September 23, 2022

Dear Residents –

There are lots of great things coming to Orangetown over the next few weeks. Our Parks and Recreation Department just released their Fall Brochure and there are so many programs available for individuals and families. Please make sure to mark your calendar and register for a class or two.

As for the other events going on throughout town, make sure to attend them as well - at least while the weather cooperates. It is great to be back out in groups again!


For history buffs in Orangetown, September 25th marks Camp Shanks' 80th Anniversary. Orangetown was brought into the 20th Century in 1942 when Camp Shanks sprang up in parts of Orangeburg, Tappan and Blauvelt. By the end of World War II, nearly 1.3 million soldiers, headed for the European Theatre, were processed and shipped out from Piermont Pier.

This Sunday, September 25th, at sundown, Jewish people around the world will gather with family and friends to celebrate the year 5783. To all who celebrate Rosh Hashanah, I wish you a Happy and Sweet New Year.

Have a great weekend everyone!

On behalf of Supervisor Teresa M. Kenny,


Allison Kardon

Confidential Assistant to Supervisor Kenny

Town of Orangetown

Town of Orangetown

Rich in History


September 27, 2022 - Public Hearing:


  • To amend Chapter 39, Article I, Section 39-11(D), Heavy Trucking in the Hamlet of Sparkill, of the Town Code, William Street

October 25, 2022 - Public Hearing:

  • To consider adopting the Orangetown Comprehensive Plan Update

Grand Re-Opening of The Gracie Rose!

With the 3 Biddy's - Bernie, Tara and Tina!

NAMI Rockland Annual 5K Run/Walk for Wellness

Sunday, September 18th - Rockland Lake State Park

And wouldn't you know it, Supervisor Kenny placed! Well done, Supervisor!

Public Service Announcement




School Buses are Unlike Other Vehicles


Laws protect students who are getting on and off a school bus by making it illegal for drivers to pass a school bus while the school bus is stopped for the purpose of dropping off or picking up passengers and the red lights on the school bus are flashing, regardless of the direction of approach.


School buses have bigger blind spots, take longer to stop, and need more room to maneuver than a standard vehicle. Buses should be treated differently than you would treat an average-sized vehicle. It is important for drivers to know how to react to a school bus in operation.

When you encounter a school bus:

  • Slow down. School buses make frequent stops, so be patient and drive at a reasonable speed. Remember, in addition to picking up and dropping off students, school buses are required by law to stop at railroad crossings.
  • Be alert. Always be aware of children and parents that may be waiting at a school bus stop or perhaps running to catch the bus before it departs. 
  • Come to a complete stop at least 20 feet away from the bus.     
  • Be extra careful to look around before moving your vehicle, as children may be walking in front of, behind, or on the side of school buses. Check for pedestrians - especially near schools, bus stops, playgrounds, parks, and behind parked cars.

For more school bus safety, please click here.

Town of Orangetown

Emergency Management

Safety Skills


Learn First Aid and CPR 

Take a first aid and CPR class. You can get more information about training from your local American Red Cross chapter. Getting certified protects you under Good Samaritan laws if you have to give first aid.

Get more information about the supplies in a first aid kit.

Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher

Have at least one up-to-date fire extinguisher and let everyone in your household know where it's kept and how to use it. You should have an ABC type at minimum.

The U.S. Fire Administration says you should only use a fire extinguisher if you've been trained in its proper use and maintenance. Contact your local fire department for information on training in your area. Get more information about preparedness for a fire emergency.

Know How to Shut Off Utilities

Natural Gas

Natural gas leaks and explosions cause a significant number of fires after disasters. It's important that all household members know how to shut off natural gas.

There are different gas shut-off procedures for different gas meter configurations, so it's important to call your gas company. They can help you prepare for gas appliances and gas service to your home in the event of an emergency.

Make sure everyone in your household knows the proper shut-off procedure for your meter. Do not actually turn off the gas when practicing shutting it off.

  • If you smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window and get everyone out quickly. Turn off the gas using the outside main valve if you can and call the gas company from a neighbor’s home.
  • Caution: If you turn off the gas for any reason, only a qualified professional can turn it back on. NEVER attempt to turn the gas back on yourself.


Water quickly becomes a precious resource following many disasters. It is important that everyone in your household learn how to shut off the main water valve to the house.  

  • Find the shut-off valve for the main water line that enters your house and tag it for easy identification. Make sure everyone in your household knows where it is.
  • Make you can shut the valve off completely. Your valve may be rusted open or it may not close all the way. If so replace it.
  • Cracked lines may pollute the water supply to your house. It's a good idea to shut off your water until authorities say it's safe to drink.

The effects of gravity may drain the water in your hot water heater and toilet tanks unless you trap it in your house by shutting off the main house valve. (This is not the street valve in the cement box at the curb – the street valve is extremely difficult to turn and requires a special tool.)


Electrical sparks can ignite natural gas if it is leaking. Teach all responsible household members how to shut off the electricity.

  • Locate you electrical circuit box. For your safety, always shut off all the individual circuits before shutting off the main circuit.

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