Conozca en Tiempo Real las estadísticas de casos de COVID-19 y vacunación en Puerto Rico.

Atento el Departamento de Salud ante preocupante alza en la tasa de positividad de COVID-19 en toda la isla

Datos del Departamento de Salud reflejan que, desde mediados de octubre, la tasa ha ido en aumento, de un 13.5%... 

Leer Artículo | El Nuevo Día

VOCES registra un aumento en el interés por vacunarse con la dosis bivalente contra el COVID-19

En un evento simultáneo de vacunación del sábado en distintos puntos de la isla, unas 1,800 acudieron a recibir la vacuna, al tiempo que Salud...

Leer Artículo | El Nuevo Día

COVID-19 pandemic caused rapid brain aging in adolescents

In a recent Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science study, Stanford University researchers assess how stress and social


Read Article | News Medical

Impact of COVID-19 booster vaccination and breakthrough infection

In a recent study posted to the medRxiv* preprint server, researchers assessed the protection elicited after a...

Read Article | News Medical

3 Ways to Simplify Tech for Physicians

Some telemedicine software is so complex that it can lead to repetitive, mundane processes that are prone to frustration and mistakes. 

Read Article | Managed Healthcare

Carefully crafted digital approaches can improve youths’ mental health care

In the face of a national emergency in child and adolescent mental health, urgent measures are...

Read Article | Stat News

Home Health Visits Plus Peer Mentors May Ease Caregiver Strain

Pairing at-home healthcare visits with peer mentoring may help to prevent the strain of caregiving from worsening over time. 

Read Article | Parkinson's News Today

Complications Requiring Reoperation Common After Radical Cystectomy

Synchronous metastatic disease is characterized by the presence of metastatic lesions, in addition to the primary tumor, at diagnosis.

Read Article | Renal & Urology News

When Leaders Struggle with Collaboration

It’s not uncommon for talented leaders to find collaboration unnatural. After all, rugged individualism set them...

Read Article | HBR

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