Welcome to RVCC Moments, a monthly electronic newsletter that provides information about the latest developments at RVCC.
Register for Spring Classes

It’s not too late! There’s still time to register for Spring Semester classes. A 10-week session starts February 16 and a seven-week session starts March 16.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)
Information Sessions

RVCC is holding both in-person and virtual Information Sessions in February and March, including special sessions focusing on Early College; the College’s Beauty, Auto Tech, and Medical Laboratory Technology programs; and the Honors College. Registration is suggested for all Admissions events.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)
Top ROI for Low-Income Students

A study by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, “The Colleges Where Low-Income Students Get the Highest ROI,” ranks RVCC as the top community college in New Jersey for low-income students getting the highest ROI (return on investment).
Virtual Transfer Fairs

Take advantage of RVCC’s high quality, affordable programs for your first two years of college and then transfer to a four-year school. Learn more about transferring to a NJ college or university after RVCC at an upcoming NJ State-Wide Virtual Transfer Fair. Learn about transfer opportunities, scholarship assistance, and more.
Professional Development

In commemoration of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, RVCC’s Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies will present an online teacher workshop, “The Little Polish Boy” with Nancy Gorrell, March 3, from 4-5:30 pm.

The workshop will provide participants with a published, turnkey lesson plan by the presenter, as well as related readings, online resources, and student poetry focusing on the Holocaust and the teaching of empathy, prejudice reduction, and peace.

Field Trips, Private Shows

The RVCC Planetarium is once again welcoming visitors for in-person field trips and private shows for groups of 1-75 people. Planetarium shows run 45-60 minutes. Groups also may participate in a scavenger hunt (about 10-20 minutes), which can be tailored to any age group and may be done before or after a show. The Planetarium also offers a small exhibit area and a gift shop that sells books, toys, and Astronaut ice cream. Presentations cost $200 for up to 20 people; the cost for additional guests is $10 per person. Face masks are required in all RVCC facilities, including the Planetarium.

The Planetarium also offers virtual field trips at a cost of $100 per group.

More information:

Season Announced

The Theatre at RVCC will present a limited, in-person season this winter and spring, featuring a variety of performance styles and genres--from traditional and contemporary Irish tunes, to hilarious comedy and astonishing juggling, to powerful renditions of great soul music.

RVCC: Making College Affordable

At RVCC, we believe everyone deserves access to high quality education regardless of their financial situation. With diverse scholarships, loans, and financial aid options, we make sure our students can prepare for their future at an affordable price.
Did You Know?

RVCC offers students far more than just a great education. The College has close to 50 student clubs and organizations on campus--from honor societies and cultural clubs, to student government and special interest clubs.