National Passenger Safety Week

January 21-27, 2024

Hello Candace,

U.S. roadway deaths are rising again at an alarming rate. (Governor's Highway Safety Association) People are still driving recklessly. Drunk, drugged and distracted driving are increasing not decreasing. Just telling people to drive safe isn't enough. We need to do more. We can do more! Passengers need to play a more active role in their own safety and that of others. Passengers need to be empowered to speak up and have the Courage to Intervene when their lives are threatened by an unsafe driver.

That is why We Save Lives initiated the launch of National Safety Passenger Week. Our goal is is to promote safe driving practices and prevent unsafe ones when we see them by empowering passengers to "SPEAK UP" when their lives are in danger from a reckless driver.

You have a choice! By speaking up you share that you care about the lives of your friends, family members and even strangers. We urge you - choose to stay safe by intervening.

People across the country are signing the Courage to Intervene Promise. They are letting everyone know they will not ride with anyone who is drunk, drugged, distracted.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, passengers account for 24% of vehicle fatalities nationwide. Many of these passengers would be alive today if they had just spoken up.

Parents, don't forget to download our "Questions to ask your teen before they become a passenger check list." Remember you are entrusting your child to someone who will be responsible for their safety.

We see a friend who’s had too much to drink at a party walking to their car and we don’t stop them.

We watch as a family member  picks up a phone call behind the wheel.

We let a friend leave our house to drive to the store after smoking some marijuana "because it’s just down the street."

These things happen countless times every single day, and they frequently end with arrests, shame, humiliation, huge fines, and many times these choices end injury and death. Whatever the outcome, people are usually left wishing that they had done something more.

  • If only I had stopped that friend from driving drunk.
  • If only I had said something when the driver picked up that phone call.
  • If only I told my friend to keep their marijuana use at home.
  • If only I had the Courage To Intervene.

One courageous voice can stop one deadly choice.

Have the Courage To Intervene.

Take Action and Save Lives!


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