🌷Spring has definitely sprung! 🌷

Last month I mentioned I had been working on a few big projects so in the spirit of renewal and growth, I'm excited to be able to share this update with you!

I've been working on transitioning how everything runs behind the scenes into one super powerful platform that will allow me to serve you better! It's a labour-intensive process and the tech side of things often has me feeling like:

But it's soooo worth it because what it will mean for you in the long term is:

  • More streamlined communications
  • More efficient booking systems
  • Ability to deliver more of the programs you've been asking for 🎉
  • All super safe and secure as always.

What this means for you in the short term:

  • For those enrolled in online courses you can expect to get an email in the next week asking you to set up a new password.
  • For all: you may need to confirm your email address along the way.

I'm working hard to minimize inconvenience to you and ensure all goes smoothy but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns

It's just the beginning of something special - more to be revealed in next month's newsletter so stay tuned!

Warmest wags,

Caroline and Harry


Thank you to all who participated in the poll last month! Your feedback was so helpful I decided to run it again in case anyone missed their chance to chime in. Please let me know your thoughts below ⬇️

what would be of benefit to you and your dog? select as many as you like!
Book reviews/suggestions
Podcast recommendations
Office hours (a regular drop in service for questions)
Monthly meet ups
Single topic classes (recall, leash manners, drop it, doorway manners, counter surfing, etc.)
More on-demand (self study) programs
Anything else? Reply to this email with your suggestions!


my favourite reads & gear for you and your dog

Last month you let me know that one of the things you would most like to see more of is book, podcast & product recommendations - I heard you and hope you like the new feature!

My first pick for you is one of my all time favourite books - it's not new but it's as relevant as ever:

The Other End of the Leash by Dr Patricia McConnell

Combining science with heart it's a close look at our relationships with our dogs, and how to improve communication between the species. Well written and guaranteed to help you make the most of your life with your dog. You can pick it up in my amazon shop!

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FYI: this feature will be disappearing soon so be sure to follow on Instagram to keep getting tips & info!

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Stop asking your fearful or reactive dog to sit in the presence of a trigger

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