Weekly eNews
April 19, 2024
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This Weekend at St. Michael's | |
Children & Youth Sunday
This Sunday, April 21
Join us this Sunday to celebrate the talented young people of our community as they lead us in worship. Children and youth will read the lessons, guide us in prayer, preach, offer their musical gifts, and serve in worship support roles. It's not too late to sign up if you have an interested child or youth!
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Guest Preacher
Allie Holcombe
Graduating high school senior, Allie Holcombe, will be our guest preacher at the 8:00 & 10:30 AM services. Allie has been an active youth in our community and is currently the Youth Representative on our vestry.
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Sunday Forum
"Stories that Sustain"
9:15 - 10:10 AM
Children, youth, and people of all ages are invited to gather in the sanctuary for the Sunday Forum led by Rev. Matt & Owen Copps to hear stories from various members of the community about children & youth ministry experiences, adventures, and programs! This will take the place of children & youth Sunday School this week.
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Sunday Stillness
Begins this Sunday, April 21
10:00 - 10:25 AM
The Well Imagining Team will be offering the opportunity for weekly Sunday Stillness downstairs in the Prayer Room from 10:00 - 10:25 AM beginning this Sunday for five weeks. You are welcome to attend any or all, depending on your interest and availability!
April 21 - Mindfulness Meditation
April 28 - Visio Divina
May 5 - Breath Prayer
May 12 - Lectio Divina
May 19 - Sacred Chant
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St. Mike's & Cathedral Ridge
Special Guest this Sunday
The Rev. John Hill, Vicar & Director of Cathedral Ridge, will be visiting on Sunday to share the good news of all that is happening at this wonderful Camp and Retreat Center for the Episcopal Diocese of CO. Stop by the table in the Gathering Space to learn more!
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Newcomer Lunch
This Sunday, 12:00 PM
Whether this Sunday is your first at St. Michael's or you've been attending for several months, we'd love to have you join with the clergy, staff, and other newcomers for lunch following the 10:30 AM service this Sunday, April 21. You don't need to have joined St. Mike's to attend. This is just an opportunity to connect with others in a more intimate setting. Contact our Newcomer Coordinator, Linda Kean at linda@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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40s & 50s Fellowship
Tonight, Friday @ 5:45 PM
Line Dancing at Whiskey Baron
The 40s and 50s group welcomes anyone interested....40s, 50s, and all other ages up for some fun, fellowship and line dancing....to gather at The Whiskey Baron (5781 N. Academy Blvd) by around 5:45 PM tonight, April 19. FREE line dancing lessons are from 6:00-8:00 PM, and you won't want to miss any of the fun! If you haven't already signed up, no worries; the more the merrier!
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, April 21
Fourth Sunday of Easter
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?
Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Sunday Forum
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
10:00 AM Sunday Stillness
12:00 PM Newcomer Lunch
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after each service.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Ushers & Coffee Hour Hosts
Join a Monthly Team
Launching this May!
Have you been interested in engaging in a new ministry at St. Mike's but just haven't "gotten around to it?" Now is the perfect time to consider being a part of the new usher or coffee hour team ministries! In order to encourage participation, ensure adequate coverage, and streamline our hospitality, we are organizing into weekly teams that will serve once a month on the same Sunday each month, e.g. Week 1: 8:00 AM service, Week 1: 10:30 AM service, Week 2: 8:00 AM service, etc. Please prayerfully consider making a monthly commitment to one of these ministries, or signing up to be a substitute, by clicking below.
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Please Support Our Youth
Several Opportunities Available
As you are well aware, St. Michael's is blessed to have many active young members doing valuable work both within and beyond our walls. As the school year draws to a close, there are several opportunities for our St. Michael's family to support our young people in their upcoming journeys. Please read on and thank you in advance for your generosity!
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Senior Sendoff & Scholarship
On May 5, we will be celebrating our graduating seniors during the 10:30 AM service and presenting each of them with a scholarship award from their St. Michael's family. If you would like to contribute to this, please click below, then choose the "Youth" dropdown and enter "Senior Scholarship" in the note.
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New Mexico Service Trip & Utah Pilgrimage
This summer, nine of our St. Michael's middle & high schoolers will be joining with peers from the diocese to embark on adventures that will cross state lines. The first trip will be to New Mexico for service opportunities, exposing our young people to a variety of different needs and injustices in our world while giving them meaningful opportunities to make a difference. The second trip will be a pilgrimage in Utah. This trip will focus on spiritual growth and exploration, and it will challenge our high schoolers to think in new ways about how God is calling each of them in their lives.
If you would like to donate to ensure these trips are financially accessible for all of our participants. please click below, then choose the "Youth" dropdown and enter "Summer Trip Support" in the note. Each donation of $50 or more will come with a "flat pilgrim" (pictured above) that will allow you to "join" the participants on their adventures. They will take pictures with you, send you email updates, and bring you along on their adventures in spirit!
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Legacy Member Event
Monday, April 22 (Offsite)
Have you considered supporting St. Michael's through your estate planning or will to ensure we can continue to make Christ known to future generations? If you have already planned a legacy gift to St. Michael's, you should have received an invitation to an offsite gathering on Monday, April 22. If a legacy gift is part of your wishes and you did not receive this invite or if you are interested in learning more about St. Michael's Legacy, please click below or contact our Legacy Chair, Steve Caruthers, at carutherss@yahoo.com.
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Creating Space
April 27, 9:00 - 12:00
We are all longing for the Colorado spring to fully arrive and stay. We will be Creating Space for that change with a nature craft next Saturday, April 27. Join any time between 9:00 and noon to paint, sew, write, listen to music, and more. You are welcome to sit and share time and space, working on whatever creative activity fills your soul, or join in with others to learn something new.
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FREE Royal Gorge Concert
Saturday, April 27, 2:00 PM
The Royal Gorge Philharmonic and Air Force Academy Cadet Chorale are returning to St. Michael's to present Great Are the Words of Isaiah, a new work by composer/conductor Gerald Willis. This FREE premier will feature organ, soloists, a multi-church choir and string orchestra. If you've never attended one of these concerts before, you are truly missing out, and we hope you will join for this event!
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Instructed Eucharist
Sunday, April 28, Both Services
"Eucharist" is an ancient Greek word meaning "thanksgiving." For nearly 2,000 years, Christians have come together week after week to give thanks and remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and to experience him in their midst by celebrating the Eucharist. Next Sunday, April 28, through an Instructed Eucharist at both services, we will learn more about the things we do, say, and sing as a part of our Eucharist and why. Regardless of your age or years of experience in the Episcopal church, we think you will learn something new through this experience!
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Ascension Day Evensong
Thursday, May 9, 7:00 PM
Join us for a Choral Evensong observing the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 9 at 7:00 PM. This reflective service with music, prayer, and scripture celebrates Jesus’ ascension into heaven 40 days after Easter.
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Parish Work Day
Saturday, May 11
8:00 AM - Noon
Help us get ready for Outdoor Worship Services and tackle several projects to make our gardens and grounds beautiful! Please click below to see the list of specific projects and to register. All ages are welcome! There is something for everyone!
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Habitat Build
Saturday, May 18
12:45 - 4:30 PM
You are encouraged to "put faith into action" and participate in the Habitat for Humanity Apostles Build on the afternoon of Saturday, May 18. This ecumenical build brings local churches from around El Paso County together in fellowship and prayer to build a house in partnership with a family from our community in need of affordable housing.
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Little Jesus Sightings
Within & Beyond Our Walls
We are loving the pictures being sent in of "Little Jesus" accompanying parishioners in their daily lives and travels. If you're sharing a little Jesus within or beyond our walls, we'd love to know about it. Please send pictures to Ama Couch at comm@stmikeschurch.com.
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Forward Day by Day
May - July Available
The new Forward Day by Day, with daily meditations for May through July, is now available in the St. Bede's Bookstore outside the church office for a small donation.
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Birthdays This Week:
April 21 - Greg Miller
April 21 - Shawna Shepherd
April 22 - Jeannie Calhoun
April 22 - Rosemary Kley
April 22 - Jon Richardson
April 23 - Mary Lou Perry
April 24 - Ed Hanemann
April 25 - Veronica Bélanger
April 25 - Susan Maltby
April 26 - Amelia Hanes
April 26 - Karen Hinkin
Anniversaries This Week:
April 23 - Laurel & Roger Burritt
April 28 - Eugene & Tamika Richardson
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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