May 3, 2024

Dear Friends,

I love our church. I love it when we gather together. I love to greet people in the parking lot, greet them in the lobby and then in the Worship Center. It is obvious that we are more than just a crowd meeting together to sing a few songs and then be entertained by a motivational speaker. Instead, I see old friends, I see new friends, I see close friends, and I see people who are becoming close friends connecting with one another. This past Sunday, I observed our gathering as we participated in receiving communion, and I saw the mighty hand of God molding us into a family, brothers and sisters in Christ connecting with the Christ of all compassion. As God’s family we experience both gladness and sadness. We are glad when we celebrate the sacraments, dedicate our children, and hear testimonies of God at work in the lives of our people. We experience sadness when we say “good bye” to one of our own as they step out into a new adventure. We will experience both gladness and sadness this Sunday, as we dedicate children, hear a powerful testimony from Dr. Mark Reader, and say farewell to Pastor Barbie & Greg Courter as they step out into a new chapter in their lives. Pastor Barbie has been a blessing to our church for the past 25 years. She ministered through our preschool and then as our Children’s Pastor, but as it is for all of us, there comes that time to retire.


Join us as we celebrate her ministry and dedicate Pastor Barbie & Greg as they embark on their retirement journey to Idaho. And if I forget, remind me about the number 3370.


We’d love to answer your questions, and help you get connected. To complete our connection card, click here.


If you need intercessory prayer, contact Clover Johnson at 361.2489 [text or voicemail]. Requests will be shared with the email prayer team.


If you would like to be a part of this team, contact Pastor Colene at


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Sunday Worship Services | 9:00AM

Discipleship Ministries | 10:15AM | Classes for all ages

Live Stream | 9:00AM | Facebook | YouTube

Children's Church | 9:00AM

Sunday School | 10:15AM

Nursery & Childcare | 9:00 & 10:15AM

Youth Group, 10:15AM


Bible Studies & Electives | Adults, Youth & Kids

Connect with us online at

Service & Event Updates | Text @pnupdates to 81010

Children's Updates | Text @pnkids to 81010

Youth Updates | Text @portnazyo to 81010

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