President’s Message: AAVLD is Engaged | |
| | Doesn’t it seem like last week when we were all in National Harbor, MD for our national meeting with USAHA? As you will read below, the Program Committee has been working hard preparing and planning for our upcoming 2024 in Nashville, TN. Dr. Tanya LeRoith, our President-elect, chairs the committee and will regularly communicate about registration, abstracts, and other meeting events. Our 2023 meeting was a success and was attended by AAVLD and USAHA members. The proximity to Capitol Hill facilitated effective meetings with veterinarians and staffers working with the Senate and House Agriculture and Agriculture Appropriations Committees. We were very excited that they had the “3-legged stool” concept walking in the door! The pre-conference seminars and our scientific meetings were well attended, showing off the great work done in AAVLD laboratories each day. Our plenary session was a success with topics that were timely and directly applicable to workforce development and the exhibit hall was always full! All good news.
I would also like to thank all of our members and laboratories for their hard work and dedication to multiple infectious disease outbreaks that are occurring simultaneously. The high level of collaboration and collegiality is inspiring and I think we should all be proud of that. Thank you for all you do to support public and animal health and welfare!
Lastly, I have to say that I am jealous of Iowa State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory’s newly opened Phase 1 facility. Thanks to ISU’s leadership for inviting AAVLD to be part of the ribbon cutting and start of Phase 2. They have a beautiful facility and were gracious hosts. I always learn a lot by visiting AAVLD laboratories!
Keith Poulsen, DVM PhD, DACVIM
AAVLD President
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Editors Note: AAVLD EB engages at the March Government Relations Committee Meeting in Washington DC. A huge thank you to our partner, the USAHA, and to the NCBA for hosting us for one day of agency meetings; and the AVMA for hosting us the second day of agency meetings. Working together works! David. H. Zeman, AAVLD Executive Director. | |
Everybody needs a buddy
Who remembers their first time attending the AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting? I remember being completely confused, and lonely. What is the House of Delegates? Why are there so many committees, and who can go to them? What is the difference between the Virology Committee and the Virology scientific session? I didn’t know anyone other than a few people from my lab. I ate meals by myself. You know what I needed? A meeting buddy!
The AAVLD Membership Committee is launching a new program to make that first meeting better for newcomers: Meeting Buddies. A meeting buddy is somebody willing to take a newcomer under their wing for the annual meeting – to attend new member orientation with them, explain the committee system, suggest committees that might fit their interests, take them to committee meetings and scientific sessions as feasible, introduce them to people, answer questions, and generally make them feel welcome.
As part of the meeting registration process, you’ll be asked if you’re willing to be a meeting buddy (or would like to have a meeting buddy). If so, we will pair you up! We’ll also have a private Facebook group available so that newbies can connect (and with their meeting buddies) outside of the meeting as well. Please let us know if you have any questions!
Ashley Hill & Melissa Macias Rioseco
Co-Chairs, AAVLD Membership Committee
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Please accept our apologies on behalf of AAVLD. The JVDI Journal link experienced some access issues for a few days. Good news! The problem has been fixed.
pp. 153-290
Volume 36, Issue 2, March 2024
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Reminder! Call for Abstracts
This message is a reminder to be thinking about your abstract submissions for the AAVLD/USAHA annual meeting. Please also encourage others to present their work at the meeting – this is where we get to share and hear about the great work that we’re all doing!! The deadline for submission is only two months away on June 24th, 2024! This is for both awards and general abstracts. Only those applying for awards need to submit a recording, and those recordings are due by September 4th, 2024. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in Nashville!
Submit your abstract!
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AAVLD Job Career Center
Most current job postings are available.
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Celebratory ribbons fly during a dedication ceremony and Phase 2 groundbreaking for the new Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab on Thursday, April 4, 2024. (Christopher Gannon/Iowa State University)
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Bring on the news!
AAVLD Membership, please send your laboratory news to Dave Zeman, Executive Director
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The Annual Meeting Nashville, Tennessee, October 10-16,2024
The program Schedule coming soon!
Learn more details...
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Bovine astrovirus and its role in lymphocytic encephalitis in cattle in Ontario, Canada, 1988–2019, Comeau et al.
Abstract. Astroviruses have been found in cattle and other species with encephalitis. Our objective was to determine the frequency of neurotropic bovine astrovirus (BoAstV) in cases of encephalitis in cattle ≥ 4-mo-old. Of 56 cases of idiopathic lymphocytic encephalitis examined retrospectively (1988–2019), fixed brain from 11 cases (19%) tested positive by semi-quantitative RT-PCR for BoAstV CH13/NeuroS1. None of the control cases tested positive, including 32 with other forms of encephalitis and 40 with no neurologic disease. Most astrovirus-positive cases were 1–2-y-old, with a range of 7 mo to 7 y, and affected both beef and dairy breeds with wide geographic distribution. BoAstV-positive cases had acute onset of neurologic signs of 12 h to 7 d before death or euthanasia. Affected cattle had lymphocytic inflammation throughout the brain including cerebrum, thalamus, midbrain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord, and affecting gray and white matter. More
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The Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation is the official journal of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. The mission of the Journal is to educate by informing readers of progress in veterinary laboratory medicine and related fields of endeavor. The key objectives of the JVDI are to promote the science of veterinary laboratory medicine and the betterment of animal and public health. JVDI fully supports diversity, equity, and inclusion in our publishing activities.
Editor-in-chief, Dr. Grant Maxie /
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I find it quite improbable that such ORDER came out of CHAOS.
~Allan Sandage- American Astronomer
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Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible.'
~ Audrey Hepburn
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Functions of AAVLD Committees
Committees serve multiple functions that are essential to the AAVLD mission. This includes dissemination of the latest scientific information that will advance the many disciplines engaged with diagnostic medicine, including:
AAVLD Committee enrollment form
Click here for full article:
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2022 Pathology Slide Set for sale |
Slide sets are $60.00 including shipping/handling within the US. If international, please supply your FedEx/UPS account number.
2022 Pathology Slide Seminar slide sets
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2023 Annual Meeting Gallery
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2023 Scientific Sessions video presentations available for viewing.
Go to the AAVLD Recourse menu and select CE Resources and Archive submenu.
Take a look
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- Annual Meeting Proceedings
- Annual Meeting Scientific Presentations (Video and PDF Posters)
- Plenary Sessions
- Testimonials
Click here for full article:
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Take advantage of the terrific AAVLD resources offered to our members | |
Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary... | We use cookies on this site to enhance your experience. By using our website you accept our use of cookies. Yes, I agree More Information Cookies YourMembership uses cookies for your convenience and security. Cookies are text files stored on the... | | | |
Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary...
The American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians offers the top jobs available in Veterinary diagnostic labs. Search and apply to open positions or post jobs on the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians now.
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2025 Renewals are due by November 15!
'Membership is January to December'
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AAVLD membership is open to any individual interested in the disciplines and activities of veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Membership terms are by calendar year (January-December) and membership dues are payable by November 15th of the preceding year (to ensure inclusion in the annual membership directory, eligibility for committee involvement, and receipt of all six issues of the JVDI). Note: In order to receive a discounted rate for the Annual Meeting registration, you are required to be a current AAVLD Member. | |
Did your membership Lapse? | |
Please select 'Renew Now' to access the Lapsed Membership renewal form. ->Quick Links->Renew Now->here you can access the Lapsed Membership Form.
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AAVLD & News Worthy Events | |
2023 Student Travel and
Student Competitive Awardees
click here
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2024 AAVLD / NVSL Diagnostic Summer Symposium
June 10-13, 2024
Cornell University
Animal Health Diagnostic Center
Ithaca, New York
2024 AAVLD / USAHA Annual Meeting
Thursday, October 10, 2024 - Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee
2024 Summer AAVLD Executive Board Budget Meeting
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Zoom Meeting
2024 Summer AAVLD Accreditation Meeting
August Zoom Meeting
AAVLD Meeting Calendar
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Do you have ideas to improve the AAVLD annual meeting? Contact David Zeman
Would you like to sponsor an event? Contact
What ever your contribution to the AAVLD mission, we need you!
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Experience highly selective prepared media culture... | Highly selective pre-poured media culture devices, engineered for specimen transport, isolation, identification, and differentiation. | | | |
Contact Us | Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics | Longhorn is in close communication with the FEMA/HHS about supply capacity expansion. We are working with buyers to optimize tube selection to match available swabs and to fit into existing automation systems. 2 Bethesda Metro CenterSuite... | | | |
Thank you
2023 Annual Meeting Sponsors
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The generous contributions and participation by our Exhibitors and Sponsors are a huge part of our conference's success year after year. On behalf of the AAVLD, we would like to thank these companies for their commitment to our organization and helping us to achieve our mission. | |
2024 AAVLD Partners
Thank you for your sponsorships!
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Advanced Technology Corp. | Veterinary Practice Management Software, Laboratory Information Management Software | | | |
AAVLD Foundation Committee
Brett Webb- Cochair
Cristy Mayo- Cochair
Bruce Akey, Tim Baszler, Beate Crossley, Francois Elvinger, Pat Halbur, Donal O'Toole, Kristy Pabilonia, Jamie Retallick, Kerry Sondgeroth, David Zeman, and Ashley Hill
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The AAVLD Foundation is a non-profit foundation that raises funds for the advancement of veterinary diagnostic laboratory disciplines through scholarship programs, student travel support to our scientific meetings, guest lectures, seminars, professional awards, and research programs. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible 501(c)(3) and can be paid when you renew your AAVLD membership. Thank you for remembering your AAVLD Foundation!
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