25185 Chafee Circle, Aldie, VA 20105

Community Meeting Reminders and Updates

Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee will be meeting on Monday, September 26th at 7PM at the Virginia Manor Clubhouse.  If you cannot attend in person, please CLICK HERE for the agenda and instructions on how to attend virtually.

Social Committee Meeting

The Social Committee will be meeting at the Westridge Clubhouse on Wednesday, September 28th at 7PM.  

Food Truck Preorder Link

Dulles Farms Social Committee

Bingo Friday October 7th

Join us for Bingo in the Westridge Clubhouse on Friday 07 October 2022 at 7pm.  Please register each member of your family in an individual slot because we can only accommodate 40 people (kids and adults) inside the clubhouse.  If there are not enough available slots to accommodate your entire family please do not sign up.  We will assign tables by family. If you plan to order a family pack ($20 cash only), please indicate if you want cheese or pepperoni in the "family pack" section of the sign up. A family pack includes a large pizza, 4 drinks and 5 bingo cards for $20.  If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible so we can open your slots to others.  

Bingo Sign Up

Dulles Farms Social Committee


Fall Cleaning Time! Dulles Farms HOA is hosting a community yard sale at the VA Manor Pool parking lot. Bring your toys, books, clothes, furniture and more.....

Please note that it is $10 per parking space. Please CLICK HERE to register. 

We will be accepting food donations for the Dulles Food Pantry in front of the VA Manor clubhouse.  Please CLICK HERE to check the Dulles Food Pantry website for more information on donations. 





The Social Committee is happy to announce that the Fall Festival is back! Be sure to mark your calendars for October 15th. More details will be announced in next week's eblast.   

For a calendar view of all Committee meetings and events, please visit our calendar located on the Resident Portal. On Resident Portal, you can also view your account information, pay your assessments, access important Association documents and so much more! If you are selling your home, don't forget to cancel ACH auto payments through this portal. For a full listing of assessment payment options please CLICK HERE.

If you have not yet signed up for Resident Portal, please contact us at or 703-542-7555 for info on how to sign up!   

Association Office and Clubhouse Information

Association Office

and Clubhouse Information

Westridge Clubhouse

(Management Office Location)

25185 Chafee Circle

Aldie, VA 20105


Hours of Operation:

Mon - Wed | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thurs | 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Fri | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


Virginia Manor Clubhouse

25930 Lennox Hale Drive

Aldie, VA 20105

Management Company

Community Association Management Professionals
Customer Service Dept. 855-477-CAMP
On-Site Manager:
Rachel Mancinelli, CMCA AMS

On-Site Administrative Assistant:
Denise Sisak

On-Site Covenants Administrator:
Tyler Graham

On-Site Maintenance Technician:
Joe Curcio
Reach Out To Us
Pay Dues Here
Our Calendar