
Volume 6, Issue 10

October 2024

Mark Denzin Chosen as TRP Executive Director

The Texas Ramp Project has a new executive director. Taking the reins on October 7, Mark Denzin has experienced his first board of directors meeting, his first ramp build, and his first round of interviews with nearly every board member and key volunteer at the state level. He likes what he sees.


Mark comes to TRP after eight years as executive director of the Alzheimer’s Association. He previously served a combined 26 years with the Muscular Dystrophy Association and Ability Connection Texas. He is nonprofit to the core, but TRP had a special appeal for him.


“By nature, I am a servant leader, and the TRP mission of supporting people and families who are challenged with issues that impede their independence really struck a chord with me,” Mark says.


His first ramp build confirmed his sense of connecting directly with clients. “Being exposed to the process we take, experiencing the accomplishment of our volunteers for a job well done and, most importantly, seeing the joy on an individual's face because our efforts have enabled them to move freely,” he says, are the lessons learned from that first time out in the field. “It’s more than a ramp.”


Mark says back in the day he worked on a framing crew for a few summers, and believes those lessons are transferable to his role with TRP.


Mark was raised in Colorado. He attended the University of Colorado and Dallas Baptist University, picking up bachelor’s degrees in marketing and management. He also earned a certificate of Nonprofit Management from Southern Methodist University. He landed in the North Texas area in 2013 and lives in McKinney.


He expects that lessons learned from his education and a lifetime of nonprofit work will help a lot in the early months. “There are a lot of folks doing really good work here. Our board of directors, our regional and area leaders and others have a pretty good system going. So in the next few months, I’ll be asking a lot of questions and developing a better understanding of the system,” he says.


“But the core elements of any strong business will ground the approach we take, and I’m looking forward to creating a collaborative process around our work.”


Does he expect working with TRP to enhance his life? “It already has! The resounding unification around the mission and the desire to support what is possible has been a lot of fun for me. Everyone is open to new ideas and eager to find ways for elevating our impact across Texas."

Impact San Antonio Award Goes to TRP

TRP was awarded a $100,000 High Impact award from Impact San Antonio on September 28. Celebrating the award are (from left) Sharon Jones Schweitzer, president of Impact San Antonio; George Swarner, TRP build coordinator; Mary Jo Bolster, TRP surveyor; Scott Badger, TRP San Antonio Central region coordinator; and Yvonne Grothues, incoming president of Impact San Antonio.

The Texas Ramp Project has been awarded a $100,000 High Impact Grant from Impact San Antonio for use in Bexar County and surrounding counties. Impact San Antonio is a nonprofit organization where women join together to provide substantial grants to nonprofit organizations in the Greater San Antonio community through the power of collective philanthropy.


San Antonio region coordinator Scott Badger submitted the initial request in May. The award consisted of five categories, with one $100,000 grant offered in each of the categories. TRP submitted under the Health and Wellness category. Scott, George Swarner, Ronald Gross, Steve Swanson and Fred Martin had a site visit on Zoom in August with officers from Impact San Antonio.


In early September TRP was notified that, of the 120 applicants for the five awards, TRP was one of two finalists in the Health and Wellness category. The San Antonio people were asked to submit a video by early October, which would be voted on by several hundred members of Impact San Antonio. Scott et al were also invited to attend the September 28 grant night, at which TRP was announced as one of the five recipients.


What a success story for the Texas Ramp Project! Thank you, Scott Badger and the many others in San Antonio who put together a winning proposal and now have $100,000 to support TRP’s work in and around San Antonio.

Greenville Golden K Kiwanis Build Ramp No. 500


September 26, 2024, was a day of celebration in Greenville, Texas. Ms. V., 70, received an 18-foot ramp built by the Greenville Golden K team. This was the 500th ramp they’ve built as a team. And to add to the fun, two of the 2009 original team members came back and participated in this milestone build. A total of volunteers donated 25 man-hours of labor to provide this ramp.

The new ramp will allow both Mr. and Mrs. V. the freedom to safely come and go from their home. Both have multiple disabling conditions, which limit their ability to safely navigate the steps to their home. TRP celebrates this amazing partnership with the Greenville Golden K and looks forward to the next 500 ramps.

To see the full story of this milestone build, go to GGK ramp #500 -

Myron Knudson Retires from TRP Board

Myron Knutson has announced his retirement from the TRP board of directors. Myron joined the board in 2012, first as a ramp builder and advisor. He later shifted roles and took responsibility for monitoring receipt of incoming checks and making deposits on a timely basis. Myron never missed a deposit and faithfully scanned and recorded every check TRP received. He brought much experience and wisdom to the board, and we are grateful to him for his many years of dedicated service. Thank you, Myron.

Funding Cuts at Texas Area Agencies on Aging

With the new federal fiscal year starting on October 1, COVID emergency funds have expired. This will be a struggle for Texas Area Agencies on Aging, as all their services and programs will be impacted. What this means for TRP is AAAs that have been reimbursing TRP for ramps will no longer have funds available. TRP values our relationship with AAAs and will continue to accept their referrals. Like other ramps we build, funding for AAA ramps will come from other sources until further notice.

Building Basics Handbook

To print out a copy of the updated Building Basics, click on the image to the left.

This document contains details, example drawings, pictures, and so much more of the ramp building process from start to finish including the paperwork. As this is a living document, do share your tips and suggestions. Send your suggestions,questions, comments, or potential ramp construction topics to to

help others build ramps better, stronger and faster.

Recent Grants and Donations

Grants and donations received in the past month include the following:

  • $81,000 for Austin regions from St. David’s Foundation.
  • $75,000 for San Antonio regions from Kronkosky Charitable Foundation.
  • $25,000 for Austin South from The Mitchell Foundation.
  • $25,000 for San Antonio regions from San Antonio Area Foundation.
  • $20,000 for statewide use from Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust.
  • $10,000 for Tarrant County from James & Dorothy Doss Foundation.
  • $8,000 for San Antonio Northwest from Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country.
  • $7,500 for Austin Central Bastrop County from Born Again Emporium, Inc.
  • $6,000 for Texarkana North from Kiwanis Club of Paris.
  • $5,083 for Waco South from Waco Habitat for Humanity.
  • $5,000 for East Texas Tyler from End-Right Foundation.
  • $5,000 for Amarillo from Women’s Philanthropy Fund of the Amarillo Area Foundation.
  • $5,000 for NCT North Wise County from Decatur Rotary Foundation (match).
  • $4,800 for NCT North Wise County from United Way of Wise County.
  • $4,500 for Lubbock from National AMBUCS Lubbock Caprock Chapter.
  • $2,500 for Waco South from Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative Trust.
  • $2,218 for Austin West from Hill County Fellowship.
  • $2,000 for San Antonio Central from Army Residence Community Protestant Chapel.
  • $1,649 for Amarillo from GrayCares Living at Home, Inc.
  • $1,200 for Austin East from Oviedo Chevrolet-Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram-Fiat.
  • $1,000 for NCT South Ellis County from First UMC Waxahachie.
  • $1,000 for Austin East from Schulenburg Young Farmers Chapter.
  • $539 for Austin West from The Church at Horseshoe Bay.
  • $500 for Texoma from Kiwanis Club of Gainesville.
  • $500 for East Texas Marshall Panola County from New Destinations, Inc.
  • $497 for Amarillo from Amarillo Habitat for Humanity.
  • $300 for Austin North from First UMC Georgetown.
  • $250 for Abilene Scurry County from The Love Class.
  • $250 for Wichita Falls from Donnell Foundation.
  • $250 for East Texas Jacksonville from United Way of Rusk County.
  • $200 for Austin Central from First UMC Smithville.
  • $200 for Dallas from Texas Instruments Foundation.
  • $190 for Amarillo from Panhandle Kids Count Lions Club.
  • $190 for Amarillo from Amarillo Downtown Lions Foundation, Inc.
  • $100 for East Texas Tyler from Langen/Wink Bible Class.
  • $65 for Austin North from Christ Lutheran Church Georgetown.
  • $48 for East Texas Tyler from Garden Valley Baptist Church.

SMU Fellows Join TRP Board


The Texas Ramp Project has acquired two new SMU Board Fellows. Kendyl Kirtley and Zaheen Chowdhury attended their first board meeting in October. They are part of Southern Methodist University’s Board Fellows program, which matches aspiring students with local organizations to introduce them to the nonprofit world. The program is coordinated by the Hegi Family Career Development Center.

TRP has participated in the SMU Scholars Program since its inception four years ago. Scholars attend all board meetings as ex officio members and adopt a meaningful project. Our first Scholars, Madison Lopez and Natalia Martinez, helped TRP enhance our social media outreach and website. Rachel Marchand was TRP’s 2023 Fellow and remains a full board member after graduating last May. Rachel conducted TRP’s first statewide client survey in 2023 and continues to manage the survey for 2024.

Zaheen Chowdhury comes to Dallas from Tennessee and is a freshman, majoring in health and society and minoring in Arabic. She is on a pre-health track and hopes to attend medical school. She is passionate about public health equity and how we can make our communities safer and healthier.


Zaheen was on a youth advisory board in high school and has joined SMU’s President’s Scholars Program, Libraries Student Advisory Board, Muslim Student Association and Emerging Leaders Program. She is a Dallas Children’s Health volunteer. She is interested in community engagement and believes her design and technical skills can help TRP’s digital presence. She is also experienced in public speaking, organization and communication and looks forward to assisting TRP in those areas.


Zaheen’s first impression after attending the October board meeting was positive. “It allowed me to see behind the scenes of this amazing organization,” she says. “I am excited to attend more meetings so I can learn more about TRP and its team.

Kendyl Kirtley, a Florida native, is a senior double majoring in corporate communications and public affairs and psychology. She is involved with the Ignite Fellowship through Teach for America, a research assistant at KID Lab at SMU, and a member of Chi Omega sorority. She looks forward to graduate work in marketing or public relations.


She became an SMU Board Fellow to strengthen her ties to the Dallas community, learn more about nonprofit marketing, and make a tangible impact on our community. She chose the Texas Ramp Project because she is passionate about organizations that advocate for people who are disabled. After attending the board meeting, Kendyl says, “My first impressions were that I was joining a dedicated, passionate team I am proud to now be part of.”


Kendyl hopes her experience with TRP will help her learn more about nonprofit marketing and management. She hopes to make an impact by applying her marketing skills to organization efforts and doing hands-on volunteering with TRP. She is looking forward to her first build.

Ramp of the Month, Washington County

Bryan/College Station

Burton Bridge Ministry’s young volunteers frequently build with TRP. They bring a level of enthusiasm, demonstrate their solid work ethic and are willing to be there for someone else. These qualities have left a lasting impression on the regular TRP volunteers.A total of 20 volunteers from St. Paul’s and Burton Bridge Ministry turned out to build a 69-foot ramp for Ms. T., which they did over a two-day period.

When the ramp was complete, the client slowly walked down the length of it. When she reached her car, she touched it and stated, “Now I can go to the doctor by myself.” Ms. T. uses a rollator to get around. The referral was from Baylor Scott and White Brenham.

We hope you enjoy having the newsletter sent to you directly, as it is filled with useful information, building hints and tips, data collection updates and processes, client stories, special announcements and recognitions.


The newsletter only does its job when it is dispersed and shared with all who might be interested. We encourage you to liberally pass it on to others in your region.

Also, do send email addresses of people in your region who should be receiving it, along with their name and TRP region, to Sandy Knutson at


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