First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

Annual Pledge Drive Update

Friday, May 10, 2024

Dear FUUSN Community,

The APD team and extended steward group have done an excellent job rallying for the 2025 budget, we are so grateful for all the energy!

The Board of Trustees is buzzing with excitement over the announcement of our co-ministerial candidates while we finalize our budget and priorities for our next fiscal year. As we analyze the budget for Fiscal year 2025 that starts June 1, 2024, we are realizing that the pledge drive is not quite hitting the goals we set to include everything we would like to for the coming year. 

We are incredibly grateful for all the pledges and realize that many people are stretching their household budgets to support our incredible community. We are also looking at a projected 8% shortfall from where we hoped to be with our pledge drive. In recognition of the importance of having a solid start for our anticipated new ministerial team, we are hoping that those who may have some additional discretionary income could consider increasing their pledge to help us bridge the approximate gap of $50k so we can fully fund our activities for the next fiscal year. This translates into $15 a month per pledging unit. We recognize this is a stretch for some people, so we only request you consider this stretch if your budget allows. 

If you would like to increase your pledge, please return to the Annual Pledge Drive Form and check "Yes" on the first question, "Are you adding to your existing pledge?" or send an email to with that information. Thank you everyone for all you do for our beloved community. 

In gratitude,

FUUSN's Board of Trustees

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

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