August 31, 2022
  • Please Pause and Give Thanks to Michigan's Laborers
  • Support Area Youth & Connect with Industry Colleagues on September 7th
  • Save 5% by Returning Your Buyers Guide Contracts by September 30th
  • CAMTEC's Featured Classes
  • 2023 EXPO Is Six Months Away - It's Time to Reserve Your Booth Space!
  • Have You Joined the CAM Community?
  • CAM Auto Program: Order Your 2023 RAM Truck Today 
  • AIA Detroit's Celebration of Architecture Takes Place September 15th
  • MDHHS Pays for You to Become a Certified Lead Professional
  • Labor Rights Week Takes Place August 29th-September 2nd
  • Save the Date: CAM to Hold 1st Workforce Development Conference
“Without labor, nothing prospers.”
- Sophocles
From work on our state's bridges and roads to the landmark construction projects taking place in our downtown areas to the clean up and restoration efforts after Monday's storms, Michigan's workforce is pushing it hard. Please join the Construction Association of Michigan in thanking our state's laborers for keeping things working, running, and building strong. We hope you all take some time to relax, recharge, and enjoy the long weekend with your families.

Happy Labor Day. stay safe.
Support Area Youth & Connect with Industry Colleagues on September 7th

Take advantage of this opportunity to network, socialize, and support a worthy cause with all members of the industry, from general contractors, subcontractors and developers, to architects, designers, engineers and a multitude of vendors.

Over the past 16 years, Building Connections has raised over $2.5 million to support Scouting programs in southeastern Michigan. Do you know a Scout looking to go into a construction-related career field? They can apply to win a special scholarship!
2023 EXPO Is Six Months Away - It's Time to Reserve Your Booth Space
CAM's 2023 EXPO comes to the Suburban Collection Showplace on Wednesday, February 15, 2023! This exciting, one-day event combines the Great Lakes Design and Construction EXPO, CAM Magazine Special Issue Awards, and CAM’s Annual Meeting. Planned in conjunction with the Home Builders Association of Southeastern Michigan and sponsored by Lake Michigan Credit Union.
We thank the most recent companies that have registered as exhibitors for the 2023 EXPO:
Michigan Glass Coatings
Watertap Inc.
SMRCA / Roofers Union Local 149
Ditch Witch Sales of Michigan
Eastern Engineering
CoverMe LLC
See the full list of exhibitors and links to their websites on the EXPO WEBSITE. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity - reserve your booth today! CLICK HERE > to learn more.
Save 5% by Returning Your Buyers Guide Contracts by September 30th
CAM Construction Buyers Guide contracts were mailed to all members in August – return forms with payment by September 30th and receive a 5% discount on your listing!

More than 4,000 free copies of the book are distributed to contractors, owners, buyers, and construction industry pros each year. In addition to the printed guide, listed companies are searchable through the Mobile App. There are now options to upgrade your listing to get more visibility to industry colleagues and decisionmakers!  CLICK HERE > to learn more.
CAMTEC's Upcoming Classes
Please see the links below for upcoming class information, cost, and registration. If you need further assistance, email Patti Scherer or call (248) 972-1133. CAMTEC also has training rooms to rent! Contact us for more information.
September 5th-October 24th
5:00 p.m-8:00 p.m.
September 7th
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
September 7th
9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
September 8th
8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
September 14th-15th
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
September 20th-21st
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Have You Joined the CAM Community?
The CAM Community is a space for members to connect, collaborate, and engage with one another. If you haven’t activated your access, what are you waiting for? In the last 60 days, you’ve missed:

  • 22 posts by members and CAM staff
  • 9 job postings
  • 3 suggested podcasts
  • 2 CAM networking events

Access the Community: CLICK HERE > to login to your member account. Once logged in, click Connect, and then Community.
CAM Auto Program: Order Your 2023 RAM Truck Today
CAM members can get their 2023 model trucks built through a VIP contract with RAM. Vehicles available include the RAM 1500, 2500, 3500, and 3500-500 cab and chassis, with a choice of body style. There are a limited number of vehicles that will be built through this special program powered by Momentum Groups, and order banks open soon! For more information, CLICK HERE > and select “Michigan (CAM)” from the drop-down list under “Exchange member of” or EMAIL > / call 877-YR-FLEET ext. 1.
AIA Detroit's Celebration of Architecture Takes Place September 15th
The AIA Detroit Celebration of Architecture is the largest annual gathering of AEC professionals in Michigan. This year's celebration takes place on Thursday, September 15th during the annual Eastern Market After Dark event. In store for 2022 is a pop-up flash mob-style fashion show, AIA's Honor Awards presentation, local food trucks, live music, drinks, dancing, and fantastic networking opportunities. Early bird tickets are available through tomorrow, September 1st. CLICK HERE > to learn more.
MDHHS Pays for You to Become a Certified Lead Professional
The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services' lead hazard control services are expanding and serving more Michigan residents, creating a growing need for a larger lead abatement workforce. The group's scholarship program covers the fees for training and state exam to become a certified lead professional. Must be 18 years of age and a first-time lead professional. CLICK HERE > to learn more or contact MDHHS (517) 275-2994 to apply.
Labor Rights Week Takes Place August 29th-September 2nd
During Labor Rights Week, the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) emphasizes the rights of all workers in the United States to a safe and healthful workplace and full payment of wages earned. The USDOL works to improve the well-being of underserved, marginalized, and excluded communities and ensuring that all workers’ voices are heard.
Durante la Semana de los Derechos Laborales hacemos hincapié en los derechos de todos los trabajadores de Estados Unidos a un lugar de trabajo seguro y saludable y al pago íntegro de los salarios ganados. El Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. se compromete a mejorar el bienestar de las comunidades desatendidas, marginadas y excluidas, y a garantizar que las voces de todos los trabajadores sean escuchadas.

Resources are available to support this effort. USDOL staff is available to speak with workers in Spanish and many other languages. CLICK HERE > to learn more.
Save the Date: CAM to Hold 1st Workforce Development Conference
On Friday, December 2nd, CAM will present a one-day workforce development conference with multiple workshops focusing on recruiting and retaining employees, as well as on ways to boost the performance of your workforce. Topics include construction technology, pre-fabrication techniques, recruitment strategies, effective communication styles, and more. 

Anyone with a responsibility for supervising employees - including HR professionals, project managers, and senior leaders - should attend. Stay tuned for additional information! Exhibitor opportunities are available. CONTACT US > for more information.

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Construction Association of Michigan | 248.972.1000 | Fax 248.972.1001