Water Storage Improvement Projects
Access to clean water is vital to our community.
EWEB is hard at work making sure safe, reliable water continues to flow even as critical infrastructure ages and new challenges arise. In the next decade, we plan to construct new water storage facilities near 40th Ave. and Patterson St. and replace the water storage systems at EWEB's College Hill and Hawkins Hill sites. The projects will be built to seismic and contemporary operating standards, providing more than 40 million gallons of resilient, safe water storage.
Nov. 10, 2022

Dear East 40th Neighbors,
Concrete work is well underway and will continue through late spring/early summer 2023. The project is on schedule and on budget.
What to expect
Both of the 7.5 MG tanks are being constructed concurrently, beginning with the floors, then walls and columns, and eventually roof slabs.

Concrete is being poured every day
The concrete floors of both tanks are poured and cured. The wall around the first tank is done except for the last section which will remain open for equipment access. Scaffolding is now being installed to prepare for the first roof section pour which will be in late November. At the same time, wall pours have started on the second tank.

The trucks will continue to create engine noise and a loud humming sound during this phase. Because of the cold weather the columns and the walls are being wrapped to keep the new concrete warm during the initial cure time.

Additional slope protection measures are being installed
For worker safety, a chainlink fencing is being installed over the slope to direct sliding material down to the bottom of the slope. The chain link will not be visible at the end of construction.

The fence around the back is being moved further away from the slope to protect people walking so they don’t get too close to the unstable edge. 

Holiday work schedule
Construction crews will be working on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. They will be off Nov. 24-25 Tor Thanksgiving. We do not yet have the December holiday work schedule, but will share that as soon as it's available.

Additional potholing work planned
Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 15 an EWEB contractor will excavate a series of small holes to locate underground utilities on Patterson and Hilyard streets. "No Parking" signs will be set-up on Patterson St. tomorrow (Nov. 11).

This potholing effort is a much smaller effort than previous work conducted over the summer. No major delays are expected. There could be minor inconveniences where a driveway is blocked for a short period of time, but the contractor will work with homeowners to minimize disruptions. We anticipate the work will take approximately 3 days.
Contact us with questions
If you have questions or input, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the project team at
541-685-7899 or Emails sent to this address will reach:

  • Laura Farthing, Project Manager/Senior Civil Engineer
  • Jen Connors, Communications Supervisor
  • Jeannine Parisi, Customer Relationship Manager
  • Wally McCullough, Water Engineering Supervisor