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The Healthy Nudge

October 2024

Welcome to The Healthy Nudge. Each month, we'll get you up to speed on the latest developments in policy-relevant health behavioral economics research at CHIBE. See our 5 top stories below.

CHIBE external advisory board

1) CHIBE unveils 2023-2024 Annual Report

Take a look at CHIBE's newest annual report showcasing our faculty and staff's achievements and research findings. Find the report here.

2) How diet affects the brain over a lifetime

An American Heart Association story featuring CHIBE Director Dr. Kevin Volpp

Even short-term consumption of an unhealthy diet high in saturated fats and sugar can trigger brain inflammation and potentially harm cognition, studies show. While it's unclear how neuroinflammatory processes affect the hippocampus – the part of the brain that controls memory and cognition – numerous studies have found links between eating a high-fat diet, neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment.

"It's important for patients to recognize that any single indulgence may not seem to matter – and probably doesn't – but over time, their choices will influence their long-term health," Dr. Volpp said. "And we need to be aware of that in terms of the patterns we put in place." Read the article here.

3) Q&A with CHIBE Roybal Retreat keynote speaker: Dr. Ingrid Nembhard

A CHIBE blog post featuring Dr. Ingrid Nembhard

ingrid headshot

CHIBE spoke with the 2024 Roybal Retreat keynote speaker Dr. Ingrid Nembhard, Fishman Family President’s Distinguished Professor, Professor of Health Care Management, and Professor of Management (Organizational Behavior) at Wharton, ahead of the Roybal Retreat in Hershey, PA, on October 14-15. Dr. Nembhard will be speaking about “Moving from Innovation to Improvement” in her keynote. Hear about her thoughts on the role of psychological safety in organizations and more. Read more here.

george loewenstein

4) CHIBE Check-In: A Q&A with Dr. George Loewenstein

A CHIBE blog post with affiliate Dr. George Loewenstein

CHIBE spoke with Dr. George Loewenstein about what he’s been working on recently, what impact he’s seen from his i-frame and s-frame paper that garnered a lot of attention two years ago, and his thoughts on being the face of behavioral economics on Reddit. He also shares a story of how someone approached him after a talk and "told me that my presentation made him question the research he had been doing for decades, and made him more depressed than he had ever been in his life." Read more here.

5) BE ACTIVE paper wins James T. Willerson Award in clinical science

A blog post on a CHIBE team paper

Congratulations to Penn’s BE ACTIVE research team, which won the 2024 James T. Willerson Award in Clinical Science from Circulation for their paper on the “Effect of Gamification, Financial Incentives, or Both to Increase Physical Activity Among Patients at High Risk of Cardiovascular Events: The BE ACTIVE Randomized Controlled Trial.” The award recognizes the best clinical paper published in Circulation in the last 12 months. Read more here.

In Case You Missed It

CHIBE and the Behavior Change for Good Initiative (BCFG) co-hosted the kickoff keynote of a new CHIBE research seminar series on behavioral science and health. The keynote event featured Dr. Supreet Kaur and was facilitated by BCFG's Co-Director Dr. Katy Milkman and CHIBE's Scientific Director Dr. Alison Buttenheim. If you missed it, catch the recording on YouTube here.

CHIBE and BCFG seminar

Behavioral Economics Course

December 3, 2024 – February 3, 2025*

Behavioral Economics and Decision Making (HCIN6020a and 6020b -001)

Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD


In this course, learn how deliberate decisions about choice architecture and incentive design can help us improve workplace health incentives, physician practices, and patient health behaviors.


Penn staff, faculty, and graduate or professional students with approval from their program, as well as individuals with health care or relevant work experience are invited to take this 6-week-long, online graduate course. Each week follows a pattern of asynchronous learning through brief videos, readings, written discussions with classmates, and real-world projects and assignments, plus a 1-hour synchronous class. Penn employees may use tuition benefits toward this course. This course is part of the Master of Health Care Innovation (MHCI) curriculum. A 4-course certificate is also available.

To register or for more information, contact Caitlin O'Neill at, or click here.


*Note: This is a multi-term course that spans from the fall term to the spring term. Students must take BOTH parts of the course. Students will earn 0.5 cu in each term for a 1 cu total for the course. Student will earn 1 letter grade for the entire multi-term course.

More from CHIBE

From LDI: Report from the 2024 Penn Nudges in Health Care Symposium

Can nudges be leveraged to enhance diversity in organizations? A systematic review

Breaking hospital discharge gridlock through policy reforms

Characterizing the ambulatory safety-net system to improve health equity

Buprenorphine-precipitated withdrawal among hospitalized patients using fentanyl

Design and rationale of Penn Medicine Healthy Heart, a randomized trial of effectiveness of a centrally organized approach to blood pressure and cholesterol improvement among patients at elevated risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

The Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE) at the University of Pennsylvania conducts behavioral economics research aimed at reducing the disease burden from major public health problems.

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