout the year! Our handle is: @lpgaamsclt

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