You are invited to worship with us!
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 28, 2024
Worship in person and on Facebook Live at 11:00am on Sunday!
Join us at 9:45am for Sunday School!
Childcare provided for Sunday School and for Worship
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Upcoming Ministry Opportunities | |
Officer Nomination Form 2024
This form is a way to share who you see within the church that has the gifts to serve as an officer of First Presbyterian Church Covington. Our officers are elders and deacons which you may read about on the bottom half of the form to better understand the qualifications and expectations of officers at FPC.
| All nominations are due by Sunday, May 6, 2024. Forms are available at the link above and printed in the Narthex. Nominations may be placed in the offering plate, turned in to the church office, or emailed to Nominating Committee chair Billy Fortson at | |
Somehow: Thoughts on Love
by Anne Lamott
Book Study
Join us in the parlor
Mondays at 5:30pm
April 29, May 6, May 13
Childcare is provided.
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Join us on Saturday, May 4th from 10:00am-12:00pm for a Spring Cleaning Day! Help us be good stewards of our space by sorting, cleaning out, and organizing the church to make it more usable for all of our ministries!
Enter sanctuary doors at 10am
Childcare available
If you have anything in the fellowship hall freezer please remove it prior to May 4 or it will be thrown away!
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Do you have a soon-to-be graduate you'd like to celebrate?
As we come to the end of the school year, we'd like to recognize our FPC graduates as they move into a new chapter of life! We will list the names and schools of graduates in the worship guide announcements on May 12th. The deadline to submit your graduate to Catherine in the office is Monday, May 6th by 5:00pm.
This year you also have the opportunity to submit a picture and/or a short bio about your graduate (three sentences max) to be included in the e-news on May 9th. The deadline to be included in this is also May 6th.
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This workshop is intended to aid caregivers of aging loved ones in addition to those who are aging themselves. | |
Registration deadline for VBS is May 19th
to guarantee you will have a spot and a t-shirt!
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Childcare is provided weekly for FPC's Children's Choir and Handbell Choir rehearsals. Childcare for Chancel Choir rehearsal is available upon request. | |
Become a Singing Ambassador!
About one/half of this multi-denominational choir are members of First Presbyterian Church Covington.
The choir meets regularly to practice on Thursdays at 2:00 PM, currently at Covington First Presbyterian Church.
Non-auditioned membership is open to anyone over fifty, and regular programs are presented at churches, assisted living centers and community organizations. Monthly socials are held throughout the year.
To join the choir, please contact Co-Directors Alice Walker (770) 787-6915 or Becky Ramsey, (770) 786-4916. New members are welcome!
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General Ministry Information | |
Our WiredWORD class meets in the Gathering Room which is on the upper floor, through the Fireplace Room and near the restrooms. This room is sometimes referred to as "the old choir room" or "the old sanctuary" by long-time members. This class explores current events and discusses how our faith intersects and informs our response.
Our Foundations Sunday School meets in the Adult Classroom which is on lower floor classroom wing at the end of the hall way on the left. This class explores the lectionary scriptures each week, taught by a rotation of teachers.
Youth Sunday School meets in the Youth Classroom which is on the lower floor classroom wing. It is the first classroom on the left, past the restrooms. The class explores the lectionary scriptures each week, often as they relate to the weekly sermon.
Children's Sunday School meets in the Children's Classroom which is the second door on the right of the lower floor classroom wing. Children learn about God's love through the bible, play, and song.
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Our finance team has finalized our 2024 Operating Budget but it’s not too late to make your commitment by offering your Time, Talent, and Treasures! Submit your Pledge Card today to be included in our 2024 Operating Budget! | |
People to Think About this Week | |
Our Older Adults Sharing In Service (OASIS) had a blast at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens yesterday! We are grateful to be able to do such fun and refreshing activities together in fellowship! | |
Please keep the following people and their families in your prayers this week:
Most recent prayer requests
Requests will be moved to “ongoing” after three weeks unless the office is notified
- Bob Wheeler, brother-in-law of Miriam Wheeler - dialysis, recovering from surgery
- Bernice Bailey - fall
- Charlie Kennon, brother of Larry Kennon
- Danny Vining - recovering from kidney stone removal
- Nancy, friend of Mark & Jennifer Fogarty - stage IV pancreatic cancer
- Brian, brother of Adriane Ivey
- Jeanelle Brown, cousin of Randy Layton
- Armondo Castro, friend of Mark Fogarty
Ongoing prayer requests
Requests will be removed from “ongoing” after six weeks unless the office is notified.
- Brenda Buckelew, mother of Jennifer Buckelew
- Katherine Carey, mother of Erin Stillerman
- Jana Carter, aunt of Luke Usry - cancer
- Bob Darby, friend of Jeff MacKenzie - leg amputated, kidney problems
- Sheree Evans, friend of Cathy & Denny Dobbs, treatment for cancer
- Patsy Freeman, sister of Judy Davis
- Susan Hammond, aunt of Erin Morgan - cancer
- Vonzella Lee, friend of Barbara Martin
- Karen Lein Kaasa, sister-in-law of Julie MacKenzie - home health care
- Grant Moss & Chris Mattice, family of Louly Fowler Hay - cancer & care
- Memama, great-grandma of Paisley Lane
- Meredith Nash, friend of Barbara Martin - four year old with stage IV kidney cancer
- Terry Smith, friend of Denny Dobbs– pneumonia with respiratory rehab
- Donald Vining, brother of Danny Vining - vision loss
Our thoughts and prayers are with the following people and their loved ones as they mourn for those they’ve lost:
- Scott Fullerton - mourning his father, Ken Fullerton
- Jo Anna Fish - mourning her sister, Beth Baarda
Military Service
- Koen Ardis - Navy
- Billy Scarborough - Marines
- Clint Williams - Army
- Daryl Williams - Army
Independent and Assisted Living
- Penny Blakeney - Oaks Assisted Living
- Homer Borders - Presbyterian Village
- Jean Elder - Florida with her daughter
- Dot Fincher - Madison, GA
- Louly Hay - Presbyterian Village Athens
- Travis Moss - Westbury, Conyers
- Louise White - Merryvale
Please click HERE to update your prayer requests or send new prayer requests.
You will be sent a check-in after three weeks.
In your email please indicate if you would like your request to be confidential or added to our prayer list.
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