Technical Tips for Belt Conveyors - April
Conveyor belt designers and users frequently ask us for advice on how to determine required belt pull and power on bulk handling conveyors. This "technical tip" answers how to calculate the drag exerted on a conveyor by a skirt board system.
Rulmeca Corporation published a new Motorized Pulley flyer for bulk handling applications. Click here.
Rulmeca published a new Motorized Pulley flyer for unit handling and food processing applications. Click here.
Sales Rep Seminar
Rulmeca hosted a sales rep seminar on April 13 & 14. These sales people take the Rulmeca Motorized Pulley message to end users in industries such as food production, mining, recycling, and construction. Click here.
School Career Day
Rulmeca Corporation participated with employers and colleges in the Wilmington, NC area to meet students in New Hanover County Schools. This was an opportunity to meet with our future workforce face-to-face, answer questions about careers in manufacturing and sales, and explain what Rulmeca Corporation does. Click here.
Rulmeca Corporation
3200 Corporate Drive, Suite D
Wilmington, NC 28405, USA
T. 910-794-9294
F. 910-794-9296
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