Agenda and Docket

(Hybrid Meeting both In Person and Zoom)

Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 9:30 AM
Trinity Presbyterian Church
156 Florida Park Dr. N.
Palm Coast, FL 32137

Worship and Celebrate the Lord's Supper
Enjoy In-Person Fellowship and a "Lunch 'N' Learn"
Welcome New Minister Members
Hear from our General Assembly Commissioners
Participate in Shaping our Presbytery Mission and Ministry

Jerie Lukefahr, Moderator
Sandra Hedrick, Stated Clerk

Rev. Carlton Johnson, Preacher
(Associate for Vital Congregations, Presbyterian Mission Agency)

Offering - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (Click here to donate now)
We hope to see you at our Fall Stated Meeting! Please use the buttons below to review the agenda and docket. The "Appendices and Meeting Materials" button will take you to a web page where we are adding items as they are available. Also look for timely flyers from Montgomery Center and others!

If you have any questions about the agenda or docket, please contact the Stated Clerk by email or phone (904-612-9766). Thank you!
Registration: Please register by Wednesday, September 28, using the button below. This helps us to plan lunch, seating, and Zoom practices.
Enjoy Pre-Meeting Fellowship: Come in person as early as 8:30 a.m. to enjoy light breakfast snacks and fellowship with other meeting participants.

Lunch will be served! Trinity will provide a tasty lunch for $10.00 per person (cash or a check). If you have dietary requirements, email Sandra Hedrick with that information no later than Wednesday, September 28.
Lunch 'N' Learn: "Insights on the Congregational Life Cycle" by Carlton Johnson: Rev. Johnson will share insights into the life cycle of congregations and how that relates to being a vital congregation. What is a vital congregation? How would you know if your church is vital? Assessing vitality begins with understanding the life cycle of your congregation, and discerning what “next steps” might look like. Increased vitality happens through “intentional spiritual practices that take individuals deeper into following Jesus Christ, so that their own lives are changed, congregations are transformed, and the mission of God spreads throughout particular communities and the world.” (see Vital Congregations webpage) We will not be able to broadcast this program via Zoom.
Hybrid Meeting/Zoom Guidelines: A "hybrid" meeting combines both in person and electronic participation, whereby all participants can hear, be heard, and vote. We will send the specific guidelines and protocols with our reminder email next week on Wednesday, September 28, after taking into account the percentage registration of in person and online participants. Those registered to attend by Zoom will receive the Zoom access link by Monday morning, October 3.
New Commissioner Orientation: If you are a new commissioner, or have not been to a meeting in a long time, please visit the welcome table on site. If you are attending by Zoom and have a pre-meeting question, please contact Sandra Hedrick at (904) 612-9766 (cell).

Excuse Requests: Teaching Elders, Certified Christian Educators, Commission Chairs, Coordinating Council members, and Ruling Elder commissioners who are unable to attend must submit an excuse request to the Stated Clerk by email to or by phone at (904) 612-9766 (cell). Honorably retired ministers do not have to ask to be excused.

Additional Commissioners*: Churches sending additional ruling elder commissioners for the one year term that begins with the Spring 2022 meeting (number in parentheses is total):
Covenant (2)
Crescent City (2)
Dunnellon (2)
Fairfield (2)
Faith (2)
Fernandina Beach First (3)
Fort Caroline (2)
Fort King (2)
Gainesville First (3)
Geneva (2)
Grace (2)
Green Cove Springs First (2)
*Churches send additional commissioners to ensure that we have "parity" between teaching elder and ruling elder commissioners. The list changes each year at the Spring Stated Meeting.
Corporate Meeting: This meeting also serves as a corporate meeting of both the Presbytery of St. Augustine, Inc., and Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center, Inc.
The mission of the Presbytery of St. Augustine is to support our faith community so that together we are a greater witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.