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May 2024 Calendar

May 3rd - End of Year Celebration and Silent Auction (5-7:30PM in the Church)

May 9-10th - Mother's Day Teas 11:15-11:45AM (Morning classes),

1:15-1:45PM (Eagles and Turtles)

May 15th - Spirit Night at Bruster's


May 15 & 16th - Children's Chapel - Parents are invited to attend (see details below)

May 21 and 22nd - Last days of Enrichment Classes

(KWILD Lunch Bunch ends Tuesday, May 21st.

Dine & Design ends Wednesday, May 22nd)

May 23-24th - Last Days of Preschool 

May 27th - Preschool and office closed (Memorial Day)

May 28-31 - Summer Camp

(for those already registered)

It's a Summer Send-Off!

End of Year Celebration &

Silent Auction

Come out and celebrate with us

When: Fri, May 3rd, 5-7:30PM

Where: in the Narthex/Church

See flyer for more detail

A special "Thank You" to our Sponsors for this year's Auction Sponsors!

Family Chapel - Wed and Thurs, May 15th and 16th

As the school year draws to a close we have a fun opportunity for you to see a sampling of what the children have been up to during Children’s Chapel and music classes!

What: Family Chapel – Parents/family are welcome to attend

When: Wednesday, May 15th, 11:15-11:45

Eagles, Elephants, Owls, Turtles

Note: there will be NO CARLINE for morning dismissal on Wednesday. Please sign your child out from his/her teacher (in the sanctuary of the church).  

Afternoon carline (for Turtles, Eagles, and Dine & Design) will take place as usual. 

When: Thursday, May 16th, 11:15-11:45am

           Ducks, Bears, Monkeys

Note: there will be NO MORNING CARLINE on Thursday. Please sign your child(ren) out from their teachers (in the sanctuary of the church). For those with students in Eagles or KWILD, those classes will continue into the afternoon as regularly scheduled. You are welcome to sign you child out after Children’s Chapel or have them stay to finish out their day. 

Afternoon carline (for Eagles and KWILD) will take place as usual. 

We look forward to seeing those who are able to attend this special version of Children’s Chapel.  

News from

the Director

"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." – B.B. King

As we complete the 2023-2024 school year, I reflect on all we have been blessed with- beautiful children, supportive families, energetic and creative teachers, and a gorgeous school campus. What a wonderful year it has been! Our students have grown in so many ways and have shared their joyful journey with us. I pray that they can take what they have learned and continue to play, explore, invent, and THINK. Thank you for allowing us to spend this precious time working with your children!


I hope that you all enjoy your summer and make beautiful memories. 


Meg Antwi


Please join us for Mother’s Day Tea!

Come celebrate with your child

while the teachers take care of the rest!

Thursday and Friday,

May 9th and 10th


1:15-1:45PM (Eagles and Turtles)

If “Mom” can’t make it, any special person is welcome! Please let us know of any additions or changes so we can plan accordingly.

Be on the lookout for invitations coming home in the children's folders

Joint us for our last Spirit Night

of the school year!

Wednesday, May 15th, between 5-7pm

Children's Chapel

What a wonderful year it has been sharing the stories and love of Jesus with your children. The overall theme has been that Jesus loves them and God is everywhere. We explored this in many ways, with a bible story, scripture theme and relatable story book . We even explored God's creation and love outdoors. Children's Chapel for May is our family chapel. Miss Ginny and I look forward to seeing you then as we share God's love through the story of Noah's Ark and the Rainbow of Promise.


To close out the year, the children will receive a "Bible in a Bucket" to take home that day . In this bucket will be a few summertime activities reminding the children that God is everywhere, even when they aren't at church. There will be a "Flat Jesus" for them to color and take with them wherever they go and share pictures with us this summer. I can't wait to see the adventures Jesus takes with you this summer.


Looking Ahead - Summer Camp

Summer Camp 2024 (for those already registered)

Tuesday, May 28th - Friday May 31st

Summer camp is FULL - great to see so much interest!

For those who have registered, be on the lookout for detailed info coming home in the children's folders

(early May)


Things to remember in May

  • Reminder: if you have been paying tuition by bank check please make sure you have notified your bank to STOP PAYMENT before so that they do not continue to mail tuition paychecks to the preschool.

  • It's great to see so many friendships being formed here at St. David's. With the warmer weather we've noticed more and more friends going home with each other for playdates. Please make sure you've officially added another child's parent to your pickup list prior to having them pick up your child from preschool. Stop by the front desk to add a new person. Thank you!

  • Kids are outside a lot during the month of May. It is a good idea to always check for ticks at the end of the day. You may want to consider putting on bug spray and sunscreen before school.

  • As always, if your child is going to be absent please let us know by emailing the front desk, or call 703.729.0286. Thank you!

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St. David's Episcopal Preschool