Worship this Sunday: 8 and 10:15 am

View or download the bulletin hereRead the lessons here

• Watch the livestream on Facebook or YouTube

Garden of Love Sorting Saturdays

The Garden of Love will hold two more “Sorting Saturdays” this spring – 10 am to noon, May 4 and May 25 – so it’s time to start sorting through your closets and such for warmer weather items to donate for our neighbors in need. On sorting days, volunteers go through donations and prepare racks of clothing to distribute in the weeks ahead. Donations can be brought to the first floor of the ministry center (at the Main Street end of Cathedral Park) on the sorting days or email Canon Mike to arrange another time during the week. Clothing is distributed at the Garden of Love ministry on Tuesdays, 11:30-1. As the weather warms, we need washable, easy-care clothing items, especially for men, including light jackets, hoodies, and rain gear; gently-word athletic shoes, jeans and pants, shirts and tees. Light, washable blankets, hats, umbrellas, belts, and bags are also nice to have on hand. 

Directory Updates and Photos

Sundays May 5, 12, and 19

After each worship service, the first three Sundays in May, you are invited to check your directory information and offer updates (or add your name!) and have an informal photo taken. This will be used to create a directory to share in the congregation and to help the new dean get to know the Cathedral community. After the 10:15 service, each of these Sundays, this will take place in the Walker Room and volunteers are needed to help with the directory checks and photos.

Email Dean Twila if you can assist.

The Feast of the Ascension

Bring contributions to the Ascension Basket in the church entry by this Sunday

As many in the community are aware, it was on the Feast of the Ascension, in 1888, that a fire gutted the Cathedral. In the rebuilding, the large stained glass window above the high altar was changed from a depiction of St. Paul (a window that was destroyed) to the Ascension. At the time, it would have been volunteer firefighters working to bring the blaze under control and protecting both people and nearby structures. Today, Station 2 of the Buffalo Fire Department is our neighbor and firefighters continue to put themselves at risk to protect the community. Last year, we showed our gratitude with a gift basket of coffee and individually-wrapped, healthy treats, along with a note of thanks. Will you join in expressing our thanks this year? Bring items and thank you notes by Sunday, May 5.

First Tuesday Connections – This Week

Social Hour at 7 and Compline at 8 p.m.

A version of coffee hour takes place the First Tuesday of the month, at 7 p.m. For an hour, members and friends of St. Paul’s meet together on Zoom, share experiences, discuss the news, connect with friends old and new. At 8, we share in Compline. Stop in and say hello.

Connect with Zoom

Meeting ID: 716 855 0900 | Password: 4cathedral

By Phone: 929-205-6099 | Access code: 716 855 0900 | Password: 535 007 8352

Funeral Scheduled

The funeral for Monica Lawrence will be held at the Cathedral, 1 p.m. Saturday, May 11, and all are welcome to attend.

Baptism – May 12

Come and rejoice in a baptism (at the 10:15 service) and renew your own baptismal vows. Phil Cunningham will preach at both services. 

Ordinations May 18

Persons needed to assist – including hospitality and as greeters/ushers

One of the wonderful roles for a Cathedral is to host Diocesan Partnership worship services and we will be the site for ordinations at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 18. We need volunteers to serve in a variety of ways, including with hospitality and as greeters/ushers. We cannot yet announce who will be ordained, but please consider joining a Cathedral crew to help make this a memorable day for them.

Sunday, May 19 – On this day, we recognize the descent of the Holy Spirit and signal of God’s presence – alive and always with us – enlivening God’s mission in the world. Wear red and come to pray for the Cathedral’s mission in our downtown neighborhood, the city of Buffalo, and beyond.

Worship Through the Week

Thursdays, Holy Eucharist – 12:05 Holy Eucharist on Thursdays, meeting in the Oratory Chapel (upper level of the church, near the pulpit).

On Social Media – Follow the Cathedral Facebook for prayers and devotions through the week, including a brief, Monday morning devotional on Facebook Live.

Serving in Worship

Persons needed for 10:15 a.m. worship, to serve at the chalice

The desire has been expressed to continue offering an option for communion at the high altar and to do so, we need two persons each week to serve at chalice, a role known as a Eucharistic Minister. Are you willing to serve in this way? Training is provided. Contact Dean Twila to volunteer or for more information. We also have openings to for people to help launder the small linens we use for communion each week.

Prayer and Pastoral Care 

We lift up the following in prayer: Judy, Thomas, Mark, M’Lou, Patrick, Lisa, David, Judy, Michelle, Amir, Martha, Leonard, Leann, Josephine, Billy, Margaret, Betty Lou, Linda, Barbara, Len, Lenny, Michael, Heather, Gail, Rob, Galen, Elaine, Viola, Albert, John, Lindsay, Sharon, Allen, Renee, Shirley, Joni, Jim and Judy, Andrea, Don, Bob and Carol, Sue, and Rachel. We also remember Bishop Harold Barrett Robinson, Sylvester Handel Pratt, Jean Morgan Templeton, Elmer Hoebel, and all those in the life of the Cathedral who have died in years past and their loved ones who remember them. • If you have requests to add to the weekly Prayers of the People or a name to add for the prayers of clergy and the Pastoral Care Team, please email prayerrequests.

• If you know someone in need of pastoral care, please contact Judy Elliott or Canon Barbara Price.

Diocesan Partnership and Church News

See the Diocesan Partnership newsletter here.

• For more news about the Dioceses of WNY and NWPA and to sign up for emailed newsletters, go here.

• The Episcopal Church website offers resources for individuals, congregations, and various ministries.

If you are with a group meeting on Zoom,
use the following link, unless specified otherwise:
Meeting ID: 716 855 0900 Password: 4cathedral
By Phone: 929-205-6099 Access code: 716 855 0900 Password: 535 007 8352
St. Paul's Cathedral | 716-855-0900 | 139 Pearl Street, Buffalo, NY 14202

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