Spring Giving Challenge Update

We need 24 more donors by Sunday!

Dear Fabric and friends,

We’ve got 10 days left of our Spring Giving Challenge!  Together, we’ve raised $20,958 in one-time gifts (goal of $30K) and increased autogiving by $1430/month (goal of $1500/month).  And that’s with just 46 donors. Imagine what we could achieve if we reach our goal of 100 participants!!

If at least 24 more donors join our efforts by Sunday, Melissa Lock will get duct taped to a wall!!  Melissa is our north star for Fabric groups, sticky relationships (see what we did there?) and hospitality among other things.  

If you’re wondering why it’s so important for 100 people to contribute to the Giving Challenge, take a look at the pyramid below. Its sturdy foundation ensures financial stability. If we rely on a small number of people in order to meet our budget, our finances are top-heavy, unbalanced, and at risk.

Let us know your plans for participating or click here to be one of our 100 donors!  Thank you for supporting Fabric!

~Fabric Stewardship Team

P.S. If you want to see Della and Heidi get their Spring Giving Challenge Extreme Make-Overs courtesy of Fabric kids, click here.