Learning and Growing

Monthly RE Bulletin for the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

May 3rd, 2024

Devin's Musings

I remember my first Religious Exploration Sunday as a religious professional. As I planned, I wondered whether or not the adults would experience the worship as relevant to their lives. The theme of the service was "What can we learn from youth?"

I had an 8th Grader preach that year and she reflected on her theology. Her point? We are powerless over others and only when we accept that can we enjoy life to the fullest. As a member of Alateen, she shared experience, strength, and hope with all who attended the service. Alateen is for young people aged 13 to 18 who have been affected by someone else’s drinking. That day during coffee hour someone asked if they could have an impromptu fireside chat with her to reflect further. My dream had come true! Adults were choosing to learn from this 13-year-old youth who, in her short lifetime, had a lot to teach adults.

I'm drawing on that theme once again. We'll highlight the wisdom of children and youth on May 19th for our own RE Sunday. I hope you'll make it and wonder how you can receive the wisdom of children and youth with curiosity and joy. We can all renew our commitment to intergenerational relationships.


This Month's Theme: Renewal

We are renewed by so many things: nature, each other, memory, music, play, solitude, silence,

and - of course - our faith. Through small groups, calls to justice work, worship, caring for one

another, covenant and accountability, our faith breathes new life into us.

May 5th: All Together Sunday

Mental health can be challenging for people of all ages. One way to alleviate that is to make and write in gratitude journals. After sharing our Joys and Concerns, we will think about gratitude and how it helps make us happier, healthier, and feel renewed.


Sunday Morning Highlights

May 12th

All children, youth, and families are encouraged to attend the Louis D Brown Peace Institute’s 28th Mother’s Day Walk for Peace!

The peace institute’s goal is to empower survivors and communities impacted by murder, trauma, grief and loss to cultivate cycles of peace and healing. To register to walk or to donate to our team effort visit

This year’s walk is on May 12th. Team captains are Valerie Miller & Kevan Heartshorn visit them at coffee hour. To learn more about the Louis D Brown Peace Institute visit

For those who choose to come to FUUSN that morning, children and youth will have an All Together Sunday gathering including card-making for the important women in their lives.

May 19th is RE Sunday!

This year, our RE Sunday will explore what it means to have a multi-generational community and intergenerational relationships. We'll focus on the youngest among us, by asking:  "What can we learn from children and youth?" and "How do we lift their voices and elevate their initiatives?"

We will hear from children and youth, and we will celebrate our volunteers who make sure their voices are heard throughout the life and ministry of this congregation. We will also celebrate our high school seniors bridging to adulthood and recognize a college graduate.

We will hear about one youth-led initiative from Skye Larson and Skye's friend Emily Riordan and their work helping Rosie's Place. They will tell us more about their work and what they have done so far, we will share the plate with Rosie's Place, and the youth group will sell baked goods and sandwiches during coffee hour to benefit Rosie's Place.

Sandy Island Retreat - Memorial Day Weekend

NOTE: Online payment is not yet ready. Please do not make online payments. We'll let you know when the payment form is available.

It's time once again to head up to New Hampshire and relax with all your favorite FUUSN folx! Every Memorial Day Weekend our congregation is invited to Sandy Island Camp on a small island in Lake Winnipesaukee, NH, for an annual retreat (May 25-27, 2024). We stay in rustic cabins and eat shared meals (prepared by the Sandy Island staff) in the dining hall. Visit the link below for more info.

All FUUSNites and their families/friends (no pets) are invited to join in this opportunity for relaxation, enjoyment of nature and connection within our community. Newcomers are especially welcome, as the weekend offers many ways to meet and engage with folks of all ages and interests.

REGISTER HERE. Anyone having difficulties with any of this may contact Sandy Island Coordinator Denise Bousquet at <>.

We run our own activities during our weekend retreat. If you'd like to create a new activity, or repeat a previous one, please contact our Sandy Island Activities Coordinator, Emily Gelbert <>.

Volunteer Opportunities

We still need volunteers to help run RE programs. If you're interested, please sign up.

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